Gameplay Panel in Blizzcon 2010
(→Demon Hunter Skills) |
(6个中途的修订版本没有显示) | |||
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- | == | + | ==技能系统的逐步改变== |
- | ''' | + | '''凯文•马藤斯 - 首席内容设计师'''<br><br> |
- | + | 在这个座谈会的第二部分,我们将为大家介绍大量的有关技能更改和新技能系统,以及角色相关的信息。对于大家未知的信息,我们将针对全新的技能系统,各职业的新技能,一个新的交易系统和[[Talisman|护身匣]]来进行介绍。<br><br> | |
So when you have a bunch of skills like Wyatt was showing you the next thing we need to work on is to make them deep and replayable and to make them accessible and on that end let's break down the skill UI from last year and talk about some of the problems we had with it.<br><br> | So when you have a bunch of skills like Wyatt was showing you the next thing we need to work on is to make them deep and replayable and to make them accessible and on that end let's break down the skill UI from last year and talk about some of the problems we had with it.<br><br> | ||
- | [[Image:Skill tree.png|left|thumb|250px| | + | [[Image:Skill tree.png|left|thumb|250px|最初的技能树]][[Image:Skill tabs.png|right|thumb|250px|技能栏]]This is the one we had last year (left)and it was just big. All the choices were there at once, you could see the whole tree, which was a good thing but it covered your character, it encouraged people to spend their skill points too widely and experienced Diablo players know fewer skills and spend more deeply into them. It had these three different class lines which were a little arbitrary and we learned that a little bit later. So we took this and wondered how we could make this more accessible without losing any of the depth. So we went to a tab system that was improvement in a major way, it made everything bigger, you could see it all. It compartmentalized into the tabs but with all these skill lines, fitting them all in there to be equal across all the tabs and some of the skills were a little arbitrary, you still couldn't see all your options at once and you had to skip back and forth between the tabs. People often, when they were leveling up, forgot to check on the other tabs and ended up spending more points in whichever tab they first chose to spend points in.<br><br> |
- | [[Image:Skill list.png|left|thumb|250px| | + | [[Image:Skill list.png|left|thumb|250px|技能列表]]因此,我们设计了这个技能列表(左图),它看起来已经和我们最终的设计很相近了。我们可以看到左手边列举着你选择的7个技能,对我们来说这已经是个很显著的提高了。因为你可以在左边看到你所选择的技能,而右边的列表你能看到所有可以使用的技能。这样的设计有助于你清楚的看到你都选择了哪些技能,有哪些技能你可以使用但还没有选中的,你甚至还能滚动鼠标查看并考虑将来能选择哪些技能,但这些我们还是觉得不够好。<br><br> |
- | [[Image:Current_ui.png|right|thumb|250px| | + | [[Image:Current_ui.png|right|thumb|250px|技能浏览界面]]这张图片显示的是浏览技能的界面(右图),我们延续了之前的想法。所以,你还是可以看到左手边是7个已经选中的技能,而右手边是个比之前要大得多的界面。所以你还是可以考虑如何选择技能,而且你能看到目前所有能使用的技能,这使得整个技能界面看起来更容易理解。由此你只要看一眼就知道可以选择哪些技能了。<br><br> |
