

在2011年11月2日 (三) 11:07由Shavoc (讨论 | 贡献)所做的修订版本
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拉斯玛 是一个纳法勒姆并且是庇护之地历史中第一个死灵法师. 他是莉莉丝 and 艾纳力尤斯之子. 他出生时候的名字是 Linarian, 但是他拒绝使用这个名字而为自己另外起了一个名字: Rathma, 之所以起这个名字是为了庇护之地的守护者,巨龙塔格奥,意思是:学生 这充分显示出他和塔格奥之间非同一般的关系, 塔格奥指引了拉斯玛关于平衡的死灵法师之路.无从得知他是否还活着,如果是,那么他可能是庇护所世界里唯一一个还活着的纳法勒姆 .


Sin War

During the events of the Sin War Rathma works together with Trag'Oul to make sure that Heaven remains oblivious to the existence of Sanctuary, and to try and limitHell's influence as much as possible. The two work alone for quite some time until they notice the ul-Diomed brothers Uldyssian and Mendeln, who both become pivotal in the shaping of Sanctuary's future. Mendeln they realize has an great potential for helping them maintain the Balance, and Rathma begins to test and evaluate Mendeln without him being aware. Rathma eventually confronts Mendeln directly, and though the young man remains sceptical at first, he eventually joins forces with Rathma and Trag'Oul and becomes the second necromancer ever. In addition, Rathma plays several other key roles during the SIn War. He aids Uldyssian, Mendelns elder brother, on a number of occasions. The most important of those is arguably the time when Rathma teleports them to the Worldstone, at which time Uldyssian makes his alteration to the stone which will ultimately lead to a great rise on power among the edyrem. Rathma also tries to negotiate with his father to cease hostilities with Uldyssian and instead focus his attention on Heaven and Hell, and although the attempt fails he also rallies the remaining living nephalem for the final confrontation between Inarius and Uldyssianon on the Grasslands.

Finally, it is he who raises Achilios from the dead after his death at the hands of Lucion in Birthright.


He is described as having "too perfect features, a trait present in all nephalem. His skin is a pale white and his hair is black.

In addiion, he wears a rather peculiar cloak. It shifts and moves in repsonse to is emotional state. Mendeln theorizes that the cloak might be alive, but he does not actually inquire about it.


Rathma is a very calm and rational man. He is not cold or uncaring, but he rarely displays emotion and thus comes off as such. Because of this, his initial interactions with both Uldyssian and Mendeln are problematic. Both brothers are wary of him at first, and though Mendeln eventually comes to trust him and befriend him, Uldyssian never manages the same feat. Other characters remain sceptical towards him as well.

He is not at all in good terms with his parents, as Lilith destroyed the rebel angels and demons to try and force Inarius to let her use the nephalem's power for her own ends.


In addition to the powers necromancers possess such as raising and communicating with the dead, unleashing Teeth and Bone Spear among other things, he is also shown to have two other distinctive powers. The first is his ability to teleport over great distances across Sanctuary and to Trag'Oul's Realm. This power might stem from his close ties toTrag'Oul. The second is his ability to read sensations of people, which is similar to reading thoughts. It is unclear where these powers comes from.


Bul-Kathos • Esu • Fiacla-Géar • Helgrotha • Rathma • Vasily
Deities Trag'Oul • The Others
Practitioners Karybdus • Mendeln • Necromancer (Diablo II) • Rathma • Zayl
Concepts & Organization The Balance • Necromancy • Priests of Rathma • Trag'Oul's Realm
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