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在暗黑破坏神系列游戏中,'''Easter Eggs(复活节彩蛋)'''对暗黑迷来说,是个惊喜抑或奖励.[]<br /> 总所周知的秘密奶牛关,是复活节彩蛋的主要特征代表.但更常见的是内部的小玩笑.例如:[[暗黑破坏神2]]游戏里的装备,怪物,[[雇佣兵]]和其他东西用游戏设计者和一些游戏迷网站,社区的杰出人士的名字命名.<br /> 此页包括了整个暗黑破坏神游戏系列的复活节彩蛋.另见:<br /> * [[Diablo I Easter Eggs|暗黑破坏神1的复活节彩蛋]] * [[Diablo II Easter Eggs|暗黑破坏神2的复活节彩蛋]] * [[Diablo III Easter Eggs|暗黑破坏神3的复活节彩蛋]]的全覆盖. ==暗黑破坏神3的复活节彩蛋== 大大小小几十个复活节彩蛋在暗黑破坏神3里.与之相关的完整列表保存在一个单独的文章里,因此造成了此页面人满为患. * [[Diablo III Easter Eggs|这里]]是有关暗黑破坏神3的复活节彩蛋的全部细节的文章. ==暴雪关于暗黑破坏神3复活节彩蛋评论== 暗黑破坏神3的制作团队并没有提前透露任何他们计划在暗黑3中安放的复活节彩蛋.(当然不会,否则他们不会有惊喜!),但开发商都会笼统地谈到彩蛋包括惊喜和奖励.<br /> [[Jay Wilson]],2008年8月: []<br /> ::*我们真的不知道.我真的很喜欢在暗黑破坏神2所呈现出的秘密的想法(即彩蛋).但在暗黑破坏神3中,彩蛋是个什么样,我们还没决定好.但是如果我们有所决定,我可以保证玩家一定会喜欢它. ::*我好不掩饰我对秘密奶牛关的喜爱.它并不是雕虫小技.在游戏里,你可以为达目的不择手段.但我不喜欢,它几乎取代了游戏的一部分.因此,如果我们添加类似的东西,我们必须更加聪明对待.我们希望它仅仅是游戏内的一个功能,而不代替任何的游戏核心内容. ::*''暗黑破坏神2''有很多诟病.我当然不希望这样."不要杀死牛王,因为我们要保留红门".我们会尽量避免这样的情景.秘密奶牛关是个很酷的秘密."杀死牛王,红门永闭"--却是个不好的秘密.因此我们以后所做的事情就是尽量让这类不好的事情发生.<br /> [[暴雪嘉年华]],2009年: [] ::*'''''Slashdot: '''诸如复活节彩蛋和秘密,已成为暗黑破坏神系列的标签.是否在暗黑破坏神3中,我们有同样的期待?有提示吗? ::*'''[[Leonard Boyarsky]]:'''没,没有提示.他们不会是复活节彩蛋.我们到处打太极:可能是某个网站的一些复活节彩蛋以供玩家发掘;也可能是在错误的方向送给玩家的红色鲱鱼.但大多数东西仅仅是自然发展过程中的一些插曲.当你开发某些区域,有些事情来了,我们总是乱抛的各种想法和提示.是的,我们谈论了这么久,我们正在计划做不少东西呢.<br /> 暴雪嘉年华自身建设的演示,2009年:[] ::*'''[[Kevin Martens]]:''' 这里有一些彩蛋. ::*'''[[Leonard Boyarsky]]:'''是的.这里有一些彩蛋藏着.这是有趣的东西."噢,我的上帝,我发现了第五幕".没有那回事.这是个小玩笑. ==魔兽争霸3中的暗黑破坏神复活节彩蛋== [[File:Easter-war3-daiblo-race.jpg|thumb|100px|暗黑破坏神飞车.]] 魔兽争霸3有大量的复活节彩蛋,但很多都不具有暗黑破坏神元素. ===哥布林赛车=== 一个复活节彩蛋就是在千针石林-闪光平原地区举办的类似星球大战一样的赛车比赛.暗黑破坏神是其中之一.但他却不热衷于此. <br><br><br><br> ==[[Wirt's Leg (Diablo2)|维特之腿]]和[[屠夫]]== [[File:Easter-war3-butcher1.jpg|left|thumb|150px|屠夫, 来自魔兽争霸3.]] 游戏里将出现一命名为"维特之腿"的装备.<br /> 游戏里另一个怪物叫屠夫,他将掉落一个称为"维特另一只腿"的装备.<br /> 屠夫是一个巨大的憎恶怪物.它藏在黑暗神庙的深处伺机攻击'''卡尔萨斯'''和'''伊利丹'''的军队.它死后掉落装备-"维特另一只腿".<br /> [[File:Easter-war3-wirts-legs.jpg|frame|维特之腿和维特另一只腿.]] Note that The Butcher was responsible for cutting off Wirt's Leg in Diablo I, so it's only natural that he still has it around, albeit rotten and bony. The description for this item is as follows: 请注意,在暗黑破坏神1中,是屠夫负责切断维特之腿.很自然地,他仍然拥有它,尽管是腐烂的断骨.具体描述如下:<br /> '''维特另一只腿'''<br /> 或许,在牛宰场,过度热心的冒险者在他旅行之前,想给他最后一个机会.但前程未卜.<br /> <br><br><br><br><br> ==Diablo Easter Eggs in World of Warcraft== [[File:Easter-wow-mini diablo.png|thumb|125px|Diablo mini-pet.]]There aren't (yet) any specifically-Diablo 3 [[Easter Eggs]] in [[World of Warcraft]]. There are, however, a number of Easter Eggs derived from the Diablo series on the whole. This list does not include the dozens of skills, monsters, quests, and other game elements directly derived from Diablo and Diablo 2.[] * In reference to his demonic form in Frozen Throne, one of Illidan's gag quotes is "Wings, horns, hooves...what am I saying, is this Diablo?" * An item called the {{iw|Cow_King Cow King}}'s Hide. * An item called [[Wirt]]'s Third Leg. ===Diablo Mini-Pet=== The first World of Warcraft expansion, the Burning Crusade, added a Diablo mini-pet as a reward for people who purchased the expansion. (Which means that absolutely everyone playing the game today has one.) This pet follows, is very cute in a fierce sort of way, and has a fire-breathing "rest" animation. ===Tyrael Mini-Pet=== [[File:Easter-wow-tyrael2.jpg|thumb|200px|Mini-Tyrael pet, from WoW:BC.]] A [[Tyrael]] mini-pet was added with a special conversion code given out to attendees to Blizzard's WWI 2008, in Paris. This code enabled the Tyrael mini-pet, who