- | [[Image:Skill slots.png|left|thumb|250px| | + | [[Image:Skill slots.png|left|thumb|250px|技能点]]This became very straight forward, this UI idea that at a glance you know what to do. You look on your left and you can choose a new skill or spend points in your old skills. This was good. If you can see a blinking plus sign that means you can spend points in it, if there's no plus sign that means you've maxed it out. Now a little extra insight into the seven skills. At the beginning of the game every skill that you choose has five skill points that you can put into it but throughout the course of the game you have ways to deepen that and augment the skills so that you can spend more points into them, So, initially, it's much easier to make builds, it's easier to thinking ahead, to respec when you want to do that as well and you can try a lot of things very rapidly. But there's a lot more to the skill system than just this.<br><br> |
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+ | ==新的职业技能== | ||
- | + | '''怀亚特•陈 - 技术设计师/职业技能设计师'''<br><br> | |
+ | 我们一直在不断的修改并完善已经公布的四个职业的新技能,而现在我将向你们介绍这些相关的信息。<br><br> | ||
- | ''' | + | '''[[野蛮人]]''' |
- | + | 我们知道野蛮人需要一个像[[Ancient Spear|上古之矛]]这样的可以进行远距离攻击的招式。但我们并不希望让他变成那种只专注于远程攻击的职业,只是想让他有个方便使用的招式而已。我们希望展现他那种强大,顽强,擅长近身战斗的特点,因此我们会基于以上几点继续寻找更适合野蛮人的技能。<br><br> | |
- | ''' | + | '''[[Wizard|魔法师]]''' |
- | + | 我们依然按照玩家的喜好,将最受欢迎的招式带回3代中。就像恶魔猎手的[[Multishot|多重射击]],我们将法师的[[Meteor|陨石]]陨石带了回来。陨石在暗黑2中是个非常受欢迎的技能,我们和大家一样都很喜欢这招,所以我们就将它延续下来了。当然我们也是对它做了升级,我可以想你们保证,当你们使用了陨石的5个符文时,将会得到之前五倍的乐趣呢。<br><br> | |
- | ''' | + | '''[[巫医]]''' |
- | + | 就像我之前提到的,我们想为每个职业都加入移动类的特殊能力,而[[Spirit Walk|灵魂漫步]]就是巫医特有的移动技能。我们希望每个职业都能保持独特的类型,对于巫医来说,他专注于灵魂与巫毒的研究,所以这个灵魂漫步技能可以令他变身为灵体,甚至可以随意走动,穿透敌人身体,游走于场景中的各个角落。而在这个技能结束时,无论他的灵魂形态身处何方,都能瞬间传送到他原先的肉体位置中。<br><br> | |
- | ''' | + | '''[[武僧]]''' |
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+ | 武僧能召唤出一座神秘的巨钟并将其打向前方的小片范围,这一招叫做[[Wave of Light|圣光波]]。这招有点类似于近战与远程的结合招式。其中我非常喜欢的一点就是我们可以通过这招区分野蛮人和武僧的本质特点,尽管他们都是近战职业。但对武僧来说,他更像是一位结合了神秘学识和武术的修道院院长。我很喜欢他这种形象,而神秘巨钟的设计想法就是为了展现他那独特的攻击方式,这显得非常生动形象。<br><br> | ||
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==Traits== | ==Traits== | ||
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- | == | + | ==技能符文的介绍== |
- | + | 我们已经有挺长的一段时间没有再谈论有关[[符文]]的消息了,其实在去年一整年的时间我们有少许的透露这些信息,而现在你将在下面的游戏演示中看到这个系统了。演示里充分展示了巫医,法师和野蛮人的一些技能,以及镶入符文石后的各种效果。<br><br> | |
- | + | 下面让我带着大家快速回顾一下之前所提到的符文的相关信息。也许你还符文石是一个可以改变你技能效果的新系统,它像宝石一样是可以掉落的。然而与宝石不同的是,符文是不能够镶入你的装备或物品。它是通过镶嵌在你的技能栏中,从而起到改变技能效果的作用。这些符文可以让你的角色变得与众不同,通常当我们讨论人物的个性化所指代的是皮肤颜色,发型或者装备的外观。但现在你可以通过选择各种不同的技能,镶入变化多端的符文来塑造符合你个人特点的角色。<br><br> | |
