冰冷乌鸦 (Diablo II)
我的老婆叫王冠 (讨论 | 贡献)
(以内容“怪物名称:冰冷乌鸦 Coldcrow <br/> 特殊属性: Cold Enchanted (冰冷强化)<br/> 属性效果:<br/> 最小冰伤害: +66% 伤害力<br/> 最大冰伤...”创建新页面)
(以内容“怪物名称:冰冷乌鸦 Coldcrow <br/> 特殊属性: Cold Enchanted (冰冷强化)<br/> 属性效果:<br/> 最小冰伤害: +66% 伤害力<br/> 最大冰伤...”创建新页面)
在2011年10月11日 (二) 12:33所做的修订版本
怪物名称:冰冷乌鸦 Coldcrow
特殊属性: Cold Enchanted (冰冷强化)
最小冰伤害: +66% 伤害力
最大冰伤害: +100% 伤害力
冰冻时间: +20
攻击次数: x2
防冰: 75%
如果死亡, 放出怪物同级的 Frost Nova .
在噩梦和地狱, 随从获得 +33-50% 冰伤害.
来自:Act I, 洞窟第一层 The Cave(冰冷之源)
Coldcrow is a Dark Archer found in the cave, the dungeon connecting the Stony Field to the Dark Wood. She is found on the first level, and so is often encountered by the player journeying through the cave to progress though the game. She is not of any particular danger in Normal, but in higher difficulties Super Unique monsters spawn with extra modifiers. Cold Enchanted is also quite an irritating ability on a shooter, especially on Archers who have a tendency to run away as soon as the player goes into melee range.
Additional Information
- Normal: 4
- Nightmare: 5
- Hell: 6
Monster Stats
Coldcrow | 游戏 难度 | 生命 | 抗性 | 伤害 效果 | 出现位置 (等级) | 固有 属性 | 最高等级 掉落符文 | ||||||||
冰 | 火 | 电 | 魔 | 物 | 毒 | ||||||||||
| 普通 | 52 - 76 | 75 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | Cave (7) | Cold Enchanted | None | |||
噩梦 | 921 - 1,593 | 75 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | Cave (39) | 破 (16) | |||||
地狱 | 4,648 - 8,030 | 100 | 25 | 100 | 0 | 15 | 0 | 100% | Cave (80) | 查姆 (32) |