BlizzCon 2011


在2011年10月23日 (日) 04:53由Lucarl (讨论 | 贡献)所做的修订版本
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2011.png 今年Diablo的头像被摆在了最中间的位置,已经说明了问题:Diablo3是本次嘉年华的重点!




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20 thins ur ganna do on BlizzCon 2011.jpg

1. 假设每个人都是Rob Pardo(暴雪娱乐的游戏设计副总裁), 哪怕他们在抗议之后。请求和他们合影,握手并继续感谢他们付出的辛勤工作。

2. 在会议中心大厅和人大声谈论“昨天公布的泰坦的内容”。

3. 在竞技天梯处找到个对手,大声像他们挑战,并拿出一份“糖果世界”大喊“来做个了断吧!”

4. 在故事板块,表示你的名字是吉安娜.普罗德摩尔以展示你对Chris Metzen(暴雪创意设计部副总裁)的死忠。如果你是男的还有额外奖励。

5. 天真无辜地问每个人《星球大战》的展台在哪里。

6. 告诉Mike Morhaime你喜欢他和大工匠梅卡托克(侏儒的阵营领袖)一样的表演。

7. 1:1比例的雷兽cos!

8. 遇到一个暴雪员工并让他签名,而且一定要他写“我的朋友,女伯爵安吉丽娜.路易萨.弗朗西斯卡.芭娜娜.法娜.波.贝斯卡三世”(老动画狂欢三宝里的台词)。

9. 坚持你曾经是L10TC乐队的鼓手。

10. 在板块演讲人停止发言喘气时,趁没人注意马上憋足尽头大喊“首先!”。

11. 溜到后台去,并开始扔纸团打台前的人。如果有人问你在做什么,回答说“收集数据”。

12. 极度兴奋的语气要求将凯恩血蹄加回下一个资料片里。并在他们告诉你凯恩已经死了的时候大声哭泣。

13. 大声抗议说“我是那要求暗黑3今年出片的99%的人中的之一!”

14. 马上进行微博直播发布假信息。然后看其他直播的微博要多久才能反映过来。

15. 穿着一个T恤,上面写着“凯瑞根是塞隆人”(星际大争霸Battlestar Galactica 里一个虚构的人形种族)。

16. 前往每个展台询问“有翅膀的狮子玩具”(双足飞龙,魔兽世界里部落的阵营飞行坐骑)多少钱。

17. 穿着你去年的cosplay装参加化妆比赛。然后当他们叫你上台的时候,你要解释这是一件全新的服装,但你只是使用了“幻化系统”(魔兽世界4.3的内容)而已。

18. 头上顶个牌子,上面写着<嘉年华巡游者>。

19. 在讨论版块是愤慨地向系统设计师们抗议将死亡骑士从魔兽世界里移除的行为。并拒绝相信他们的任何否认。

20. 驯服鬼蟹。(Ghostcrawler,魔兽世界美服论坛的蓝贴发言人)

BlizzCon 2011 D3 Gameplay & Auction House Panel

嘉年华上D3 游戏与拍卖所座谈会于美国时间21日下午4:45开始,历时近1个小时. 到场嘉宾包括Jay Wilson, Jason Bender, Andrew Chambers, Wyatt Cheng以及Chris Haga. 座谈会内容大致包括以下几个方面, 部分消息我们都已经有所耳闻.


这是暴雪第一次深入谈论成就系统. Jason表示, 在现场(包括在线观看)BlizzCon的观众他们的实时收看已经算完成了成就系统的一部分. 成就系统包括但不限于一些极限玩法(例如, 在专家模式达成60级), 及一些恶作剧(例如, 不装备任何武器击败游戏中的所有boss).

成就系统的目的之一, 在于令玩家的战旗更佳丰富多样. 战旗是你在游戏中成就的一种代表形式; PVP里程碑会为您提供新的可供攀登的高峰, 成就的数量将增加您的锦旗, 而专家级玩家的战旗低端则与普通玩家的不同. 当你与其他玩家组队合作时, 队友能清楚的通过你的战旗了解你的能力, 并通过点击它传送至你的身边.


