醉汉Farnham是暗黑破坏神一代中的角色。玩家可以在崔斯特瑞姆找到他,但他不会提供任何服务或者任务给玩家。 他的出现最开始看起来只像是一个喜剧性的调味品, 但是随着游戏的深入, 他越来越显示出了这个角色悲剧而又黑暗的本性:他在附近修道院下的地牢里面的遭遇让他变成了一个酒鬼。 有时候他那漫不经心的踱步会给玩家在幽深的地牢中提供视线。Farnham曾今是大主教拉扎鲁斯组织的地牢探索队的一员。虽然他侥幸逃过了后来的大屠杀,但他对这段惨痛的过去仍旧记忆犹新。他最大的爱好便是酗酒,他的建议也许不像Griswold,Ogden,或者迪卡凯恩那样有用。人们普遍认为后来地狱爪牙侵入崔斯特瑞姆的时候他被杀死了,因为当玩家在暗黑2中去崔斯特瑞姆解救迪卡凯恩的时候,人们可以在他曾今站立的地方发现一具尸体。
目录 |
-让我来告诉你点东西吧,因为我对这太了解了! 这是我的专长! 我就是这儿最好的!最好的! 其他的麦酒都比不上我的!
-从来没有人认真……认真听过我说话! 某处,就在教堂下的某处,相信我,那儿有堆积如山的宝藏,发着灿烂的光芒,只等着某人去寻找他们呢!
-如果我是你,你听好了,如果我是你,我就会把所有我打到的东西全都卖掉,然后尽早离开这鬼地方。 看到那边那个小男孩儿了么?他手里总是会有各种各样的新玩意儿,但是如果你不给他钱,他连看都不让你看一眼。
-为什么那个干瘪老太婆不做些东西去改变呢? 当然当然,我知道,她有些好玩意儿,但是仔细听我说,她就是个疯子,她不正常!她不吃不喝,你不能相信一个不爱酒的人。
-凯恩不是他自己说的那样的。 当然,当然,他总是能讲些故事,有些恐怖,有些搞笑,但是他一定知道的比自己知道自己知道的还多!
-Griswold?老家伙Griswold啊! 我爱他像爱我自己的兄弟一样。 我们曾一起战斗!
-我喜欢Pepin。他这个人很努力,你知道么?听着,你要确保你能理解他。 他是个乐于助人的热心肠的好人。 嘿,我想这点跟你很像,英雄。我也曾是个英雄,你知道吗~
-怀特是个问问题问个没完没了的小孩子, 真是令人烦恼!听我说,怀特其实本性不坏,他就在那儿,很可惜他失去了一条腿,只能用木头艰难的支撑着。太可怜了……太可怜了……
-Odgen 是这个镇上最好的人了! 我不认为他的老婆喜欢我, 但只要她不过分,我也还喜欢她的。 看起来我花了很多时间跟Odgen在一起,但是毕竟他是这镇上最好的人
Adria:你对一个人期望越高,失望也就越大。 Farnham虽然没有向恶魔屈服,但他的灵魂早已荡然无存。 当他目睹了他的兄弟们被大主教拉扎鲁斯背叛时,他失魂落魄。 他有值得你利用的价值,但你必须分清哪些是真话,哪些是酒话。
迪卡凯恩:可怜的Farnham。他总是走不出那天与大主教拉扎鲁斯走进教堂的恐怖回忆。 他逃离现实,把他的勇气和清楚的神智都留在了黑暗的地下。他把自己安置于酒精之间, 但往往他的碎碎念中有带有往昔的真相。
Gillian:Farnham是个酒鬼,他置其他人的劝说于不顾而只沉醉于酒精。我知道Pepin 和 Ogden 都为他感到惋惜,我看到他每天这样也很担心。
Pepin:连我也无法治愈Farnham了…… 我可以治愈他的身体,但是对于他的灵魂,我无能为力。
Farnham - now there is a man with serious problems, and I know all about how serious problems can be. He trusted too much in the integrity of one man, and Lazarus led him into the very jaws of death. Oh, I know what it's like down there, so don't even start telling me about your plans to destroy the evil that dwells in that Labyrinth. Just watch your legs...
The Butcher
- Big! Big cleaver killing all my friends. Couldn't stop him, had to run away, couldn't save them. Trapped in a room with so many bodies... so many friends... NOOOOOOOOOO!
Poisoned Water Supply
*You drink water?
The Curse of King Leoric
- I don't care about that. Listen, no skeleton is gonna be MY king. Leoric is King. King, so you hear me? HAIL TO THE KING!
Ogden's Sign
- You know what I think? Somebody took that sign, and they gonna want lots of money for it. If I was Ogden... and I'm not, but if I was... I'd just buy a new sign with some pretty drawing on it. Maybe a nice mug of ale or a piece of cheese...
The Magic Rock
- I used to have a nice ring; it was a really expensive one, with blue and green and red and silver. Don't remember what happened to it, though. I really miss that ring...
- Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
The Chamber of Bone
- Okay, so listen. There's this chamber of wood, see. And his wife, you know - her - tells the tree... cause you gotta wait. Then I says, that might work against him, but if you think I'm gonna PAY for this... you... uh... yeah.
Halls of the Blind
- Look here... that's pretty funny, huh? Get it? Blind - look here?
Black Mushroom
- Ogden mixes a MEAN black mushroom, but I get sick if I drink that. Listen, listen... here's the secret - moderation is the key!
The Anvil of Fury
- Griswold can't sell his anvil. What will he do then? And I'd be angry too if someone took my anvil!
==== Warlord of Blood ====
- Always you gotta talk about Blood? What about flowers, and sunshine, and that pretty girl that brings the drinks. Listen here, friend - you're obsessive, you know that?
- Lachdanan is dead. Everybody knows that, and you can't fool me into thinking any other way. You can't talk to the dead. I know!
Archbishop Lazarus
- They stab, then bite, then they're all around you. Liar! LIAR! They're all dead! Dead! Do you hear me? They just keep falling and falling... their blood spilling out all over the floor... all his fault...
*On the Starcraft Mission "Patriot's Blood" a computer access code is Farnham, in honor(or in joke's purpose) to the drunkard.
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