- | + | [[Image:Build numbers.png|right|thumb|250px|天文数字般的组合数量]]还是让我举个例子来说明我现在所讲的内容吧。我们不光可以选择亚马逊战士,女法师,野蛮人等作为角色使用,我们还能专注于各种职业的某些专精,来打造一些特殊的角色,比如说亚马逊长矛战士,暴怒野蛮人,新星女法师等这些具有特色的打造方式。现在我们可以很自豪的吹嘘一下这个新的符文系统绝对可以带来更多更多有意思的搭配方法。也许你会问到底有多少种组合可以在游戏中看到呢?其实我也蛮好奇的,于是就加入技术组帮他们一起做一个数量上的统计,而最后我得到了一个令人咋舌的结果就是96,886,969,344种组合方法,而且是每一个职业都有这么多哦。<br><br> | |
- | + | 这绝对是个天文数字,以至于叫人很难想象到底有多少种搭配方法。那么就让我再来细细解释一下吧,这个数值只是包含了你每个职业中所有技能和符文效果的组合,可没有包括其他个性化的因素,像特质,装备,染料,护身符等对角色的影响。记住这只是你所有主动技能的组合哦。因此,你确实可以尝试大量技能搭配的方法,另一个需要你了解的重点就是;这些符文不光可以改变你技能的伤害效果,甚至还能完全改变你技能的外观。<br><br> | |
- | + | [[Image:Skill_rune_effects.jpg|right|thumb|250px|技能的符文效果]]最早的时候,我们并没有考虑到要将每个受符文影响的技能都做外观上的改变,因为改变所有符文效果的任务量真的不是一般的大,因此我们只选择了一个技能来尝试做不同的符文效果。而后来我们发现如果不做技能外观的改变看起来感觉真的弱爆了,而且工作组的所有成员已经都被各种变化的样子所吸引,最后还是决定要将所有符文技能的外观都改变。其实这也是个很简单的问题,大家可以这么想;有两个方案分别是,我们可以只改变数据,让一些符文所引发的伤害数值产生变化,或者我们可以让满屏幕都跑满僵尸熊来攻击敌人。那么这两个决定到底选哪个会更好呢?绝对是第二个!<br><br> | |
- | [[Image: | + | [[Image:Rune types.png|right|thumb|250px|符文的种类]]我们总共设计了5种符文石,而且现在都已经起好了名字,它们分别是;[[猩红符文]],[[靛蓝符文]],[[黑曜符文]],[[金黄符文]]以及[[雪花符文]]。其实在我们为它们命名之前,采用了一个分类的体系,通过它们各自影响的效果进行分类命名。比如多重打击符文和能量符文。多重打击符文会影响这个招式的效果,而能量符文则会对你的能量产生影响。不过在分类的时候我们也发现有些概念很模糊,分在任何已有的类型符文里都不太合适。起初我们将一些符文类型分配的很完美,比如将恶魔猎手的多重射击赋予多重打击符文是非常合适的。但在分配其他一些技能时却感到很费劲,完全像是在硬塞入这个类型中的感觉。<br><br> |
- | [[ | + | 再举个例子,巫医有个新绝招叫[[Poison Dart|毒飞镖]],这招很适合加入能量符文,来当做技能外观的变化。但当我们再次改变这个技能的外观,让这招发出快速的火焰毒箭时,它又很适合多重打击符文的特点。在之后我们又有个很独特的想法,就是让巫医可以冲着敌人的脸上发射出一条毒蛇,攻击并击晕敌人。那么这个技能的变化又能符合哪种符文的分类呢?结果是和哪个都不符合,所以我们只能将符文的名字全部改掉,以便我们构思出更多另类的想法。<br><br> |
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- | + | ==技能符文的演示== | |
- | + | :::::::::::::::::'''巫医的符文变化演示''' | |
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<gallery> | <gallery> | ||
- | File:Crimson fire damage.png| | + | File:Crimson fire damage.png|猩红符文 - 火焰伤害 |
- | File:Golden mana recovery.png| | + | File:Golden mana recovery.png|金黄符文 - 法力回复 |
- | File:Obsidian_slows_enemies.png| | + | File:Obsidian_slows_enemies.png|黑曜符文 - 敌人缓速 |
- | File:Indigo_rapid_fire.png| | + | File:Indigo_rapid_fire.png|靛蓝符文 - 快速点燃 |
- | File:Alabaster_snakes_on_a_face.png| | + | File:Alabaster_snakes_on_a_face.png|雪花符文 - 向敌人脸上喷吐毒蛇 |
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+ | [[Image:Rune ranks.png|right|thumb|250px|符文石等级]]<br><br>符文石是有等级之分的,我们已经在游戏设计了7个不同的等级,以便玩家可以体验符文所带来的不同伤害效果。同一种符文所造成的外观效果是相同的,只是伤害会随着等级增加而增长。我们可以以法师的魔法弹为例看看不同等级对它的影响。在没有镶嵌符文时,法师可以发射一颗魔法弹。但当我们镶入一颗一级的靛蓝符文时,法师可以发射两颗魔法弹,而镶入7级符文时就可以发射5颗了。<br><br> | ||
