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==特质== | ==特质== | ||
<p> 特质系统已经被被动技能所取代,以下资料已经失效.</p> | <p> 特质系统已经被被动技能所取代,以下资料已经失效.</p> |
在2012年3月10日 (六) 09:18所做的修订版本
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目录 |
特质属于被动技能,也就是说不需要使用,只需要投入点数后就可以持续发挥作用.从目前的资料来看,特质将会从根本上使角色的发展多元化.各职业间都存在一些相同的被动技能,例如对各种类怪物的伤害提升,血球的掉率等等.角色升级时就会获得1点特质点数,每升一级都有1点.特质有助于个人独特玩法的形成和区分.每个特质都有等级之分,从1级到5级不等.特质除了可以帮助玩家定制出诸如坦克,狂战士或战斗大师类型的野蛮人之外,还包括一些有趣的文字,在解释说明的同时使角色更加贴近暗黑世界.理论上说有90种选择,但你实际可使用的只有30点点数.杰·威尔逊 提到目前实在有太多的选择了,所以其中一些会被剔除.但这仍为角色定制和个性化留下了充裕的空间.因为被动技能也可以成为简单的属性加成手段,它们在属性方面的加成足以让你惊呼不已.有些是50%的加成,而不是+1伤害这种蝇头小利.
特质是于2010年,在所有被动技能被从技能树中移除后引入游戏中的.许多已有的被动技能或多或少的被直接转化成为了特质,此外还添加了一些新的技能以满足角色需要.在Gameplay Panel in Blizzcon 2010上,杰·威尔逊第一次将特质系统公之于众.特质对所有主动技能及状态可以提供可观的加成,使得玩家可以加强特定技能或是创造自己的游戏风格.在Blizzcon 2010的采访中杰解释了将被动技能从技能树中移除并引入特质这一概念背后的逻辑.
Jay Wilson Interview - Blizzcon, 25/10/2010
- 技能系统进行了彻底的更新,我们加入了全新的特质系统.我们去年所展示的技能系统具有极强的暗黑2风格.我们当时很清楚这样的机理没有什么问题,但是确又感觉到它有些骇人,因为那样迫使你不得不将技能点数分配给尽可能多的技能而不是将它们集中起来以创造你自己的玩法.如果你被迫将点数分给30个不同技能,就会毁掉你的角色.这样的系统不利于游戏的进行.
- 我们同时将被动技能移入了它们自己的UI,进行了重命名,特质系统由此产生.这样做是因为考虑到无论被动技有多好,放弃一个主动技而选择被动技仍是个难以接受的决定.特质树使得我们可以扩展被动技的数量并可以专注于如"我希望提高存活率"或者"我希望对输出伤害进行强化"等对角色进行个性化的核心元素.它取代了先前我们认为存在一些问题,不能使得点数得到合理应用的消耗技能点的设定.在有了特质系统后,玩家将会发现自己有了更多的选择以与对手抗衡,并且这也增添了个性化的选择使得游戏可以迎合更多人的口味.
Jay Wilson Interview @ BlizzCon 2010 - IncGamers transcript of G4TV interview, October 25, 2010
- 杰·威尔逊:我们希望系统能有很好的定制性,我们所期待的定制性是这样的:'我要让我的角色与众不同,在某一方面无可匹敌.'技能,但是当玩家开始考虑他们的角色究竟应该是怎样的时,他们并不会更倾向于认为"我比较喜欢用旋风斩".他们操控的野蛮人会时常施展旋风斩,但这并不意味着这就是他们对自身角色的定位.他们是这样想的:"我是个特别强壮或是难以被击倒的野蛮人!"这就是特质存在的意义.它对核心属性的影响将使得你可以定制属于你自己的角色并对其加以扩展.
以下是按照字母顺序排列的所有已知的特质.在Blizzcon 2010上总共81项特质,一些高等级特质未被记录在案,而新发布的猎魔人的角色只公布了五个特质.