hovers along after the player, and can /dance, when required. This was one of the rarest and most sought-after of all mini-pets at the time, with codes selling for upwards of $800 on eBay. <br><br> ===Murkablo=== This Diablo-styled [[Murloc]] mini-pet was seen on the World of Warcraft test realm in April 2011. It's not yet active in the game, and is widely-presumed to be a special prize that will be given out in the [[BlizzCon 2011]] [[goodie bag]], or else as part of the [[Diablo III Collector's Edition]]. The creature can be seen in-game in a short movie embedded in the news post.[] This is not the finished version; the animations are reused from the [[Deathy]] mini-pet from [[BlizzCon 2010]]. <gallery> File:Murkablo-small.jpg File:Murloc-diablo-pet-2011.jpg </gallery> <br> ===D3CE Fallen Shaman=== [[File:D3ce-fetish-shaman-pet2.jpg|thumb|150px|Fetish Shaman.]] The [[Diablo III Collector's Edition]] contained a World of Warcraft bonus pet; a Fetish Shaman of the type seen in Diablo II and Diablo III (via the Witch Doctor's [[Hex]] spell. The model was first datamined from a WoW patch[] in September 2011, with speculation at the time that this was the D3CE pet. Those suspicions were confirmed a month later, when Blizzard revealed the contents[] of the D3CE in October 2011. The pet was enabled in a WoW patch[] in early December 2010. Fans observed that was pointless, since without the D3CE, and the redemption code fans can obtain from within it, there is no way to enable the Fetish Shaman pet. Nevertheless, Blizzard had the pet ready for late 2011, as that was Diablo 3's initially-planned release date, and even after the game was delayed the WoW patch guys saw no reason to hold back the pet even though no one would be able to enable it for months yet. Oddly, the Fetish Shaman is not riding piggyback, as these demons always have in the game. ===Tyrael's Charger=== Tyrael's Charger[] a World of Warcraft epic mount, a flying horse wearing [[Tyrael]]-styled armor, was first discovered through data-mining[] on October 28, 2011. The full details were revealed soon afterwards,[] and the mount was available as a perk with the purchase of the twelve-month World of Warcraft Annual Pass. Subscribers to that plan also received a free copy of Diablo III upon release, and along with other perks. Screenshots showing off the creature can be seen below. <gallery> File:Easter-tyraels-charger2.jpg File:Easter-tyraels-charger3.jpg </gallery> ===DOTA's Witch Doctor=== One of the characters in Blizzard's [[DOTA]] is a version of the Diablo III [[Witch Doctor]]. See [ this news post from Blizzcon 2011] for the game trailer video, as well as video of a Blizzcon panel devoted to their DOTA project. <gallery> File:Easter-dota-wd.jpg </gallery> <br> ==Diablo 3 Easter Eggs in Starcraft 2== Blizzard continued their habit of working in inter-game Easter Eggs, by placing numerous amusing Diablo 3 items in [[Starcraft 2]]. * See a comprehensive list of the dozens of SC2 Easter Eggs [ in this SC2 Wiki]. ===Diablo Decals=== [[File:Sc2-decal-diablo.jpg|left|frame|Diablo decals in Starcraft 2.]] [[File:Sc2-decal-diablo-marine.jpg|thumb|99px|Decal'ed Marine.]] Diablo head decals are amongst the many offered for customizing your units in Starcraft 2. These may be unlocked through achievements over, their exact function isn't yet known. They can be used to customize units on player-made maps, as the example Terran Marine shows. The images were first found [ on the site], [ on July 18, 2010]. <br><br><br><br> ===Deckard Cain Achievement=== A smaller Starcraft 2 Easter Egg features [[Deckard Cain]]'s classic "Stay awhile, and listen." line of dialogue as the name of an Achievement. A fan reported on where this achievement was obtained. [] ::This achievement is after you finish the Gates of Hell mission in planet Char. There’s a cinematic right after, then you see an interactive Raynor, General Waterfield and Tychus with a char background. The achievement suddenly pops when that loads. It’s interactive as in you hover the mouse over Raynor, the General and Tychus, and they become silhouette-highlighted, you click them and they have a cutscene-dialogue. <br><br><br><br> ===Burning Diablo=== [[File:Easter-sc2-diablo3s.jpg|frame|Diablo in SC2.]] [[File:Easter-sc2-spacediablos.jpg|left|thumb|125px|Diablo in SC2.]] The first and most dramatic is an appearance of a miniature [[Diablo]] in a SC2 single-player mission called "The Devil's Playground." Diablo is just a "critter," one of the forms of ambient life, but it's definitely Big Red, though he's small and gloriously burning, the model looks to be the same one used for the World of Warcraft mini-pet. A screenshot can be seen to the right. See [ the original news post] for more details and a movie of the little guy. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> ===Funny Movie Names=== [[File:Easter-SC2-movie-theater-s.jpg|left|thumb|150px|Diablo: The Musical! [[:File:Sc2-diablo-the-musical.jpg|Full image here]].]] An animated theater sign on the "Media Blitz" map shows various scrolling movie titles, all of them various inside jokes. The names include: ::''Cineplex 5000: Diablo: The Musical. ... Enter the Dragoon ... Ladies of Lordaeron 3 ... NWO: Silent Takeover ... Night of the Zerg VI ... The Perfect Psi-Storm.'' Map information: City Billboards [] in the map editor. It is named THorner04.SC2Map. It's where Tychus Findlay mounts the Thor and wrecks havoc in Korhal city to broadcast off-world the tape where Mengsk says he wont let anyone stand on his way, and he will rather see the sector burned to ashes. <br><br><br><br> ===Diablo Marine Avatar=== [[File:sc2-ce-diabloiii-marine-avatar.jpg|frame|Diablo Marine Avatar.]] The Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty Collector's Edition contains four avatars accessible in the Rewards tab, Portraits section. The avatar is titled onscreen as Diablo Marine (Devoted fan).<ref> {{cite web | url = | title = Burning D3 Space Marine | accessdate = 2010-08-13 | date = 2010-7-22 | work = | quote = Fans have dug up a big block of Starcraft 2 avatars, and one of them seems to be a Diablo III-themed Space Marine. ..}}</ref> <br><br><br><br> ===Laptop Game Selection=== [[File:Easter-sc2-play-a-game.jpg|thumb|Would you like to play a game?]] In one of the Single Player missions: Ghost of a Chance, on the planet Avernus, a laptop is found on a desktop in one building. The World of Warcraft character selection screen is displayed on a different screen, while the main screen shows a message: Want to play a game?" Various options are listed, including Diablo III:<ref> {{cite web | url = | title = Starcraft II Easter Eggs | accessdate = 2010-08-13 | first = Starcraft Wiki | date = 2010-8-12 | quote = This is the three-part mission map if you choose to help Nova Terra kill Tosh's spectres. There is a workstation with three screen monitors near the captive Ultralisks on the west side