- | [[ | + | 下面我们再来介绍一下野蛮人,他有一招叫[[Weapon Throw|武器飞掷]]。野蛮人可以将他的大型武器投掷出去,当我们为其镶入[[猩红符文]]时,武器可以远程射击敌人,而且攻击的伤害数值会增加;在镶入[[黑曜符文]]时,他会投掷出一个巨锤来击晕对手,这招非常适合PvP作战。当镶入[[雪花符文]]时,可以对大批敌人造成混乱效果以便控场。当镶入[[靛蓝符文]]时,武器会产生弹跳效果,非常有利于群体攻击。而镶入[[金黄符文]]时,野蛮人可以直接投掷尸体,这也是我们觉得最酷的一招。<br><br> |
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- | + | :::::::::::::::::'''野蛮人的符文变化演示''' | |
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- | ''' | + | |
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<gallery> | <gallery> | ||
- | File:Crimson_more_damage_weapon_throw_barb.png| | + | File:Crimson_more_damage_weapon_throw_barb.png|猩红符文 - 伤害增加 |
- | File:Obsidian stuns weapon throw barb.png| | + | File:Obsidian stuns weapon throw barb.png|黑曜符文 - 击晕目标 |
- | File:Alabaster confuses weapon throw barb.png| | + | File:Alabaster confuses weapon throw barb.png|雪花符文 - 给目标造成混乱 |
- | File:Indigo ricochet weapon throw barb.png| | + | File:Indigo ricochet weapon throw barb.png|靛蓝符文 - 弹跳伤害 |
- | File:Golden corpse throw weapon throw barb.png| | + | File:Golden corpse throw weapon throw barb.png|金黄符 - 投掷尸体 |
</gallery> | </gallery> | ||
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- | + | <br><br>接下来我们在说说[[Wizard|魔法师]],我们将[[Hydra|九头蛇]]从2代中带回来并和之前的外观完全一样。[[猩红符文]]可以创造出冰霜蛇怪,使用短距离的冰冷吐息来攻击敌人。当镶入[[靛蓝符文]]的之后,变化的是可以喷吐闪电,命中率极高的闪电蛇怪。镶入[[雪花符文]]后,将变成奥术蛇怪,它可以喷吐小型奥术球造成大面积伤害。镶入[[黑曜符文]]后,将变成喷吐可以融化敌人的毒液的剧毒蛇怪。而最后的[[金黄符文]]可以让它变成硫磺蛇怪,向攻击的方向喷吐一道烈焰之墙。<br><br> | |
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- | + | :::::::::::::::::'''法师的符文变化演示''' | |
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<gallery> | <gallery> | ||
- | File:Crimson frost hydra wiz.png| | + | File:Crimson frost hydra wiz.png|猩红符文 - 冰冷吐息 |
- | File:Indigo lightning hydra wiz.png| | + | File:Indigo lightning hydra wiz.png|靛蓝符文 - 闪电球 |
- | File:Alabaster arcane hydra wiz.png| | + | File:Alabaster arcane hydra wiz.png|雪花符文 - 奥术球 |
- | File:Obsidian_acid_hydra_wiz.png| | + | File:Obsidian_acid_hydra_wiz.png|黑曜符文 - 毒液喷吐 |
- | File:Golden fire wall hydra wiz.png| | + | File:Golden fire wall hydra wiz.png|金黄符文 - 烈焰之墙 |
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'''Skills Runes on Wizard Skills (Plague of Toads)''' | '''Skills Runes on Wizard Skills (Plague of Toads)''' | ||
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==Battle Arenas== | ==Battle Arenas== | ||
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[[分类:暴雪娱乐]] | [[分类:暴雪娱乐]] | ||
+ | [[分类:暗黑破坏神 III:游戏开发历史资料]] |
在2012年4月14日 (六) 08:05的最新修订版本
![]() | 本文内容正在施工中,敬请期待! |
This is a transcript of the Gameplay Panel held at Blizzcon 2010 discussing the newly revealed Demon Hunter and changes made to the other four classes during the year.
