

在2011年5月22日 (日) 03:21由小杯具 (讨论 | 贡献)所做的修订版本
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The Crown of Mad Leoric is a quest that was available in the BlizzCon 2008 demo. It will return in the full game, though some of the details will be different, since it was custom-tailored for the short demo, in its 2008 appearance. The crown was found in a single piece in the demo; it will be found in multiple pieces in the final game, adding additional steps to the quest. When nearing the Tristram Cathedral the player comes across a group of zombies bent over something. After killing them, the player can click on and speak with the Injured Villager lying on the ground. With his last breath he tells you the story of King Leoric. The quest description says: "Descend into the catacombs and destroy the arisen Skeleton King and his army of the undead". Somewhere on the second level of the dungeon, a pair of Cultist NPCs are seen. One of them has The Crown of the Skeleton King, and when killed he drops it for the player to snatch up. This quest item is required to awaken Leoric, when he is found deeper in the dungeon. After securing the crown, the player moves down to level three of the dungeon. The ghost pillar room is soon found. Upon advancing into the room, the ghost of King Leoric appears and say: "You dare bring the warmth of life into my tomb!? Prepare yourself mortal to serve me for all eternity!" Leoric then raises his glowing hands to awaken the four pillars. Skeletons start to appear from everywhere, summoned by the pillars, and the player must destroy the pillars to stop them from generating countless numbers of skeletons. Past the pillar room, players eventually reach King Leoric's throne room. When the player gives the crown back on the king, his ghost is summoned to the bones and he is reanimated. Standing up, armed with a huge club, he laughs menacingly and starts to attack, while newly-summoned Skeletons advance from both sides. The player now has to fight Leoric and his minions. The minions are much easier, and can in fact be a useful digression, since polishing off a pack of them will generally earn a few health orbs. Reward The quest in the full game will probably give some nice reward, but in the demo, players were rewarded with the message that they had completed the BlizzCon demo.

本任务是2008年嘉年华中的一个任务,这个任务在最终游戏里细节可能有所不同。 王冠在demo里是完整的一个,在最终游戏里可能会被分成几块散落在不同地点来延长游戏时间。

在旧崔斯特瑞姆大教堂附近玩家会看到一群僵尸在攻击一个村民,玩家杀光僵尸之后,奄奄一息的村民会告诉玩家有关李奥瑞克王的故事。 然后玩家会获得任务描述:进入地下墓穴杀死复活的骷髅王李奥瑞克和他的不死军团。 在地牢的第二层,玩家会看到一群狂信徒,杀光他们之后其中的一个狂信徒会掉落“骷髅王的王冠”,这个物品的所用是唤醒地牢深处的李奥瑞克。

玩家拿到王冠之后继续往下走,在第三层李奥瑞克的鬼魂出现了,他对玩家说:“你竟敢把生命的气息带进我的陵墓!?准备好吧凡人,你会在永恒的死亡中成为我的奴仆!”然后李奥瑞克会启动旁边的四根缚魂柱。 缚魂柱会召唤大量骷髅士兵,玩家必须摧毁缚魂柱。

摧毁缚魂柱之后,玩家会来到李奥瑞克的王座室。一旦玩家把王冠放回王座,李奥瑞克的鬼魂就会附到他的骨架上然后拿着一根巨大的狼牙棒站起来,他会疯狂地大笑然后向玩家攻击。李奥瑞克会在玩家的两侧召唤大量的骷髅士兵,不过都很好打。。。。打了还有血球拿。。。 最终游戏里的任务奖励估计会很不错,但是demo里的”奖励”是一行感谢玩家试玩 demo的字。。。。。。

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