The Burning Hells
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==背景== | ==背景== | ||
- | + | 没人知道究竟地狱是怎么形成的,但它就那么存在了,年代要比[[庇护所]]久远的多。[[高阶天堂]]和燃烧地狱间[[终极斗争]]早在[[庇护所]]被创造前的无数年就开始了。 | |
- | + | 在高阶恶魔中,有庇尔斯级恶魔和次级恶魔。次级恶魔受制于庇尔斯级恶魔,受后者的威逼利诱,但他们本身也是可怕的强大存在。 | |
庇尔斯级恶魔: | 庇尔斯级恶魔: | ||
第23行: | 第23行: | ||
===[[庇护之地]]=== | ===[[庇护之地]]=== | ||
- | + | 不知究竟是何时起,一些天使和恶魔厌倦了无休止的斗争,想要从中脱身出来。天使[[艾纳利尤斯]]和恶魔[[莉莉丝]]最先无视天堂和地狱的阻拦,成为越界的情侣。艾纳利尤斯和莉莉丝一起创造了[[庇护之地]]作为他们的家,并创造了他们称之为Nephalem的种族——尽管方式与人类繁衍大不相同。 | |
- | + | 天使和恶魔结合出的Nephalem近乎无限的强大,以至于天堂和地狱同时注意到了庇护之地的存在。恶魔和天使们害怕这一新种族成长壮大,于是决定摧毁他们。[[泰瑞尔]]领导的[[安格力斯委员会]]被授予这一任务。 | |
- | + | 崇尚个性和自由的Nepahlem的家园被双方瓜分。世界之石被用来削弱Nepahlem的力量,最终成功令大多数人忘记了自己曾经拥有的力量,成为了今天的人类。 | |
===[[原罪之战]]=== | ===[[原罪之战]]=== |
在2011年5月16日 (一) 03:11所做的修订版本
The Burning Hells,or just Hell is the home of demons. The inhabitants of Hell are lead by the Great Evils, seven immensely powerful demons.
目录 |
- 安达利尔(Andarial), 痛苦女王(Maiden of Anguish) (莉莉丝Lilith最优秀的女儿)
- 阿兹莫丹(Azmodan), 罪恶之王(Lord of Sin)
- 贝里艾尔(Belial), 谎言之王(Lord of Lies)
- 督瑞尔(Durial), 痛苦之王 - 也称苦难小王子(Lord of Pain - also known as Prince of Pain)
As soon as Sanctuary was revealed, some of the battle between Light and Darkness took place on human soil. This conflict was to be called the Sin War.
The Prime Evils noticed that while on the mortal realm, they were cut off from their source of power deep in the Burning Hells. However, the energy from mortal souls was easily harnessed and could be used in all realms. The almost exact power balance of Heaven and Hell could thus be overcome by taking control of Sanctuary. An all-out invasion would do no good, however, since the Heavenly Host would just come down to meet them, and the world would be destroyed.
Instead, the then already corrupted angel Izual told the Three of angelic Soulstones that could be used to channel power from Hell directly. With this force, any battles on the mortal realms would easily be dealt with. They needed to lure the angels to use the Soulstones against them without letting the ruse become obvious.
With minute careful planning, they manipulated the Lesser Evils of Azmodan and Belial to revolt against the Three, exiling them on to Sanctuary in a much weakened Spirit form. The angels saw this and assumed the new rulers of Hell would imminently attack the gates of Heaven, so they withdrew their support from Sanctuary, feeling that if the human race survived they might be worthy allies after all.
However, the angels also became greedy, and could not resist the chance of capturing the weakened Prime Evils.
The Three had not heeded Izual's warnings of being weakened on the mortal realm, and found themselves shut off from their source of power, draining themselves to just stay alive. They found that this did not happen when possessing a human body, they retained their power and also managed to accumulate more from other mortal's souls, up to a point of what their host body could hold. Strong minds and bodies were better vessels, but also harder to possess.
With this new knowledge, the Three ravaged the human kingdoms, gathering and using power wildly.
The rampage by the Prime Evils made the disperse mage clans of the humans unite as a group they called the Horadrim, a group of the most powerful sorcerers the human race had ever seen. The Archangel Tyrael contacted them and gave them Soulstones to capture the Prime Evils with.
Led by the Initiates Tal Rasha and Jered Cain, the Horadrim found Mephisto in the Kehjistan jungles, and managed to capture him within the Soulstone meant for him. He was buried under the Temple of Light in what would become Kurast and guarded by a large section of the magi brotherhood.
Baal was found and defeated in the Aranoch desert, not too far from Lut Gholein. However, the Demon Lord managed to shatter the Soulstone, and an improvised prison was used for Baal. Tal Rashas very soul would help contain the demon, chained to a Binding Stone in the Tomb of Tal Rasha, located in the Canyon of the Magi.
Jered Cain led the remaining Horarim to the West, and caught up with Diablo near the river Talsande. They fought a bitter and hard battle, with heavy losses, but managed to subdue the red terror. He was imprisoned in his Soulstone and buried in caves nearby, whereupon a Horadric monastery was built.
Neither of the Three Demon Lords had anticipated not only to be defeated, but be unable to escape.
However, some centuries later, after the taskless Horadrim brotherhood had all but disappeared, Mephisto managed to reach out to the local Zakarum priesthood in the now sprawling city of Kurast and draw them to him. He corrupted the priesthood, and sent emissaries of Zakarum out into the world while he built his power.
Whether or not Lord Leoric, a very well known pious man, came from these expeditions or not, he brought with him the Zakarum religion to Khanduras from the East, and made himself King with his seat of power in Tristram, the very same location Diablo was still imprisoned. Diablo tried to corrupt Leoric but failed, making the King mad in the progress. However, his Archbishop and advisor Lazarus was susceptible, and was made to free the Prime Evil, giving him Leoric's only son Albrecht as a host to possess.
Terror started reigning again, and although the mad King Leoric eventually was killed by his trusted commander Lachdanan, the worries did not end. The Cathedral was still spewing out evil beasts.
Many adventurers tried to travel down in the labyrinths beneath the Cathedral in search for fame and fortune, but all died or fled. One day came an unknown man, who did manage to reach the deepest parts of the labyrinth and find Diablo in a section that had already begun to corrupt into a likeness of Hell. A frightful battle took place, and the hero was successful.
He tried to contain the demon within himself, to bring it to the Eastern mage clans for a final defeat, but in the end he succumbed to the powerful force of Diablo and became the Dark Wanderer.
Some time after the release of Diablo and his travels to the East in the guise of the Dark Wanderer, Diablo and/or Mephisto regained some control of Hell again, as the Lesser Evils of Andariel and Duriel once again stood by the Prime Evils. Possibly as punishment, they were just placed as guards against the passage East, to delay the human heroes from capturing Diablo. Exactly what went on here is not known.
The Dark Wanderer did indeed turn East, but to free his brothers, not defeat Diablo. The demonic decoys did indeed slow down the heroes, and with the help of his companion Marius, the Dark Wanderer managed to free Baal from his prison in the Tomb of Tal Rasha despite Tyrael physically intervening.
The heroes arrived too late, but managed to free Tyrael, which was bound to the Binding Stone in place of Baal.
More to come...
- 地狱熔炉 - 最强力的恶魔武器的铸造处,也是敲毁灵魂之石的场所。
- Burning Pits - An area within Hell.