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'''Rathma''' is a [[nephalem]] and the first [[necromancer]]. He is the son of [[Lilith]] and [[Inarius]]. His birthname was Linarian, which he came to reject and instead he embraced his  current name, Rathma, given to him by [[Trag'Oul]]. It means "Student" and refers to his relationship with Trag'Oul, who taught him about [[the Balance]] and the way of the necromancer.  It is unknown whether he still lives, but if he does so he is one of the last remaining nephalem, perhaps even the only one.
== Sin War ==
'''拉斯玛''' 是一个[[nephalem|纳法勒姆]]并且是[[庇护之地]]历史中第一个[[necromancer|死灵法师]]. 他是[[莉莉丝]][[Inarius|艾纳力尤斯]]之子. 他出生时候的名字是 Linarian, 但是他拒绝使用这个名字而为自己另外起了一个名字: Rathma, 之所以起这个名字是为了庇护之地的守护者,巨龙[[Trag'Oul|塔格奥]],意思是:学生 这充分显示出他和塔格奥之间非同一般的关系, 塔格奥指引了拉斯玛关于'''平衡'''的死灵法师之路.无从得知他是否还活着,如果是,那么他可能是庇护所世界里唯一一个还活着的纳法勒姆 .  
During the events of the Sin War Rathma works together with Trag'Oul to make sure that [[Heaven]] remains oblivious to the existence of [[Sanctuary]], and to try and limit[[Hell]]'s influence as much as possible. The two work alone for quite some time until they notice the ul-Diomed brothers [[Uldyssian]] and [[Mendeln]], who both become pivotal in the shaping of Sanctuary's future. Mendeln they realize has an great potential for helping them maintain the Balance, and Rathma begins to test and evaluate Mendeln without him being aware. Rathma eventually confronts Mendeln directly, and though the young man remains sceptical at first, he eventually joins forces with Rathma and Trag'Oul and becomes the second necromancer ever.  In addition, Rathma plays several other key roles during the SIn War. He aids Uldyssian, Mendelns elder brother, on a number of occasions. The most important of those is arguably the time when Rathma teleports them to the [[Worldstone]], at which time Uldyssian makes his alteration to the stone which will ultimately lead to a great rise on power among the [[edyrem]]. Rathma also tries to negotiate with his father to cease hostilities with Uldyssian and instead focus his attention on Heaven and Hell, and although the attempt fails he also rallies the remaining living nephalem for the final confrontation between Inarius and Uldyssianon on the [[Grasslands]].
Finally, it is he who raises [[Achilios]] from the dead after his death at the hands of [[Lucion]] in [[Birthright]].
==原罪之战 ==
在原罪战争期间,拉斯玛和塔格奥在一起,以确保庇护之地仍然在天堂的视线之外, 并且尽最大的可能去限制地狱对庇护所的影响. 他们一直很低调,直到被另外两个纳法勒姆:[[Uldyssian|乌迪西安]][[Mendeln|蒙德恩]]兄弟所注意, 他们都是庇护所世界未来能存在下去的关键人物. 蒙德恩意识到一种可以帮助他们保持世界平衡的巨大潜在力量, 而这正是拉斯玛已经开始测试并且正在评估的力量. 在拉斯玛和蒙德恩见面之后, 虽然开始蒙德斯对此还存有疑虑,最终他还是加入了拉斯玛和塔格奥的实验,并成为庇护所历史上第二个死灵法师.  此外, 拉斯玛也是在原罪战争大部分内容中的关键角色. 他多次帮助了乌迪西安--蒙德恩的哥哥,原罪之战一书的主角. 其中最重要的内容是拉斯玛把乌迪西安传送到[[世界之石]],这最终导致了乌迪西安从世界之石获得了可以令[[Edyrem]]崛起的伟大力量. 拉斯玛还试着去和自己的父亲[[Inarius|艾纳力尤斯]]谈判以终止其和乌迪西安的敌对行动并将注意力集中于天堂与地狱的战争, 尽管尝试失败了, 但他又召集了其余幸存的纳法勒姆, 投入艾纳力尤斯和乌迪西安在大草原(Grasslans)的最终对决.
