难度级别 Difficulty
从普通到噩梦,地狱,已经是固定的系列.而第四难度,即炼狱难度是个全新的概念.它介绍了在第三个系列(暗黑破坏神3)里,提供给玩家为完成游戏而需接受的更难更广的挑战.在前两个系列中,遇到的一个问题是:玩家在完成地狱--这个最后的难度以后,就很少出现在除地狱难度以外的游戏里了.意思就是在暗黑破坏神1里,玩家只在地狱难度mf;在暗黑破坏神2里,玩家只在地狱难度里kb,kd,kUD以及Chaos run等等.在游戏的其他地区,尽管也有最高难度,却很少被玩家造访(少数例外),这和这里的怪物较弱,掉率较低不无关系.
Monsters in Inferno difficulty will be of roughly equal level and strength across all four acts to allow for the entire game to be viable at the end,[1] and as such it will only be available to level 60 characters looking for a greater challenge.
Monsters are at least level 61Higher monster health, damage, and damage resistancesImproved monster AI and aggressionIncreased number of Super Unique Monsters and attributes, including attributes only found in InfernoIncreased quality of loot.