Stone of recall


在2011年10月9日 (日) 04:34由Lucarl (讨论 | 贡献)所做的修订版本
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炉石 是一个打开通往最近的赫拉迪克传送门的魔法。该魔法在前作中也称为回城(传送门),在暗黑1中这是一个可以学习的魔法,记载在魔法书上,但是在暗黑2中只能通过卷轴来释放了。


尽管它们回到了游戏中,但是作用大大受限,就是为了防止玩家在战斗中随时使用回城逃命。同时,回城换了一个新的名字——炉石(Stone of Recall)

Diablo 3 Town Portals

Wizard casting Stone of Recall.



这款新的炉石却是有限制的。这一法术的施法时间为10s,期间任何移动或伤害都会导致法术施放停止。这和WOW的炉石几乎完全一样。见左图。 炉石不再是掉落物品,而是镶嵌在界面中,通过做任务获得这一法术,有点类似于合成盒Nephalem Cube.

交通工具的选择(Travel Alternatives)

D3中现在没有回城一说了,D3 Team(D3开发组)选择了增加waypoint(小站)数量来解决交通问题.随后,又加入了类似回城的炉石,但是使用起来受了一定限制,同时小站数量并未削减.


Jay Wilson在2010 GamesCom的一个采访中确认过这点:[1] <blue>暗黑破坏神3中没有回城了,那我们有什么其他的交通工具呢?

Jay Wilson:我们设置了一些其他东西,来代替回城.最明显的是小站的出现频率更高了.这样玩家可以有更多的机会方便的回到城镇.同时,我们允许玩家直接分解物品,你会储存大量的分解材料的,相信我.另外,我们设置了一种名为Scroll of Wealth(财富卷轴)的东西来帮助你直接出售物品.

Spell Lore

The Town Portal spell seems to be closely related to the Horadric Waypoint network, and work with similar magical components to the Teleport spell, however, it does not seem to require the same type of physical component as the runed stone of a Waypoint. The Brotherhood constructed numerous magical gateways between their mighty fortresses and settlements so that they could quickly concentrate their defences against any incursion by the Demons. With but a thought, the Crusaders of the Light could transport themselves to predetermined destinations many leagues apart. It's likely that there are Waypoints with additional magic infused into them to allow the use of a Town Portal spell to the vicinity of that Waypoint. A Waypoint located at a former Horadrim fortress or settlement site could be what enables Town Portal spells to bring you there. If this is the case, it might be possible for a Sorcerer with enough skill to use a similar spell to teleport directly to a Waypoint. It could also be a completely different set of teleportation nodes, besides the actual Waypoint network, made specifically for retreating back to the nearest safe place, and nothing else. Although the secret of creating these gateways as well as the Waypoints has been long lost, it is still possible to use the pathways that are already in place. A Portal opened by means of this spell will always take the caster to the location of the nearest gate and remain open long enough to bring the caster back to his point of origin. The Tristram Cathedral is built upon the remains of a Horadrim monastery, and has at least in the past harboured a portal gateway nearby.

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