== Appearance ==
在暗黑小说[[Birthright|天赋神权]]中,拉斯玛还曾经复活了死于[[Lucion|路西恩]]之手的[[Achilios]]  .
He is described as having "too perfect features'', a trait present in all nephalem. His skin is a pale white and his hair is black.  
== 外观 ==
[[image:Priest of Rathma by paradanmellow.jpg.jpg|thumb|center|500px|Fans作品:Priest of Rathma]]
拉斯玛被形容为是具有"''极为完美的特点''"的纳法勒姆.他的皮肤苍白,但有一头黑发. 另外, 他穿着一件怪异的斗篷. 每次他的情绪变化都可以从斗篷的飘动中反映出来. 蒙德恩推测这件奇特的斗篷理论上还存在,但是他从未去打听这件事.
In addiion, he wears a rather peculiar cloak. It shifts and moves in repsonse to is emotional state. Mendeln theorizes that the cloak might be alive, but he does not actually inquire about it.
== 个性 ==
拉斯玛是一个非常冷静和理性的人. 他对人和事情并不冷淡或者漠不关心, 但是他很少显示情感.正因为如此, 当他和乌迪西安兄弟交往的时候,两人始终对他抱有戒心,虽然最后蒙德恩开始信任并和他成为朋友, 乌迪西安却从未更进一步和他进行交往. 而其他人仍然始终对拉斯玛抱有怀疑的态度.  
== Personality ==
对于他的父母来说,拉斯玛也不是个合格的家庭成员, 尤其是当莉莉丝毁灭了所有庇护所反对她的天使和恶魔,而试图迫使艾纳力尤斯同意她使用世界之石的力量以达到她的个人目的以后更是如此.
Rathma is a very calm and rational man. He is not cold or uncaring, but he rarely displays emotion and thus comes off as such. Because of this, his initial interactions with both Uldyssian and Mendeln are problematic. Both brothers are wary of him at first, and though Mendeln eventually comes to trust him and befriend him, Uldyssian never manages the same feat. Other characters remain sceptical towards him as well.  
He is not at all in good terms with his parents, as Lilith destroyed the rebel angels and demons to try and force Inarius to let her use the nephalem's power for her own ends.
==能力 ==
除了和亡者沟通以及那些死灵法师都具有的施放 牙和骨矛等能力外, 拉斯玛还显示出其他两种非同一般的能力. 一个是他可以传送到很远的距离,甚至是整个庇护之地的范围,他还可以到达[[Trag'Oul's Realm|塔格奥的国度]]. 这种强大的能力基于他和塔格奥之间亲密的关系. 其次他还可以看透人们的感觉,类似于读心术.目前还不清楚他的这种能力从何而来.
== Powers ==
== 参考文献 ==  
In addition to the powers necromancers possess such as raising and communicating with the dead, unleashing {{2|Teeth}} and {{2|Bone Spear}} among other things, he is also shown to have two other distinctive powers. The first is his ability to teleport over great distances across Sanctuary and to [[Trag'Oul's Realm]]. This power might stem from his close ties toTrag'Oul. The second is his ability to read sensations of people, which is similar to reading thoughts. It is unclear where these powers comes from.
* [[Birthright|天赋神权]]  
* [[Scales of the Serpent|巨蟒之鳞]]  
== References ==  
* [[The Veiled Prophet|蒙面先知]]
* [[Birthright]]  
* [[Scales of the Serpent]]  
* [[The Veiled Prophet]]