目录 |
- 想要知道庇护所的英雄们接下来会发生什么有趣的故事吗?如果你想了解更多有关游戏发展的内容,那么各位暗黑粉丝们就不要错过这次座谈会。
- "来看看暗黑3设计团队是如何创造一个适合攻打地狱军团的新职业,并深入了解游戏设计师和美工师们创作的过程。"
- 杰•威尔逊 - 游戏开发总监
- 凯文•马藤斯 - 首席内容设计师
- 克里斯汀•莱特纳 - 艺术总监
- 朱利安•洛夫 - 首席技术美工
- 怀亚特•陈 - 技术设计师/职业技能设计师
- 莱昂纳多•波亚斯基 - 首席世界设计师(背景和世界观)
- 保罗•大卫 - 首席角色美工师
杰•威尔逊 - 游戏开发总监
克里斯汀•莱特纳 - 艺术总监
保罗•大卫 - 首席角色美工师
莱昂纳多•波亚斯基 首席世界设计师(背景和世界观)
怀亚特•陈 - 技术设计师/职业技能设计师
流星索 -- 这一招融入了远程攻势和小道具,恶魔猎手可以发射出一条连接着锁链的流星锤,将其缠绕在敌人身上并爆炸。但爆炸会有少许的时间延迟,因此玩家可以通过恰当的战术策略来使用这一招。
影轮翻 -- 这是一个移动类型的技能。就像野蛮人有跳跃攻击,法师有传送技能一样,我们要确保所有职业都至少拥有一个可以瞬间远离危险区域的技能。我们想在这招上展现暗影能力,起初我们打算叫这招为暗影翻滚,但又来考虑到根本不需要把每个招式的类型通过名字来表现,只要做到一个完美的动作演示就足够了,因此我们就称其为影轮翻。这一招式的动作有点类似于杂技,同时能够表现出一个残影的形象,也正好突出了暗影的概念。其实这只是将模型进行一个机械式的旋转,同时制造出残影的样子,让其富有美感罢了。但我们相信玩家会对这个技能感兴趣的。
尖刺陷阱 -- 对于猎手来说,另一个需要体现的特点就是陷阱和道具。但这些特点并不同于大家原来玩的暗黑2里面的刺客。我们仍然决定对这一招采用暗影和道具的设计理念,我们只是使用了一个简单的陷阱并在上面加入了暗影的效果,用动画的渲染来突出她与其他职业的不同。对我来说,我很喜欢这个尖刺陷阱,因为它让你感到有个提前设下陷阱的意识。我们想让玩家们了解这么一个情况;恶魔猎手就算在睡觉的时候都会梦到如何猎杀恶魔,当她在午夜惊醒时突然想到个猎捕恶魔的点子,“噢,我应该提前设下些陷阱才对,就让那些恶魔们自投罗网好了。”然后她就可以回去继续睡觉,当醒来时会发现那些设下的陷阱已经杀死了大批的恶魔。
手雷 -- 这招主要是表现出远程攻击的概念。我很喜欢这招,因为游戏是采用3D引擎来制作各种效果的,所以你可以看到当手雷抛到地上或墙上时会有几个弹跳的效果。我相信聪明的玩家一定会将这招玩出花样,没准他们会将手雷丢向墙角,让它们弹回来造成更多更绚丽的攻击。事实上这个弹跳的动作也能展现出恶魔猎手的远程攻击,道具的使用,战术策略和准备工作。这一切都是提前预谋好的猎杀恶魔的方式。
多重射击 -- 最后呢,我要给你们大家介绍一下多重射击,对于玩过暗黑2的玩家来说这招也许很熟悉,它确实是非常讨喜的招式,因此我们决定让它在暗黑3中继续延续,而且比之前有着更显著的效果。其实比起招式的伤害,大家更爱它那华丽的攻击效果吧。
凯文•马藤斯 - 首席内容设计师
So when you have a bunch of skills like Wyatt was showing you the next thing we need to work on is to make them deep and replayable and to make them accessible and on that end let's break down the skill UI from last year and talk about some of the problems we had with it.
This became very straight forward, this UI idea that at a glance you know what to do. You look on your left and you can choose a new skill or spend points in your old skills. This was good. If you can see a blinking plus sign that means you can spend points in it, if there's no plus sign that means you've maxed it out. Now a little extra insight into the seven skills. At the beginning of the game every skill that you choose has five skill points that you can put into it but throughout the course of the game you have ways to deepen that and augment the skills so that you can spend more points into them, So, initially, it's much easier to make builds, it's easier to thinking ahead, to respec when you want to do that as well and you can try a lot of things very rapidly. But there's a lot more to the skill system than just this.
