第699行: | 第699行: | ||
/** &withJS= URL parameter ******* | /** &withJS= URL parameter ******* | ||
* Allow to try custom scripts on the MediaWiki namespace without | * Allow to try custom scripts on the MediaWiki namespace without | ||
- | * editing [[Special:Mypage/ | + | * editing [[Special:Mypage/vector.js]] |
* | * | ||
* Maintainer: [[User:Platonides]] | * Maintainer: [[User:Platonides]] |
在2011年5月15日 (日) 15:40所做的修订版本
/* 所有用戶在加載任何頁面時,這裡的JavaScript都會加載 */ window.addPortletLink = mw.util.addPortletLink; window.getParamValue = mw.util.getParamValue; (function ($, mw) { /* Search Engine variant hack */ if (/\.google\./.test(document.referrer) && /\.wikipedia\.org\/zh(-[^/]+)?\//.test(document.location.href)) { document.location = document.location.href.replace(/\.wikipedia\.org\/zh(-[^/]+)?\//, ""); } /* Cookies */ window.setCookie = function (cookieName, cookieValue, expiryDay) { $.cookie(cookieName, cookieValue, { expires: expiryDay, path: '/' }); }; window.getCookie = function (cookieName) { return $.cookie(cookieName); }; window.deleteCookie = function (cookieName) { $.cookie(cookieName, null); }; /* overwrite the original script loaders with mw.loader.load window.importScript = function (page) { mw.loader.load(wgServer + wgScript + '?title=' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode(page) + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); }; window.importScriptCallback = function (page, ready) { importScriptURICallback(wgServer + wgScript + '?title=' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode(page) + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript', ready); 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}; window.wgUVS = function (hans, hant, cn, tw, hk, sg, zh, mo, my) { return wgUXS(wgUserVariant, hans, hant, cn, tw, hk, sg, zh, mo, my); }; /* 當需要時載入對應的 scripts */ if (wgAction == "edit" || wgAction == "submit" || wgCanonicalSpecialPageName == 'Search') { //scripts specific to editing pages importScript('MediaWiki:Common.js/edit.js'); } /* 辅助处理 */ /* 1. 功能設定 */ window.JSConfig = window.JSconfig || {}; window.JSConfig.collapseText = wgULS('隐藏▲', '隱藏▲'); //指示折叠收缩的默认文字 window.JSConfig.expandText = wgULS('显示▼', '顯示▼'); //指示折叠展开的默认文字 window.JSConfig.autoCollapse = 2; //文章少于 autoCollapse 个折叠块时,不自动折叠 // window.JSConfig.SpecialSearchEnhancedDisabled=false; //是否禁止增加其它搜索引擎 /* 2. 用jQuery实现的getElementsByClassName(需不需要返回DOM对象?) */ window.getElementsByClassName = function (elm, tag, className) { return $(tag + '.' + className, elm); }; /* 3. 遍历 */ window.applyEach = function (callback, array) { var i = 0, j = array.length; while (i < j) { callback(array[i++]); } }; /* 4. 移動元素 */ window.elementMoveto = function (node, refNode, pos) { //默认位置为refNode前 if (node && refNode) { if (pos && pos == 'after') { $(refNode).after(node); 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var pre = page.match(reg); pre = pre && wgProjectURL[pre[0].replace(/:$/, '').toLowerCase()]; if (pre) { page = page.replace(reg, ''); } else { pre = wgServer; } //保障没有相对路径,以照顾在线代理。 var url = pre + wgScript + '?title=' + encodeURI(page.replace(' ', '_')); if (typeof paras == 'object') { paras.ctype = paras.ctype || 'text'; paras.dontcountme = paras.dontcountme || 's'; paras.action = paras.action || 'raw'; for (var k in paras) { url += '&' + k + '=' + paras[k]; } } return url; }; //引入[[Special:Gadgets]]要求的腳本和樣式 if (window.requireScripts instanceof Array) { applyEach(importScript, requireScripts); } if (window.requireStylesheets instanceof Array) { applyEach(importStylesheet, requireStylesheets); } window.requireScripts = []; window.requireScripts.push = function (script) { importScript(script); }; window.requireStylesheets = []; window.requireStylesheets.push = function (style) { importStylesheet(style); }; /* 测试元素中是否含有指定的样式 */ window.hasClass = function (elem, cls) { return $(elem).hasClass(cls); 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Actualitzat per Joanjoc seguint les indicacions d'en Martorell */ function MetaCaixaInit() { //S'executa al carregar-se la pàgina, si hi ha metacaixes, // s'assignen els esdeveniments als botons //alert("MetaCaixaInit"); var i = 0 //Inicialitzem comptador de caixes for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { var vMc = document.getElementById("mc" + i); if (!vMc) break; //alert("MetaCaixaInit, trobada Metacaixa mc"+i); var j = 1 //Inicialitzem comptador de botons dins de la caixa var vPsIni = 0 //Pestanya visible inicial for (j = 1; j <= 9; j++) { var vBt = document.getElementById("mc" + i + "bt" + j); if (!vBt) break; //alert("MetaCaixaInit, trobat