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拍卖行 Aucton House
拍卖行是暗黑破坏神 III中推出的新的交易系统,其许多功能和魔兽世界中的拍卖行十分相似。通过访问Battle.net,而不是从在游戏中,拍卖行可以在一个区域内的所有玩家(美国,欧盟 东南亚等服务器)相互之间购买和出售物品更加容易和方便 。几乎所有的任务物品以外的物品,可以在玩家间通过拍卖行进行交易,其运作完全由玩家的市场来控制,暴雪将不会直接在拍卖行中出售任何物品 。 除了游戏中的物品和金币买入和卖出,拍卖行也将支持使用真实货币,美元或其他有效的真实货币进行交易。
拍卖行会列出在某一地区目前所有可用的的拍卖物品(暗黑破坏神III将会进行区域的分隔,所以不同地区之间的贸易是不能互通的,例如 北美玩家就不可以和欧服的玩家在拍卖场上互相交易)。拍卖行的"智能搜索"功能可以自动根据你角色来列出对你最有帮助的装备。除此以外,你无需退出登录,即可为同一个战网通行证下多个角色查找装备。
玩家除了可以使用在游戏中获得的虚拟游戏货币--金币以外,还可以使用使用现实世界的真实货币进行拍卖行的交易。真实世界的货币将变成通过Battle.net上的个人账户,将让玩家自己的钱转换成一种通用的货币--战网点数。一旦建立了电子信用,玩家将使用这些资金,购买和出售他们在游戏中获得的物品。一旦物品被出售,玩家需要利用战网账户和第三方支付平台进行真实货币的转换.金币和现金的拍卖行系统之间的唯一区别在于,一个使用的真实世界的金钱.一个使用游戏中的虚拟金钱。 万一出了差错,比如玩家没有收到卖出物品的钱或者买到的装备.暴雪将会介入帮助玩家恢复物品或者金钱.因为所有物品始终存在于游戏中,在暴雪的控制之下.所以这种交易方式的安全性目前来看比较有保证.
In the gold AH, this fee is a gold sum (similar to how the World of Warcraft auction house works), and in the cash auction house it's an e-balance amount. This fee is set at a fixed nominal value (the exact amount has not been revealed at this time). If the auction isn't sold, it will remain in the player's stash, but the fee will already have been extracted. If the auction is sold however, there is also a small selling fee applied, either gold or e-balance depending on what auction house is used. This fee is also paid to Blizzard. Both of these fees are undetermined at this time, but have been stated to be small. In addition, if a sale does go through, two things can happen.
By default, money that people buy items for will be added to the sellers e-balance or gold amount. However, it will also be possible to set up a Battle.net account so that incoming cash will be added to a player's credit card. This will require adding a third party payment service to the account to handle the actual transaction. Blizzard is currently negotiating with potential companies in regards to who will handle this service, so at this point we don't know who it will be or in what regions they will operate. However, it will be possible to make money selling items in Diablo III. What will not be possible, however, is to convert e-balance back into cash. So if a player sells an item and hasn't set up their account to give them cash, it will increase their e-balance instead. That e-balance cannot later be withdrawn as cash, but it can be used to buy other items and anything in the Blizzard store, including games and World of Warcraft subscription time.
Blizzard has also stated that every player gets a number of auctions which allows them to put up cash auctions without paying the nominal fee. It's unclear whether this is a fixed amount for each account (x free auctions in a lifetime), a fixed amount concurrently (x free auctions at any one time) or a recharging value (x free auctions every week). In any case, using such a free waiver will give you the possibility of making money without needing to add, or risk, real currency. If an item is sold however, the selling fee will still be applied. [edit]Gallery