在2011年11月2日 (三) 13:04的最新修订版本

拉斯玛 是一个纳法勒姆并且是庇护之地历史中第一个死灵法师. 他是莉莉丝艾纳力尤斯之子. 他出生时候的名字是 Linarian, 但是他拒绝使用这个名字而为自己另外起了一个名字: Rathma, 之所以起这个名字是为了庇护之地的守护者,巨龙塔格奥,意思是:学生 这充分显示出他和塔格奥之间非同一般的关系, 塔格奥指引了拉斯玛关于平衡的死灵法师之路.无从得知他是否还活着,如果是,那么他可能是庇护所世界里唯一一个还活着的纳法勒姆 .



在原罪战争期间,拉斯玛和塔格奥在一起,以确保庇护之地仍然在天堂的视线之外, 并且尽最大的可能去限制地狱对庇护所的影响. 他们一直很低调,直到被另外两个纳法勒姆:乌迪西安蒙德恩兄弟所注意, 他们都是庇护所世界未来能存在下去的关键人物. 蒙德恩意识到一种可以帮助他们保持世界平衡的巨大潜在力量, 而这正是拉斯玛已经开始测试并且正在评估的力量. 在拉斯玛和蒙德恩见面之后, 虽然开始蒙德斯对此还存有疑虑,最终他还是加入了拉斯玛和塔格奥的实验,并成为庇护所历史上第二个死灵法师. 此外, 拉斯玛也是在原罪战争大部分内容中的关键角色. 他多次帮助了乌迪西安--蒙德恩的哥哥,原罪之战一书的主角. 其中最重要的内容是拉斯玛把乌迪西安传送到世界之石,这最终导致了乌迪西安从世界之石获得了可以令Edyrem崛起的伟大力量. 拉斯玛还试着去和自己的父亲艾纳力尤斯谈判以终止其和乌迪西安的敌对行动并将注意力集中于天堂与地狱的战争, 尽管尝试失败了, 但他又召集了其余幸存的纳法勒姆, 投入艾纳力尤斯和乌迪西安在大草原(Grasslans)的最终对决.

在暗黑小说天赋神权中,拉斯玛还曾经复活了死于路西恩之手的Achilios .


Fans作品:Priest of Rathma

拉斯玛被形容为是具有"极为完美的特点"的纳法勒姆.他的皮肤苍白,但有一头黑发. 另外, 他穿着一件怪异的斗篷. 每次他的情绪变化都可以从斗篷的飘动中反映出来. 蒙德恩推测这件奇特的斗篷理论上还存在,但是他从未去打听这件事.


拉斯玛是一个非常冷静和理性的人. 他对人和事情并不冷淡或者漠不关心, 但是他很少显示情感.正因为如此, 当他和乌迪西安兄弟交往的时候,两人始终对他抱有戒心,虽然最后蒙德恩开始信任并和他成为朋友, 乌迪西安却从未更进一步和他进行交往. 而其他人仍然始终对拉斯玛抱有怀疑的态度.

对于他的父母来说,拉斯玛也不是个合格的家庭成员, 尤其是当莉莉丝毁灭了所有庇护所反对她的天使和恶魔,而试图迫使艾纳力尤斯同意她使用世界之石的力量以达到她的个人目的以后更是如此.


除了和亡者沟通以及那些死灵法师都具有的施放 牙和骨矛等能力外, 拉斯玛还显示出其他两种非同一般的能力. 一个是他可以传送到很远的距离,甚至是整个庇护之地的范围,他还可以到达塔格奥的国度. 这种强大的能力基于他和塔格奥之间亲密的关系. 其次他还可以看透人们的感觉,类似于读心术.目前还不清楚他的这种能力从何而来.


Bul-Kathos • Esu • Fiacla-Géar • Helgrotha • Rathma • Vasily
Deities Trag'Oul • The Others
Practitioners Karybdus • Mendeln • Necromancer (Diablo II) • Rathma • Zayl
Concepts & Organization The Balance • Necromancy • Priests of Rathma • Trag'Oul's Realm
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