botó mc"+i+"bt"+j); vBt.onclick = MetaCaixaMostraPestanya; //A cada botó assignem l'esdeveniment onclick //alert (vBt.className); if (vBt.className == "mcBotoSel") vPsIni = j; //Si tenim un botó seleccionat, en guardem l'index } //alert ("mc="+i+", ps="+j+", psini="+vPsIni ); if (vPsIni == 0) { //Si no tenim cap botó seleccionat, n'agafem un aleatòriament vPsIni = 1 + Math.floor((j - 1) * Math.random()); //alert ("Activant Pestanya a l'atzar; _mc"+i+"bt"+vPsIni +"_"); document.getElementById("mc" + i + "ps" + vPsIni).style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("mc" + i + "ps" + vPsIni).style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById("mc" + i + "bt" + vPsIni).className = "mcBotoSel"; } } } function MetaCaixaMostraPestanya() { //S'executa al clicar una pestanya, //aquella es fa visible i les altres s'oculten var vMcNom =, 3); //A partir del nom del botó, deduïm el nom de la caixa var vIndex =, 1); //I l'index var i = 1 for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { //busquem totes les pestanyes d'aquella caixa //alert(vMcNom+"ps"+i); var vPsElem = document.getElementById(vMcNom + "ps" + i); if (!vPsElem) break; if (vIndex == i) { //Si és la pestanya bona la mostrem i canviem la classe de botó = "block"; = "visible"; document.getElementById(vMcNom + "bt" + i).className = "mcBotoSel"; } else { //Sinó, l'ocultem i canviem la classe de botó = "none"; = "hidden"; document.getElementById(vMcNom + "bt" + i).className = "mcBoto"; } } return false; //evitem la recàrrega de la pàgina } addOnloadHook(MetaCaixaInit); /*HERE FINISHES THE WORKING-CODE OF "METABOXES"*/ /* == 智能讨论页编辑(新建) == */ $(function () { var catalk = $('#ca-talk'); if (catalk.hasClass('new') && wgNamespaceNumber != 2) { var a = $('a:first', catalk); a.attr('href', a.attr('href') + '§ion=new'); } }); // /** Magic editintros **************************************************** * * Description: Adds editintros on disambiguation pages and BLP pages. * Maintainers: [[:en:User:RockMFR]], [[User:PhiLiP]] */ var addEditIntro = function (name) { $('#ca-edit,.editsection').each(function () { $('a', this).attr('href', $('a', this).attr('href') + '&editintro=' + name); }); }; if (wgNamespaceNumber == 0) { $(function () { if ($('#disambig').length || $('#disambigbox').length) { addEditIntro('Template:Disambig_editintro'); } }); $(function () { if ($.inArray('在世人物', wgCategories) !== -1) { addEditIntro('Template:BLP_editintro'); } }); } // Top icon: [[Template:Topicon]] $(function () { // nostalgia, standard and cologneblue use .pagetitle // what's the problem on modern? $('<div />').css('float', 'right').append($('.topicon').css({ 'float': 'right', 'position': 'static' }).show()).prependTo('#firstHeading, .pagetitle'); }); /* == 引用錯誤標籤名字解碼 == */ $(function () { $('.anchordecodeme').each(function () { $(this).text(decodeURIComponent($(this).text().replace(/\.([0-9A-F]{2})/g, '%$1'))); }); }); /** extract a URL parameter from the current URL ********** * From [[en:User:Lupin/autoedit.js]] * * paramName : the name of the parameter to extract * * Local Maintainer: [[User:Dschwen]] */ function getParamValue(paramName, url) { if (typeof(url) == 'undefined') url = document.location.href; var cmdRe = RegExp('[&?]' + paramName + '=([^&]*)'); var m = cmdRe.exec(url); if (m) { try { return decodeURIComponent(m[1]); } catch (someError) {} } return null; } /** &withJS= URL parameter ******* * Allow to try custom scripts on the MediaWiki namespace without * editing [[Special:Mypage/vector.js]] * * Maintainer: [[User:Platonides]] * [[User:PhiLiP]]移植自Commons */ { var extraJS = getParamValue("withJS"); if (extraJS) if (extraJS.match("^MediaWiki:[^&<>=%]*\.js$")) importScript(extraJS); else alert(extraJS + " javascript not allowed to be loaded."); } /** Advanced Site Notices ******** * Allow to custom dynamic site notices * Maintainer: [[User:PhiLiP]] */ if (typeof(window.closeASNForever) == 'undefined') { window.closeASNForever = false; } if (typeof(window.customASNInterval) == 'undefined') { window.customASNInterval = 15; } $(function () { $('#mw-dismissable-notice').css('display', 'none'); if (closeASNForever || wgAction == 'edit' || wgAction == 'submit') { return; } var ln = $('#siteNotice'); if (!ln.length) { return; } var cname = 'dismissASN'; var cval = getCookie(cname); if (cval == '') { cval = 0; } var rev = 0; var toid = null; var tb = $('<table id="asn-dismissable-notice" width="100%" style="background: transparent;"/>'); var ct = $('<div id="advancedSiteNotices"/>'); var sd = $('<a