怀亚特•陈 - 技术设计师/职业技能设计师
Jay Wilson - Game Director
I'm going to tell you about a new system that we've introduced into Diablo 3 in the last year. It's called Traits.
Essentially they are passive skills. They are a way you can customise and modify and essentially role play with your character and diversify your character builds. You can them as you level up, every other level, you don't get a point in every level but it's every odd numbered level you get a Trait Point. The goal of these is to alter your core attributes and aspects of your character. If you have a Barbarian and you want to be stronger there is a Trait for that. If you have a Wizard and you want to focus a lot more on elemental skills you have a Trait for that. A lot of it is also to take the opportunity to add flavour to the game world so every Trait has, in addition to just instructions on what it does it has a little excerpt of some flavour text that tells you about the world and it also was designed as a skill that tells you something about your character and your class.Here's a Trait example for the Barbarian called Inner Rage. This highlights something really important about Traits, they are not universal to all classes. Every class gets Traits that are unique to them, there are some that carry over that make sense but for the most part they are very unique to the each class.
Here's a Trait example for the Barbarian called Inner Rage. This highlights something really important about Traits, they are not universal to all classes. Every class gets Traits that are unique to them, there are some that carry over that make sense but for the most part they are very unique to the each class. We want to sell the idea that the Barbarian, is not only an angry dude, you probably have figured that out already but he actually gets power through his rage.
Well, why did we decide to do this system. There's a bunch of reasons. The main one is character customisation and those of you who know and love the original Diablo and Diablo 2 know that character customisation is a huge part of the game and if you're new to Diablo that's what it's all about so that was a big focus for us. We used to have a system in Diablo 2 where you could spend attribute points on all your core attributes and this system was much loved as a customisation tool but in actuality when we looked at it most of the builds took the exact same points in the exact same areas even across the classes and so we didn't feel like it was a good customisation system. Traits is really to specifically address the removal of attribute point spending.
One of the last reasons we really wanted to do this was it was always a bad decision to make in the previous skill trees where you knew that a passive skill like "if I take this it gives me more armour", that's a good skill and mathematically it makes sense but maths kind of sucks. If Diablo is the active skill then this guy's passive. I want to spend points in Whirlwind, I don't want to spend points in more armour so by separating the passive skills from the move active active skills which now completely take up the skill system we get a much better decision point.
Making Numbers Awesome
So the last thing is making numbers awesome. How do you make maths cool. We tried to set it on fire and put skulls behind it, that makes it pretty cool but it wasn't really enough. A lot of the design behind the Trait system is if we're going to have you take a passive Trait I don't want it to be like oh if you if you take this Trait you get 0.1% more armour. 0.1% doesn't sound very awesome so for us it's like no, it's a big number, it's 25, 500, a 100% more. Whatever number basically sounds cool when we get it. So we're really working on the system to make sure these don't feel like weird numbers that you're not really sure what they do. Diablo customisation is very straight forward. The idea is very simple to grasp and that's important to us.We don't consider the system done yet, I love to share our process with you. What's on our 'to do' list? Well the UI's not awesome and it's okay for me to say that because I designed it. It's just a grocery list right now and it's not very fun to use. Gaining them (Trait Points) every other level isn't perfect, it may be fine we may ship with that. Right now it feels a little weird like you almost don't know when you Trait Points are going to show up and that doesn't feel awesome. There's probably too many of them. When I talk about making numbers awesome, if you go and play with the Trait system, because it's fully playable on the floor you're going to say, "Hey, I thought he said the numbers were going to be awesome, this just seems like too much decisions or too low in numbers". The truth is you're probably right. We're looking at that now and saying maybe we didn't quite get it right.
The Talisman and Charms
Kevin Martens - Lead Content Designer
Before we get into the Talisman I want to talk about Charms from Diablo 2. The charm system, if you are not familiar with it, was a very simple cost benefit thing. There were these objects that would sit in your inventory, they would take up some of your inventory space but they would give you a wide variety of bonuses. This was good, we liked the concept behind the system and we liked the charms themselves but what it led to was people keeping as many charms as they could and keeping a tiny bit of inventory space and we didn't think that was a great choice to have to make. You couldn't resist taking the charms because it augmented your build so well. How do we solve this? The Talisman is a dedicated inventory for your charms and not only that it gets bigger over time, it keeps all of the advantages of the Diablo charm system. You have more charms that you can fit in there so you still have to pick and choose which ones you're going to have to augment your build.
