Fireball (Diablo I)


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ONe Piece (讨论 | 贡献)
(以内容“{{Skill (Diablo I) |Name = Fireball |Damage = 6-42 |Type = Fire |Class = ·1.5* |Spell = ·1.125^x |Magic = - |StartMagic = 48 |EndMa...”创建新页面)

在2012年3月24日 (六) 08:11所做的修订版本

Fireball (Diablo I).png
Damage Magic Requirements
Base Damage 6-42 Spell Level 1 48
Damage Type Fire Requires 255 at Level 10
Damage Increase Mana Cost
per Class Level ·1.5* Initial Mana Cost 16
per Spell Level ·1.125^x Reduction per Spell Level -1
per Magic Point - Lowest Mana Cost 10

Fireball is a projective spell and one of the most powerful spells in the game. Sorcerers will typically wish to switch to this spell as their main attack as soon as they get it. It sports some of the best damage in the game, can be fired quickly and causes splash damage upon impact.

Damage Calculations

Real Damage: Rec(slvl, 2*(Rnd[10]+Rnd[10]+clvl) + 4)
Min. Damage: Rec(slvl, 4 + 2*clvl)
Max. Damage: Rec(slvl, 40 + 2*clvl)
Quick Min. Damage: (4 + 2*clvl) * (9/8)^slvl
Quick Max. Damage: (40 + 2*clvl) * (9/8)^slvl

* The added damage from each character level is then multiplied by the spell level bonus, resulting in a much greater bonus the higher the spell level.

Diablo I Spells
Page 1 Item Repair • Staff Recharge • Disarm Traps • Rage • Firebolt • Charged Bolt • Healing • Heal Other • Holy Bolt • Inferno
Page 2 Resurrect • Fire Wall • Telekinesis • Lightning • Town Portal • Flash • Stone Curse
Page 3 Phasing • Mana Shield • Elemental • Fireball • Flame Wave • Chain Lightning • Guardian
Page 4 Nova • Golem • Teleport • Apocalypse • Bone Spirit • Blood Star
Page 5 Lightning Wall • Immolation • Warp • Reflect • Berserk • Ring of Fire • Search
Page 6 Infravision • Identify • Jester • Magi • Mana
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