Trait Name | Effect/Bonus | Available to |
Anti-Magic Shield | Reduces magical damage taken. | Wizard |
Arcane Channeling | Increases the regeneration of her Arcane Power. | Wizard |
Assassin | Doubles the class' melee damage when equipped with a dagger. | Witch Doctor |
Axe Murderer | Increases the character's damage while wielding axes. | Barbarian |
Bad Temper | Increases Fury generation and decreases Fury decay. | Barbarian |
Ball of Lightning | Creates ball of lightning that strikes nearby enemies. | Wizard |
Battering Ram | Enables the Barbarian to resist the debuff dealt by various slowing effects. | Barbarian |
Beast Hunter | Enables bonus damage against all beast type monsters. | Barbarian, Monk, Witch Doctor, Wizard |
Black Ice | Causes target frozen by the Wizard to take additional damage. | Wizard |
Blood Rites | Enables the class to increase spell damage for a short time after hitting a health globe. | Witch Doctor |
Blur | Reduces the damage taken from melee attacks. | Wizard |
Brain Basher | Grants increased damage while the character is wielding any type of mace. | Barbarian |
Care of the Master | Increases the health of his summoned pets. | Witch Doctor |
Conjured Armor | Increases the Wizard's armor (defense), as well as boosting the effect of Ice Armor or Storm Armor. | Wizard |
Cruelty | Enables a character to increase their chance of dealing critical strikes during combat. | Barbarian, Monk, Witch Doctor, Wizard |
Death Pact | Enables the class to take less damage when low on hit points. | Witch Doctor |
Demonsbane | Provides bonus damage to Demon type monsters. | Barbarian, Monk, Witch Doctor, Wizard |
Die by the Sword | Enables those classes to boost their damage while wielding a sword. | Barbarian, Monk |
Disbelief | Reduces the damage taken from magical attacks. | Barbarian |
Drain Power | Transfers damage dealt to health and Arcane Power, essentially giving the Wizard dual leech from spells, in Diablo II terms. | Wizard |
Energy Reserves | Enables Arcane Power to regenerate when health orbs are consumed. | Wizard |
Expanded Mind | Increases the class' Arcane Power. | Wizard |
Ferocity | Increase the damage done by the Witch Doctor's summoned pets. | Witch Doctor |
Fetish Leader | Increases the damage done by the class' various Fetish skills. | Witch Doctor |
Fleet | Increases the class' base movement speed. | Monk |
Flight Before Fight | Increase in movement speed when one of the Wizard's melee attacks is blocked. | Wizard |
Frenzied Attacks | Enables class to deal more critical strikes and make them more damaging, while dual wielding weapons. | Barbarian, Monk |
Glass Cannon | Increases spell damage while reducing armor. | Wizard |
Healer | Enhances the amount of healing provided by the class' healing skills. | Monk |
Inner Rage | Increases Fury gain and reduces Fury loss while attacking the same target. | Barbarian |
Insane Courage | Enables the Barbarian to take less damage when his health is below 50%. | Barbarian |
Intimidation | Increases damage done to monsters as well as reducing vendor costs. | Barbarian, Monk, Wizard |
Iron Skin | Boosts the characters' armor. | Barbarian |
Just...Stay...Dead! | Provides bonus damage against undead type monsters. | Barbarian, Monk, Witch Doctor, Wizard |
Leader of the Pack | Adds damage to his pet Mongrels. | Witch Doctor |
Legendary Might | Boosts the character's strength by an unknown amount. | Barbarian |
Lightning Reflexes | Enables the character to increase her dexterity. | Demon Hunter |
Lucky | Allows character to find more gold from monster drops only. | Barbarian, Monk, Witch Doctor, Wizard |
Mana Regeneration | Regenerate mana at an increased rate. | Witch Doctor |
Massive Blow | Grants Barbarians using two-handed weapons a chance of spontaneously striking all nearby enemies with any attack. | Barbarian |
Meditation | Regenerates some of the mana cost of spells cast. | Witch Doctor |
Mind and Body | Regenerates health. | Witch Doctor |
Natural Leader | Unknown | Barbarian, Monk, Witch Doctor, Wizard |