- 巫医的符文变化演示
- 野蛮人的符文变化演示
- 法师的符文变化演示
Skills Runes on Wizard Skills (Plague of Toads)
Next up let's look at Plague of Toads on the Witch Doctor. The Crimson Rune makes all of your frogs on fire and then something a little more gameplay oriented, you've got mana reduction (Golden rune) so you can have a lot more frogs and then Alabaster rune will blind monsters which gives you some crowd control ability and then we change the skill completely and make a toad blizzard (Indigo rune) then finally we wanted to have a giant toad (Obsidian rune) but what's he going to do? He's going to eat monsters and he digests them but he doesn't digest the loot.
Battle Arenas
Jay Wilson - Game Director
Battle Arenas are our first approach to PvP and hopefully not our last. The vision for Battle Arenas is a dedicated place for all your dueling needs. Dueling was a massive part of Diablo 2 and a lot of people really loved to duel. We know you like to kill each other and Diablo 2 didn't support it very well, so were really focused from the very beginning to make sure we corrected that mistake. It's focused on team-based play and the reason for this is, as Julian mentioned, we had 97 billion builds and the idea that every build is perfectly balanced versus every other build is not going to happen. We definitely want to get all the class balance a lot better than it was in Diablo 2 but the idea is that some of the builds are supposed to be better than others, that's the point, you're supposed to try and find the best PvP build. So focusing on more team-based play softens that issue a little bit, that issue of balance. Maybe if you go into the Arena and you face a build you are weak to your team mates can help you make up for that. It becomes more than just about your own build but your teams' build.
A lot of the Arenas is about building the perfect PvP character so you will be taking characters that you get in PvE, items, skills, trades, everything you do and taking it over into the Battle Arena. It is definitely a game about building a PvE character into a PvP monster.
Here is the Witch Doctor and Wizard show off a bunch, we got some Zombie Bears in there. That's a crowd favourite. Blizzard which is a great crowd control and attack spell, Teleport which the Wizard uses in just a second, Meteor. There are a lot of awesome skills and a lot of them worth great across both PvE and PvP and some of them are design specifically for PvP. If you've ever looked at any of the skills we've shown at the previous Blizzcons and didn't know how you'd use that in PvE it actually might be PvP skill because several of them we specifically focus for there.
The PvE game has a lot of control in it, there's a lot of freezing enemies and stomping on the ground and stunning everything but we didn't want the PvP game to be all about crowd control where you would basically be sitting around waiting for the opportunity to move so a big part of our PvP design is about counters, counters that break you out of any kind of crowd control.
Here we have the Witch Doctor using Horrify to Fear the Barbarian and the Barbarian is using Ignore Pain to break out of that. There's also tonnes of cool tricks. For for example we can teleport, freeze, Meteor and "bye bye".The Arenas is fully playable on the floor so we encourage you to go over, reach out and beat the crap out of your friend.
We set up a round mechanic and essentially the goal of this is, when we played the game one round was never enough we would see what the other team was but we didn't have a chance to react to that so the game is played as the best of 2 out of 3 or, 3 out of 5. We haven't figured out exactly what the great round count is but we are going to be working on that and would appreciate feedback on that.We are going to do a lot of focus on with the Arenas and PvP, we will have matchmaking so you will be able to form a team or randomly jump in. It will be skill-based so we'll try and match teams equally against one and other. We are trying to figure out a way to do custom games. We know that while our Arenas are team-based there are a lot of you who are going to want to do a specific team against your friends' specific team and maybe outside of the ranking systems. You're going to want to do one on ones even though the game is not going to be super great balanced for that. We know you're going to want to do it so we're definitely focused on finding a way to make that really easy for you to do.
The last one is more of a progression-based ranking system. If you play Starcraft 2 you know it's very much what we call a skill-based ranking system where, when you play against one and other, you each get a rank and if you're rank is higher you get to make fun of your friend. We want you to be able to make fun of your friends but here's it's more about doing it in the Arenas. If you're playing in the Arenas and you win you're going to get points that will progress your rank, give you titles, vanity rewards, achievements, things that are not focused on power but showing how dedicated you are to PvP. As you continue to play through, even if you lose, you will also get points and progression.