Andrew指出, 游戏中的非后期物品仍存在问题. 当你打出一件物品时, 实际上只有两个选择, 一个是装备它直到你找到更好的替代品, 另一个是直接丢掉它. 不论你的选择是什么, 卖掉还是与他人交换物品, 都会造成金币的囤积. 当然, 赌博可以消耗一定量的金币, 但是他们发现玩家并不觉得这是一个好的体验, 从而多数人不会去选择用金币赌博.

D3有很多种既延长物品的使用寿命, 又保证他们退休后不会造成经济系统崩溃的方法. 秘术匠(Mystic)是D3中的3个工匠之一, 她几乎可以帮助你以任何可能的方式(GF, 属性, 职业属性等) 提升你物品品质, 当然这些属性是随机出现的. 如果不幸你得到的属性不理想, 你可以继续强化你的物品直到其获得令你满意的提升. 铁匠和珠宝匠也是一样, 他们都能升级至10级, 但你需要提供训练书页(Pages of Trainning), 而且他们的等级是账户内所有人物通用的, 所以当你换人物游戏时不用重新升级你的工匠们.

珠宝匠专门对付各种宝石.他可以为你合成宝石, 为物品添加凹槽, 从凹槽中取出宝石. 铁匠可以依怪物掉落的制作书打造对应的武器. 只要你的铁匠学会了配方, 而且你有足够的材料, 想打多少打多少.

最后, D3中的物品循环与前作相比更加充实丰富. 你可以通过购买, 打造, 掉落和拍卖所得到各种物品, 可以将你的物品出售获得金币以供打造和维修装备之用, 可以将他们分解以供打造新的装备, 或挂到拍卖所, 或者帮助需要它们的朋友们, 也可以将打造的成品挂到拍卖所换取游戏内的金币或实际货币.


最终的D3中奖包含组队死亡赛(Team Deathmatch). 与去年消息中不同的是, 比赛的人数变更为4v4(之前是3v3), 每次死亡你将在3秒后获得重生, 比赛时间为十分钟, 杀敌数最多的一方获胜. 在竞技场中, 玩家将不能够切换装备和技能, 这一决定主要是暴雪希望鼓励玩家多多思考战术, 了解你的对手, 并作出正确的选择. 为消除玩家之前的疑惑, 暴雪专门生命PVE角色可以参与PVP游戏.(译注:可能有玩家认为PVP需要专门的角色, 且不能进行PVE?)


除了物品筛选之外, 拍卖所没有什么新鲜消息. Jay解释了为什么暴雪需要建立一个方便玩家交易的系统, 以弥补D2的不足. 在D2中玩家只能角色当面交易, 为了找到交易的对象, 不得不在频道中刷屏, 或在第三方网站上购买物品. D系列游戏, 交易始终是游戏的重点, 因为想要独自在游戏中找到所有自己需要的所有物品几乎是不可能的任务. 而在拍卖所中, 你可以轻易找到几乎所有物品, 除了绑定角色是任务物品.

每个玩家的免费挂单商品数量是有限的, 以周为时间单位进行更新.


目前的问题之一是近战职业比远程职业杀怪效率略低, 因为近战攻击显然比远程攻击要更易躲避. 为了解决这一问题, 暴雪设置了一种新的怪物前缀, "Mortar", 这类怪物会投掷炸弹, 近战玩家可以轻松躲避这些炸弹造成的伤害, 而远程职业将受到致命伤害.

另一个改变是令被动技能更好的辅助职业的战斗特点. 例如, 野蛮人有一种能力被称为钢铁意志(Nerves of Steel), 提升25%的活力, 明显的T职业技能.



Chris Haga的讲话很简短, 但是很幽默. 通过其演说, 我们了解到一些技能在开发早期的形态. 例如, 武僧曾经有一个召唤4个真言柱的技能, 你可以点击召唤出的柱子, 令其倒塌砸伤周围的单位. 这技能无疑很Cool, 但是视觉效果太庞大了, 而且放一个技能点5次鼠标也相对繁琐了点. 最终该技能被修改为召唤1根柱子, 打击并击退周围敌人, 并持续燃烧造成后续伤害.