Natural Resistance | Adds resistance against all types of magical attack. | Barbarian |
Penetrating Spells | Reduces resistance of the Wizard's enemies. | Wizard |
Pig Sticker | Increased damage to a Barbarian while wielding a polearm or spear, or while throwing weapons. | Barbarian |
Plagued | Increases the damage done by his various "Animal and Plague" skills. | Witch Doctor |
Pound of Flesh | Increases the likelihood that a health globe will drop from a monster they kill. | Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Monk |
Power Surge | Increases critical strike damage. | Wizard |
Precision | Increases the Monk's melee damage for each point in dexterity. | Wizard |
Prismatic Cloak | Increases the effect of Ice Armor and Storm Armor, two defensive skills. | Wizard |
Quickening | Enables faster spell casting speed. | Witch Doctor, Wizard |
Ranged Weapon Specialization | Enables her to boost her weapon and skill damage while using ranged weapons (bows and crossbows). | Demon Hunter |
Rapid Strikes | Increases the class' attack speed. | Monk |
Right-Handed | Enhances skill damage when the character is wielding a weapon in their right hand. (Not using a two-handed weapon. See Staff Specialization.) | Witch Doctor |
Ritual of Blood | Transfer 50% of mana costs to health, allowing for more spell-casting, with a slightly increased risk of death. | Witch Doctor |
Rituals | Increases spell damage by a percentage of the character's Vitality. | Witch Doctor |
Second Wind | Steadily regenerates hit points. | Barbarian |
Shield of Iron | Improves the Barbarian's blocking when he has a shield equipped. | Barbarian |
Shield Slam | Chance to strike melee attackers with his shield, interrupting their attacks. | Barbarian |
Sixth Sense | Increases the class' chance to dodge attacks of all types. | Monk |
Slaughter | Enables melee attacks to sometimes strike additional nearby targets. | Barbarian |
Soul Split | Defensive trait that enables the Wizard to automatically create a short-term decoy when her health drops below 50%. | Wizard |
Spirit Link | Lessens damage taken by the Witch Doctor by redirecting a percentage of it to his summoned pets. | Witch Doctor |
Spiritual Attunement | Enables the class to increase their maximum mana. | Witch Doctor |
Spirit Vessel | Enables the class to gain mana from each health globe, whether the character gains any health or not. | Witch Doctor |
Staff Specialization | Boosts the damage done by spells while a character has a staff equipped. | Witch Doctor, Wizard |
Superior Skill | Enables a character to boost their dexterity. | Barbarian, Monk, Witch Doctor, Wizard |
Telekinesis | Improves the Wizard's chance to dodge projectiles. | Wizard |
Temperature Control | Reduce the damage the class takes from Lightning, Fire, and Cold damage. (But not Arcane or Poison/Disease.) | Monk |
Temporal Flux | Slowing effect to enemies who she hits for Arcane spell damage. | Wizard |
The Wall | Reduces damage taken from melee attacks. | Barbarian |
Thunderous Blows | Enhances their damage while wielding a two-handed melee weapon. | Barbarian, Monk |
Toughness | Increases a character's Vitality. | Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Monk, Witch Doctor, Wizard |
True Spirit | Increase the rate of spirit regeneration. | Monk |
Unbreakable Will | Enables a character to boost their willpower. | Demon Hunter, Witch Doctor, Wizard |
Unrelenting Assault | Gives dead Mongrels a chance to spontaneously return to life. | Witch Doctor |
Wand Specialization | Increases the damage done by spells and weapons when the Wizard is wielding a wand. | Wizard |
Weak Spot | Enables them to increase their critical strike damage. | Barbarian, Monk |
Weapon Master | Increases the damage done by spells and weapons when wielding a sword, axe, or mace. | Wizard |
Zombie Master | Enhances the damage of his zombie type skills. | Witch Doctor |
↑ Jay Wilson Interview - Blizzcon, 25/10/2010
↑ Jay Wilson Interview @ BlizzCon 2010 - IncGamers transcript of G4TV interview, October 25, 2010