Item Repair (Diablo I)


在2012年3月24日 (六) 07:13由ONe Piece (讨论 | 贡献)所做的修订版本
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Item Repair
Item Repair (Diablo I).png
Magic Requirements
Spell Level 1 {{{StartMagic}}}
Requires 255 at Level {{{EndMagic}}}
Mana Cost
Initial Mana Cost {{{StartMana}}}
Reduction per Spell Level {{{ReduceMana}}}
Lowest Mana Cost {{{EndMana}}}
Warrior skill

Item Repair is the warrior class skill. It allows the player to repair damaged items without returning to Griswold. It also doesn't cost any money, but permanently reduces the durability of an item. This makes the skill rather useless beyond the very first levels when the player might change gear on a regular basis. However, this penalty can be offset in the Hellfire expansion due to the presence of items such as blacksmith oils, making it actually somewhat useful.

Diablo I Spells
Page 1 Item Repair • Staff Recharge • Disarm Traps • Rage • Firebolt • Charged Bolt • Healing • Heal Other • Holy Bolt • Inferno
Page 2 Resurrect • Fire Wall • Telekinesis • Lightning • Town Portal • Flash • Stone Curse
Page 3 Phasing • Mana Shield • Elemental • Fireball • Flame Wave • Chain Lightning • Guardian
Page 4 Nova • Golem • Teleport • Apocalypse • Bone Spirit • Blood Star
Page 5 Lightning Wall • Immolation • Warp • Reflect • Berserk • Ring of Fire • Search
Page 6 Infravision • Identify • Jester • Magi • Mana
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