如果你经常到BN论坛逛的话, 你会发现玩家抱怨最多的是Beta太简单了. 本次座谈会也专门谈到了这个问题, 普通难度ACT 1的第一部分基本就是一个游戏教学的难度. 暴雪不喜欢专门做一个教学片段, 所以他们的游戏基本都是游戏初期内容作为教学, 随后难度逐渐增加. 暴雪专门放了一段D2视频, 女法师站在冰冷之原周围围满了小怪但完全无碍, 所以D2初期也是一样很简单的.

随着难度等级的提高, 怪物的AI和能力也随之提高. 嘉年华上暴雪专门准备了一段游戏后期的视频, 告诉玩家其实游戏后期的难度完全不可以根据Beta来揣测. 暴雪表示内部员工测试时曾经杀一个boss用掉1小时.

稀有和冠军怪的掉落在游戏中是最好的, 但是在后期难度中他们会非常非常强力. 普通难度2项属性, 噩梦3项, 地狱和炼狱则是4项. 玩家无需在不断像D2中那样run boss, 你只需在炼狱模式多转转尝试打打装备.

Beta 反馈

技能切换机制将作出改变. 暴雪不希望玩家随时打开技能面板切换技能. 目前, 要的想法是改变技能得先回城, 如果这一方法也不好的话, 暴雪会另想办法, 无论如何战斗中是不能切换技能的.

之前, 暴雪表示追随者将在普通后的难度中不可用. 这次追随者有所改变, 后期游戏难度中追随者将变为可用.

最后一点改变, 就是Zodiac戒指的属性. 如图

Zodiac ring.jpg

原帖地址: 翻译:Lucarl 校对:人人都是和命运抗争的斗士

BlizzCon 2011 Diablo III Lore Panel

Let's begin with the stuff we already know, or at least we thought we knew. With the introduction of the Book of Cain, the aim of this release is to help consolidate, sharpen, and retcom the lore of the previous games. Chris Metzen commented how the original lore of the franchise was basically a mess with so many people with their hands in its creation. Much of the lore is remaining the same but there are some clarifications and minor changes that they needed to change to help tell a better story.

The Beginning

Starting at the very very beginning, the Diablo team has created an origin of their Universe. Legend in the Book of Cain, two primordial beings were in a constant struggle between good and bad. Anu, a creature representing good made of primarily diamond and Dragon Tathamet, a seven-headed dragon who breathed evil. The two destroyed each other and the after math essentially created the High Heavens and the Burning Hells. A part of Anu, the Crystal Eye, created the Worldstone. The Worldstone is said to be able to create worlds and reality. It is this Worldstone that the Angels and Demons are fighting over.

This fight takes place in Pandemonium. You may remember a part of this area from Diablo II before going into Hell. For hundreds of thousands of years, Angels and Demons have fought over control over this area and the Worldstone itself. Inarius, an Angel, and Lilith, a demon, were sick of this eternal struggle so they decided to leave this battle and create their own world. They manage to get to the Worldstone and essentially steal it from the Pandemonium. They bring the stone into another dimension and in this dimension they create Sanctuary, a paradise. Eventually, Angels and Demons procreate and create the Nephalem. The Worldstone slowly drains the Nephalem's powers reducing them to mere men while innately, they hold the power to be stronger then both Angels and Demons.

Now, some Angels and Demons eventually find out what Inarius and Lillith has done and discovery Sanctuary. However, both sides agree to let man live without influence of either side. However, demons being evil, they decide to try to corrupt man. The three prime evils set a plan in motion while Azmodan and Belial are unhappy with the break of the pact with Heaven. After exiling them to Sanctuary, Belial and Azmodan create a civil war for power in Hell.

Back on Sanctuary, it has been retconned that the actual hero from Diablo I is Aidan, King Loeric's eldest son. As for his back story, Aidan was missing from Tristram right before the events of Diablo I because he was leading an attack on Westmarch, an order made due to Diablo's corruption of King Leoric. He comes back to Tristram to find out his father has gone mad and his younger brother has been kidnapped by Lazarus and we all know what happens from there. Just to note, a big reason for this change was merely to give this character more weight and importance to help tell a better story.


