The Prime Evils


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*[[墨菲斯托]] - 憎恨之王(Lord of Hatred)
*[[墨菲斯托]] - 憎恨之王(Lord of Hatred)
*[[巴尔]] - 毁灭之王(Lord of Destruction)
*[[巴尔]] - 毁灭之王(Lord of Destruction)
*[[迪亚波罗]] - 恐惧之王(Lord of Terror)
*[[迪亚波罗]] - 恐惧之王(Lord of Terror)
*[[安达利尔]](Andarial), 痛苦女王(Maiden of Anguish) ([[莉莉丝]]Lilith最优秀的女儿)
*[[安达利尔]](Andarial), 痛苦女王(Maiden of Anguish) ([[莉莉丝]]Lilith最优秀的女儿)
*[[阿兹莫丹]](Azmodan), 罪恶之王(Lord of Sin)
*[[阿兹莫丹]](Azmodan), 罪恶之王(Lord of Sin)
*[[贝里艾尔]](Belial), 谎言之王(Lord of Lies)
*[[贝里艾尔]](Belial), 谎言之王(Lord of Lies)
*[[督瑞尔]](Durial), 痛苦之王 - 也称苦难小王子(Lord of Pain - also known as Prince of Pain)
*[[督瑞尔]](Durial), 痛苦之王 - 也称苦难王子(Lord of Pain - also known as Prince of Pain)
:''For a list of the all the main demons of Hell, see "[[Great Evils]]"
:''For the less-powerful Lords of Hell, see "[[Lesser Evils]]"
:''For a list of minor demons, see "[[Demons]]"
[[Image:Prime_Evils.jpg|200px|thumb|right|The Three Prime Evils as seen in [[Diablo II]]]]
'''''[[Diablo]], the Lord of Terror'''''
'''''[[Mephisto]], the Lord of Hatred'''''
:''关于地狱中的主要恶魔的名单, 请参见"[[Great Evils|高等恶魔]]"
'''''[[Baal]], the Lord of Destruction'''''
:''关于地狱中较低等的魔王的名单,请参见"[[Lesser Evils|次等恶魔]]"
[[Image:Prime_Evils.jpg|200px|thumb|right|The Three Prime Evils as seen in [[Diablo II]]]]
These are the Prime Evils of Hell that wielded their power as a dark, sovereign triumvirate. The Three Brothers ruled over the Lesser Four by brutal force and malicious cunning. Being the eldest and strongest of the Evils, the Three Brothers were responsible for countless victories against the armies of the Light. Although they never held sway over the High Heavens for long, the Three were justly feared by enemies and subjects alike.
In the original [[Diablo (game)|Diablo]] game, the strongest Prime Evil, Diablo, was captured by the [[Horadrim]] and imprisoned inside a soulstone. Diablo was then buried deep beneath caverns under the town of [[Tristram]]. The main story line of Diablo I follows on from there.
After his defeat, Diablo seemed totally banished, but his presence was eventually made manifest inside the mind of the hero who defeated him. Slowly, the hero who slew Diablo was corrupted and driven by Diablo to seek out his two other brothers: Mephisto and Baal. The game [[Diablo II]] is where the story picks off from Diablo I, with the player playing a pursuing adventurer, trying to stop Diablo and prevent him from reuniting with his brothers. In the proceedings of Diablo II, Mephisto is defeated and his soulstone is destroyed. Eventually, Diablo himself is defeated and his soulstone is destroyed as well. However, the storyline leaves out what happened to Baal, the third brother, and thus, Diablo II is extended by an expansion pack: [[Lord of Destruction|Diablo II: Lord of Destruction]] to explain what happens to Baal.
The expansion pack, Diablo II: Lord of Destruction's storyline introduces a new mythical object into the Diablo Universe, the Worldstone, which is an ancient crystal-rock that exists to prevent the Heavens and the Hells from completely enveloping the mortal realm into their respective folds. Baal is seeking it, inside the innards of [[Mount Arreat]]. However, true to the games preceding it, Baal is defeated and the [[Worldstone]] is destroyed due to Baal's corruption of it.
'''[[Diablo]]''' is the Lord of Terror, responsible for the ensuing of mankind with violent images of bloodlust and terror; his prime weapon being the victim's fear. He was originally defeated under the labyrinths beneath [[Tristram]] but corrupted the hero who slew him and became the [[Dark Wanderer]], who sought out his brothers, but then was defeated in Hell, by the pursuing adventurer.
在迪亚波罗被击败后,它看起来已被彻底放逐,但是却已经完全侵占了将其打败的英雄的心智.这位杀死迪亚波罗的英雄渐渐腐化,并在其驱使下前去寻找他的另外两个兄弟,墨菲斯托和巴尔.游戏[[Diablo II|暗黑破坏神2]]的剧情承接前作,玩家扮演追逐恶魔的猫想着,试图阻止迪亚波罗的行动并防止其与他的两位兄弟重新结盟.随着剧情的展开,墨菲斯托被击败,他的灵魂之石也被摧毁.最终,玩家击败了迪亚波罗,其灵魂之石也被摧毁.然而,直至游戏情节结束,另一位魔王巴尔仍下落不明.因此暴雪推出了资料片[[Diablo II: Lord of Destruction|暗黑破坏神2:毁灭之王]]以揭示巴尔的行踪.
在资料片''暗黑破坏神2:毁灭之王''中,一个新的元素:[[Worldstone|世界之石]],被加入了游戏情结.这块晶体般的远古巨石的存在是为了将人类世界隐藏在天堂与地狱的视线之外以防止其落入他们中任一一方的掌控.而巴尔发现它隐藏在了[[Mount Arreat|亚瑞特之巅]]的中心.然而,在游戏剧情中,巴尔被玩家击败,世界之石也因巴尔对其的侵蚀而被毁掉了.
'''[[Mephisto]]''' is the eldest brother, and the Lord of Hatred. He was originally captured by the [[Horadrim]] in the deserts near the city of [[Lut Gholein]], the same place [[Baal]] was captured as well. He was moved to [[Kurast]] and imprisoned inside a [[Soulstone]], and was kept locked inside the Guardian Tower beneath the temple city of [[Travincal]]. His eventual corruption of the regional religious heads almost ensured his release, except he was eventually defeated by the pursuing adventurer. Being the Lord of Hatred, he is the most intensely evil brother, whose greatest weapon is his victim's irrational hatreds.
'''[[Diablo|迪亚波罗]]'''即为恐惧之王,他给人间带来了杀戮与恐惧;受害者的恐惧即是他的力量源泉.他在[[Tristram|崔斯特瑞姆]]地下的迷宫中被击败,但侵蚀了杀死他的英雄,使之成为了[[Dark Wanderer|黑暗流浪者]].他开始寻找他的兄长,在地狱被追击他的冒险者所击败.
'''[[Baal]]''' is the last brother in the storyline of the Diablo games. He is the Lord of Destruction and was the only brother to escape the pursuing adventurer. He raised an army of demons and minions and attacked the barbarian homelands of the north, laying siege to the capital city, Sescheron, and finally besieging the last city, [[Harrogath]]. He was stopped by the pursuing adventurer and eventually defeated. [[Baal]] is the Lord of Destruction and throughout the expansion pack, [[Diablo II: Lord of Destruction]], remains true to his title.
==Excerpt from the [[Tale of the Three]]==
'''[[Mephisto|墨菲斯托]]''',即憎恨之王,是三兄弟中的大哥. 他在[Lut Gholein|鲁高因]]附近的沙漠中被[[Horadrim|赫拉迪姆]]所俘获,[[Baal|巴尔]]也是在同一个地方被俘获的.他随后被移送至[[Kurast|库拉斯特]],并囚禁于[[Soulstone|灵魂之石]]中.他的灵魂之石被封印在[[Travincal|崔凡克]]的神殿之城地下的守护者之塔中.他最终侵蚀了那里的宗教领袖,几乎得以从囚禁中释放出来,但最终还是没追击他的冒险者所击败.作为憎恨之王,他是三兄弟中力量最强的.他最有力的武器是受害者扭曲的憎恨.
==摘自[[Tale of the Three|三魔头的传说]]==
"''Glory and Approbation to [[Diablo]] - Lord of Terror and Leader of the [[Three]].<br><br>My Lord spoke to [[Archbishop Lazarus|me]] of his two Brothers, [[Mephisto]] and [[Baal]], who were banished to this world long ago. My Lord wishes to bide his time and harness his awesome power so that he may free his captive brothers from their tombs beneath the sands of the East. Once my Lord releases his Brothers, the [[Sin War]] will once again know the fury of the [[Three]].''"
"''Glory and Approbation to [[Diablo]] - Lord of Terror and Leader of the [[Three]].<br><br>My Lord spoke to [[Archbishop Lazarus|me]] of his two Brothers, [[Mephisto]] and [[Baal]], who were banished to this world long ago. My Lord wishes to bide his time and harness his awesome power so that he may free his captive brothers from their tombs beneath the sands of the East. Once my Lord releases his Brothers, the [[Sin War]] will once again know the fury of the [[Three]].''"
"''荣耀和赞许属于迪亚波罗!恐惧之王!三巨头中的领导者!<br><br>[[Lazarus|我]]的王向我讲述着很早以前就被放逐至这个世界的他的两位兄弟,墨菲斯托和巴尔.我的王希望能等待时机养精蓄锐,以从东方被黄沙所掩埋的坟墓下释放他被囚禁的兄弟.当我的王释放了他的兄弟时,[[The Sin War|原罪之战]]中的对手将再一次见识到三巨头的摧枯拉朽般的力量.''"

