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每次游戏千万不要忘了到他这里来看看. 他每次只出售一件物品, 但基本上你可以在这里买到游戏中最顶级的物品. 当然, 带好足够的金钱!
维特是一个瘸腿小男孩。他可以在崔斯特瑞姆的西北部不远处被找到。他每次只出售一件物品, 但基本上你可以在这里买到游戏中最顶级的物品。但是每次交易之前你必须画50个金币才能看到出售的时候物品。这是最早最基础的赌博形式。
维特在暗黑2代也出现了.不过变成了一具尸体躺在[[崔斯特瑞姆#暗黑破坏神2中的崔斯特瑞姆|废弃的崔斯特瑞姆]]镇中,而且点击他的尸体后会掉落很多金钱和他的一条假腿,这个物品是个重要道具,详细内容请参见:[[Wirt's Leg (Diablo2)|维特之腿]].
维特在暗黑2代也出现了.不过变成了一具尸体躺在[[崔斯特瑞姆#暗黑破坏神2中的崔斯特瑞姆|废弃的崔斯特瑞姆]]镇中,而且点击他的尸体后会掉落很多金钱和他的一条假腿,这个物品是个重要道具,详细内容请参见:[[Wirt's Leg (Diablo2)|维特之腿]].
Pssst... over here...
Not everyone in Tristram has a use - or a market - for everything you  will find in the labyrinth. Not even me, as hard as that is to believe.  Sometimes, only you will be able to find a purpose for some things. 
Don't trust everything the drunk says. Too many ales have fogged his  vision and his good sense.
In case you haven't noticed, I don't buy anything from Tristram. I am an  importer of quality goods. If you want to peddle junk, you'll have to see  Griswold, Pepin or that witch, Adria. I'm sure that they will snap up whatever  you can bring them...
I guess I owe the blacksmith my life - what there is of it. Sure,  Griswold offered me an apprenticeship at the smithy, and he is a nice enough  guy, but I'll never get enough money to... well, let's just say that I have  definite plans that require a large amount of gold.
If I were a few years older, I would shower her with whatever riches I  could muster, and let me assure you I can get my hands on some very nice stuff.  Gillian is a beautiful girl who should get out of Tristram as soon as it is  safe. Hmmm... maybe I'll take her with me when I go...
Cain knows too much. He scares the life out of me - even more than that  woman across the river. He keeps telling me about how lucky I am to be alive,  and how my story is foretold in legend. I think he's off his crock. 
Farnham - now there is a man with serious problems, and I know all about  how serious problems can be. He trusted too much in the integrity of one man,  and Lazarus led him into the very jaws of death. Oh, I know what it's like down  there, so don't even start telling me about your plans to destroy the evil that  dwells in that Labyrinth. Just watch your legs...
As long as you don't need anything reattached, old Pepin is as good as  they come. If I'd have had some of those potions he brews, I might still have my  leg...
Adria truly bothers me. Sure, Cain is creepy in what he can tell you  about the past, but that witch can see into your past. She always has some way  to get whatever she needs, too. Adria gets her hands on more merchandise than  I've seen pass through the gates of the King's Bazaar during High Festival. 
Ogden is a fool for staying here. I could get him out of town for a very  reasonable price, but he insists on trying to make a go of it with that stupid  tavern. I guess at the least he gives Gillian a place to work, and his wife  Garda does make a superb Shepherd's pie...
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[[分类:暗黑破坏神 I:NPC|W]]
[[分类:暗黑破坏神 I:NPC|W]]

在2012年3月21日 (三) 10:33所做的修订版本



分类 NPC
种族 人类
职业 NPC
状态 未知
位置 崔斯特瑞姆
游戏中 暗黑1

维特是一个瘸腿小男孩。他可以在崔斯特瑞姆的西北部不远处被找到。他每次只出售一件物品, 但基本上你可以在这里买到游戏中最顶级的物品。但是每次交易之前你必须画50个金币才能看到出售的时候物品。这是最早最基础的赌博形式。

