第1行: |
第1行: |
- | 怪物名称:龙手-马弗 Maffer Dragonhand <br/>
| |
- | 特别属性: Extra Fast, Extra Strong, Teleportation (特别快速,特别强壮,瞬间移动)<br/>
| |
- | 属性效果:<br/>
| |
- | 当 (生命< 33%) 或 (附近怪物死去), 则发生顺间移动. 同时, 如果 (生命< 33%) 就会恢复一些生命. <br/>
| |
- | 最小伤害: x2.5 <br/>
| |
- | 最大伤害: x2.5 <br/>
| |
- | 攻击次数 : +25% <br/>
| |
- | 随从 +75% 伤害力<br/>
| |
- | 暗金怪物极其随从提升效率<br/>
| |
- | 攻击概率 x2 (暗金怪物专有)<br/>
| |
- | 来自: 憎恨囚牢3 Durance of Hate Level 3 <br/>
| |
| | | |
- | '''Maffer Dragonhand''' is one of the three members of the [[High Council of Zakarum]] who accompany {{2|Mephisto}} on the third level of the {{2|Durance of Hate}}. He is not required to complete the [[The Guardian (Diablo II Quest)|final quest of Act III]] and can be ignored along with the other members of the council on this floor.
| |
- |
| |
- | == Additional Information ==
| |
- | '''Special Abilities''':
| |
- | * {{2|Hydra}}
| |
- | * Shocking melee attack
| |
- | * Can heal self and others.
| |
- |
| |
- | == Monster Stats ==
| |
- | {{Monster (Diablo II)|top
| |
- | |name = Maffer Dragonhand
| |
- | |image = Council Member (Diablo II).gif
| |
- | |basemonster = {{2|Council Member}}
| |
- | |health = 764 - 1,524
| |
- | |healthN = 7,248 - 12,684
| |
- | |healthH = 26,108 - 45,688
| |
- | |physical = 0
| |
- | |magic = 0
| |
- | |fire = 0
| |
- | |lightning = 0
| |
- | |cold = 0
| |
- | |poison = 0
| |
- | |physicalN = 0
| |
- | |magicN = 0
| |
- | |fireN = 0
| |
- | |lightningN = 0
| |
- | |coldN = 0
| |
- | |poisonN = 0
| |
- | |physicalH = 50
| |
- | |magicH = 0
| |
- | |fireH = 33
| |
- | |lightningH = 100
| |
- | |coldH = 33
| |
- | |poisonH = 33
| |
- | |drain = 100
| |
- | |drainN = 85
| |
- | |drainH = 66
| |
- | |location = {{2|Durance of Hate}} (28)
| |
- | |locationN = {{2|Durance of Hate}} (58)
| |
- | |locationH = {{2|Durance of Hate}} (86)
| |
- | |ulocation =
| |
- | |ulocationN =
| |
- | |ulocationH =
| |
- | |presets = {{2|Extra Strong}}<br />{{2|Extra Fast}}
| |
- | |rune = {{rr|Sol}}
| |
- | |runeN = {{rr|Um}}
| |
- | |runeH = {{rr|Cham}}
| |
- | }}
| |
- | |}
| |
- | {{模板:暗黑2超级怪物表}}
| |
- | {{c|暗黑2 怪物}}
| |