href="#">' + wgUVS('关闭', '關閉') + '</a>'); tb.append($('<tr/>').append($('<td/>').append(ct)).append($('<td/>').append('[').append(sd).append(']'))); var nts = null; () { setCookie(cname, rev, 30); clearTimeout(toid); tb.remove(); return false; }); var getAttrs = function (nt) { var only = { sysop: nt.hasClass('only_sysop'), logged: nt.hasClass('only_logged'), anon: nt.hasClass('only_anon'), zh: nt.hasClass('only_zh') }; only['usr'] = only['sysop'] || only['logged'] || only['anon']; only['vrt'] = only['zh']; var vrt = ['hans', 'hant', 'cn', 'hk', 'sg', 'tw'] for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { v = 'zh-' + vrt[i]; only[v] = nt.hasClass('only_zh_' + vrt[i]); only['vrt'] = only['vrt'] || only[v]; } return only; }; var loadNotices = function (pos) { if (!tb.length) { return; } var l = nts.length; var nt = null; var rt = 0; while (!nt || nt.attr('class')) { if (nt) { var only = getAttrs(nt); if ((!only['vrt'] || (only['vrt'] && only[wgUserVariant])) && (!only['usr'] || ($.inArray('sysop', wgUserGroups) && only['sysop']) || (wgUserName && only['logged']) || (!wgUserName && only['anon']))) { break; } } pos = pos % l; nt = $(nts[pos++]); rt++; if (rt == l) { return; } } nt = nt.html(); if (ct.html()) { ct.stop().fadeOut(function () { ct.html(nt).fadeIn(); }); } else if (rev == cval) { return; } else { tb.appendTo(ln); ct.html(nt).fadeIn(); } toid = setTimeout(function () { loadNotices(pos) }, customASNInterval * 1000); }; $.get(wgScript, { title: 'Template:AdvancedSiteNotices', variant: wgUserVariant, printable: 'yes' }, function (d) { nts = $('ul.sitents li', d); rev = parseInt($('.nts_revision', d).text()); var l = nts.length; loadNotices(Math.ceil(Math.random() * l)); }); }); /* 维基百科语言列表 */ if (wgPageName == 'Wikipedia:首页' || wgPageName == 'Wikipedia_talk:首页' || wgPageName.indexOf("Wikipedia:首頁/自訂首頁設計/") == 0) { $(function () { mw.util.addPortletLink('p-lang', wgScriptPath + '/index.php?title=Wikipedia:维基百科语言列表', wgULS('维基百科语言列表', '維基百科語言列表'), 'interwiki-completelist', wgULS('维基百科的完整各语言列表', '維基百科的完整各語言列表')); var nstab = document.getElementById('ca-nstab-project'); if (nstab && wgUserLanguage.indexOf("zh") > -1) { while (nstab.firstChild) nstab = nstab.firstChild nstab.nodeValue = wgULS('首页', '首頁') } // nstab.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue = wgULS('首页','首頁'); 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query = method; method = 'get'; } ready = ready || mw.api.pass; query.format = 'json'; $[method](wgScriptPath + '/api.php', query, ready, 'json'); }, /** * Get raw text of pages * * @param pages: require page(s), string or array * @param ready: optional, callback function receive raw content * @param purge: purge the cache? boolean */ raw: function (pages, ready, purge) { if (typeof pages == 'string') { pages = [pages]; } if (typeof ready == 'boolean') { purge = ready; ready = mw.api.pass; } ready = ready || mw.api.pass; purge = purge || false; var _raw_from_cache = function (pages) { var ret = {}; var pagelen = pages.length; for (var id = 0; id < pagelen; id++) { var page = pages[id]; var title = mw.api.normalized[page] || page; if (typeof mw.api.cache[title] == 'object') { ret[page] = mw.api.cache[title]['*']; } } return ret; } var ready_data = {}; var titles = []; if (!purge) { $.extend(ready_data, _raw_from_cache(pages)); var pagelen = pages.length; for (var id = 0; id < pagelen; id++) { var page = pages[id]; 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ready = ready || mw.api.pass; } // request an edit token mw.api.request({ 'action': 'query', 'prop': 'info', 'intoken': 'edit', 'titles': page }, function (data) { var token = ''; var starttimestamp = ''; for (var pageid in data.query.pages) { token = data.query.pages[pageid].edittoken; starttimestamp = data.query.pages[pageid].starttimestamp; } var query = { 'action': 'edit', 'title': page, 'starttimestamp': starttimestamp, 'summary': summary, 'text': text, 'token': token }; if (mw.api.cache[page]) { // use basetimestamp to prevent edit conflict query.basetimestamp = mw.api.cache[page].timestamp; } mw.api.request('post', query, ready); }); }, /** * Parse a page content */ parse: function (page, variant, ready) { if (typeof variant == 'function') { ready = variant; variant = window.wgUserVariant || false; } else { ready = ready || mw.api.pass; variant = variant || window.wgUserVariant || false; } var query = { 'action': 'parse', 'page': page } if (variant) { query.variant = variant; } mw.api.request(query, function (data) { ready(data.parse.text['*'], data.parse.displaytitle, data.parse.links); 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