但维特并不是一开始就这样的,他曾今是一个善良单纯的好孩子,直到有一天沉沦魔们袭击了这个村庄里的包括他在内的很多孩子。孩子们被沉沦魔们惨无人道的蹂躏,维特也因此失去了他的左腿。除了维特以外的孩子都向痛苦和折磨臣服了,只有维特仍然勇敢和顽强的试图从那些恶魔中逃走。最终,维特成了唯一一个从格瑞斯华尔德的行动中被救出的孩子。 当他回到镇里的时候,他在城镇大厅昏迷不醒。镇里的人把他带到了皮平那里,可惜就算是医术高明的皮平也就不了他的左腿,只能将其用假肢代替。当维特苏醒的时候,他看到自己的假肢,震惊而又悲伤。更让他感到愤怒的是,他的妈妈因为他的失踪而伤心过度的死去了,镇里的人却没有救他或者其他的孩子。这让他觉得自己被遗弃了。渐渐的,他靠兜售给前来消灭大教堂里的恶魔的英雄们装备和武器而出名。而没有国王关于兜售武器和买卖商品立过法或做过明确的规定。 他成了一个愤世嫉俗的投机者,只想着钱和生意。他心里一直盘算着等攒够了钱就带上吉莉安离开崔斯特瑞姆(虽然吉莉安也许不知道他喜欢自己)







Pssst... over here... 
Not everyone in Tristram has a use - or a market - for everything you  will find in the labyrinth. Not even me, as hard as that is to believe.  Sometimes, only you will be able to find a purpose for some things.  
Don't trust everything the drunk says. Too many ales have fogged his  vision and his good sense. 
In case you haven't noticed, I don't buy anything from Tristram. I am an  importer of quality goods. If you want to peddle junk, you'll have to see  Griswold, Pepin or that witch, Adria. I'm sure that they will snap up whatever  you can bring them... 
I guess I owe the blacksmith my life - what there is of it. Sure,  Griswold offered me an apprenticeship at the smithy, and he is a nice enough  guy, but I'll never get enough money to... well, let's just say that I have  definite plans that require a large amount of gold. 
If I were a few years older, I would shower her with whatever riches I  could muster, and let me assure you I can get my hands on some very nice stuff.  Gillian is a beautiful girl who should get out of Tristram as soon as it is  safe. Hmmm... maybe I'll take her with me when I go... 
Cain knows too much. He scares the life out of me - even more than that  woman across the river. He keeps telling me about how lucky I am to be alive,  and how my story is foretold in legend. I think he's off his crock.  
Farnham - now there is a man with serious problems, and I know all about  how serious problems can be. He trusted too much in the integrity of one man,  and Lazarus led him into the very jaws of death. Oh, I know what it's like down  there, so don't even start telling me about your plans to destroy the evil that  dwells in that Labyrinth. Just watch your legs... 
As long as you don't need anything reattached, old Pepin is as good as  they come. If I'd have had some of those potions he brews, I might still have my  leg... 
Adria truly bothers me. Sure, Cain is creepy in what he can tell you  about the past, but that witch can see into your past. She always has some way  to get whatever she needs, too. Adria gets her hands on more merchandise than  I've seen pass through the gates of the King's Bazaar during High Festival.  
Ogden is a fool for staying here. I could get him out of town for a very  reasonable price, but he insists on trying to make a go of it with that stupid  tavern. I guess at the least he gives Gillian a place to work, and his wife  Garda does make a superb Shepherd's pie... 

暗黑破坏神 I:NPC
暗黑破坏神 I 安迪雅 •法纳姆 • 吉莉安 • 迪卡凯恩 • 格瑞斯华尔德 • 欧格登 • 皮平 • 维特 • 泰瑞尔
地狱火 西莉亚 • 完整坚果 • 农夫莱斯特 •受伤的村民
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