of the map. }}</ref> <blockquote> * Bridge * Checkers * Chess * Fighter Combat * Desert Warfare * Diablo III * Theaterwide Tactical Warfare * Global Thermonuclear War </blockquote> This is a larger Easter Egg referring to the 1983 [ Matthew Broderick movie ''WarGames''], in which a computer hacker starts playing games with the central computer at NORAD, inadvertently nearly starting World War III. The computer in that film's usual prompt is, "Would you like to play a game?" With Global Thermonuclear War as the last of several options. ==Diablo Easter Eggs in Other Games== The Diablo games are milestones in video game history, and have been referenced in numerous other titles, both RPGs and other types of games. This section lists Easter Eggs in other games that refer to elements of Blizzard's Diablo games. ===Borderlands=== ''Borderlands'', a role-playing shooter created by Gearbox, included a number of homages to Diablo. [] * A demon named {{iw|Rakanishu Rakanishu}}. * A weapon called {{iw|Butcher the Butcher}} with, "Ahhh… Fresh meat" in its description. * A unique item called the "cracked sash," with very high stats. (This reverses the common Diablo 2 joke about a worthless item drop that contained only a "cracked sash." ===Hellgate: London=== Flagship Studios was formed in 2003 by [[Max Schaefer]], [[Erich Schaefer]], [[David Brevik]], and [[Bill Roper]] along with numerous other former [[Blizzard North]] employees. Their first (and last) title was Hellgate:London, an ARPG set in a demon-infested, post-apocalyptic future. The title was directly influenced by Diablo in numerous ways, but only included a few direct homages. The most obvious was Wart, an annoying, one-legged NPC boy who was the object of some early game quests. He was an homage to the infamous one-legged {{iw|Wirt Wirt}}, of Diablo 1 and Diablo 2 fame. ===Sacred=== RPG Sacred has a map area modeled after the town of Tristram, as seen in Diablo I. A quote from an informative Sacred fansite, which was the source of the images below: [] ::Some of you might not know but Tristram is a famous little village connected with the game Diablo. In Diablo 1 this is the place where your hero starts out. In Diablo 2 it has been destroyed and is where you collect Deckard Cain from. There is a little village in Sacred which is tremendously similar to the Tristram in the original Diablo. It is located north of Moorbrook and shouldnt be very hard to find. Cloest portals to this place are the Mystdale Castle portal and Valley of Zhurag-Nar portal. ::Also note when you enter the village the residents all turn into zombies and will start attacking you. This is also the town where Glubba wants to be taken (end of Act 3). And I'm pretty sure this is also the village which is referenced by a rune stone somewhere around Mascarell. Two images showing off the Sacred version of Tristram can be seen below. Click them for larger views. <center> {| | [[File:Easter-sacred-tristram1.JPG|thumb|350px|The Diablo I version of Tristram, recreated in ''Sacred''.]] | [[File:Easter-sacred-tristram2.jpg|thumb|350px|Closeup view of the Cathedral and cemetery.]] |} </center> ==References== * [ Jay Wilson Interview, August 2008] * [ BlizzCon 2009 Q&A] * [ Boyarsky and Martens Interview, August 2009] * [ Diablo appears as a Starcraft 2 Easter Egg, August 2010] <span style="font-size:80%> <div class='references-small'> <references/> </div> </span> [[category:Easter Eggs]] [[category:传说]]
暗黑破坏神 III
暗黑破坏神 II