在2011年12月2日 (五) 14:59所做的修订版本





关于地狱中的主要恶魔的名单, 请参见"高等恶魔"
The Three Prime Evils as seen in Diablo II












墨菲斯托,即憎恨之王,是三兄弟中的大哥. 他在[Lut Gholein|鲁高因]]附近的沙漠中被赫拉迪姆所俘获,巴尔也是在同一个地方被俘获的.他随后被移送至库拉斯特,并囚禁于灵魂之石中.他的灵魂之石被封印在崔凡克的神殿之城地下的守护者之塔中.他最终侵蚀了那里的宗教领袖,几乎得以从囚禁中释放出来,但最终还是没追击他的冒险者所击败.作为憎恨之王,他是三兄弟中力量最强的.他最有力的武器是受害者扭曲的憎恨.




"Glory and Approbation to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Leader of the Three.

My Lord spoke to me of his two Brothers, Mephisto and Baal, who were banished to this world long ago. My Lord wishes to bide his time and harness his awesome power so that he may free his captive brothers from their tombs beneath the sands of the East. Once my Lord releases his Brothers, the Sin War will once again know the fury of the Three.
" "荣耀和赞许属于迪亚波罗!恐惧之王!三巨头中的领导者!


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暗黑破坏神 III
暗黑破坏神 II