Moving on from the past, the panel moved to the importance of the role of Angels in Sanctuary. It was mentioned that they have developed a lot more into this side of the conflict to help build and expand the world of Sanctuary. It was mentioned that their role will only get bigger as the franchise progresses. The Angels are created from the Crystal Arch, Anu's spine, of light and sounds. As far as going to the High Heavens themselves, it was not answered one way or the other. The biggest section of the Angels and the High Heavens is the Angris Council. A group of five Angels comprise of the council and rule over the Heavens.

Tyrael the Angel of Justice - Tyrael becomes the rouge angel after he witnesses Uldyssian's self-sacrifice and sees man's potential. Auriel the Angel of Hope - Auriel is the Angel the holds the group together. Malthael the Angel of Wisdom - Malthael begins to go mad and darker due to the unknown reasoning and existence of man. Imperius the Angel of Valor - Imperius is a warrior at heart and wants to destroy all semblance of demons including humans. Itherael the Angel of Fate - Itherael can see all paths of future except for that of mankind since their existence was unforeseen.


Opposing the Angels are the main Demons of Diablo III. Belial and Azmodan are the only two remaining Evils after the events of Diablo II. With the destruction of the Worldstone, their focuses have moved to Sanctuary.

Belial the Lord of Lies

Belial uses coercion and lies to get others to fight for him. The Triune and vipers are underlings to Belial. It was also noted that in gameplay, many of his underlings will appear human and then turn on you. Belial's pressence will be encountered in Act II around Caldeum. The once prosperous city has fallen and refugees are on the verge of death. Your hero will come into the story trying to figure out how the city has fallen and why Belial is there.

Azmodan the Lord of Sin

Azmodan has two of the sins in Diablo III who work for him. Much more pronounced and hands-on the Belial, Azmodan had ruled Hell for over 300 years and is now emerging in Sanctuary to obtain the Black Soulstone to obtain the greatest power. His siege will pour forth from Arreat Crater to attack Sanctuary. On a side note, Sedeah, the Maiden of Lust, was originally the Mistress of Pain who was removed but brought back thanks to the costume contest winner of the 2010 Blizzcon.

Black Soulstone

While not much was revealed about the Black Soulstone is was said that Leah is trying to use it to capture and destroy Belial and Azmodan. However, Azmodan is trying to obtain it himself because it will bestow him power that will make him stronger than any other Demon in Hell.


Three new areas were shown from Act II. All three of these areas are playable and play an important part in telling the story as we progress through this Act.

Caldeum - Caldeum was the jewel of the East. In became the trading center for all of Sanctuary. However, there was turmoil due to the Zakarum, rich merchants, and Wizards all vying for power over the city. Hakan eventually took rule and united the three groups to create the most prosperous city. However, his death left a son to young to rule the city. The Iron Wolves, lead by Asheara from Diablo II, were hired to protect him until he was old enough to rule the city. However, Hakan II removed them and replaced them with his own Caldeum guards. However, Asheara is unsure of why he made this decision.

Dahlgur Oasis - This small paradise was the birth of Caldeum. A mysterious man rose from the waste and showed the original settlers this source of water which was used to help begin Caldeum. However, the story is said that this mysterious man disappeared back into the waste after showing them.

The Archives of Zultun Kulle - Zultun Kulle was one of the original members of the Horadrim who helped capture the Prime Evils the first time. However, he eventually became corrupt and evil. He was so strong that they could not kill him they cut him in half. They removed his head and buried it underground surrounded by magical runes. His body has sent into another dimension.

Questions and Answers

I will be paraphrasing these questions. We will have complete video coverage of the panel later for direct reference.

Q: Is Adria dead? A: Yes, you will find out how in Diablo III

Q: Can Angels become Demons? A: No, but they can be corrupted and become evil. You will also see Izual again in Diablo III.

Q: Who is Leah's father? A: No comment (Although this is odd because it was already released that Aidan, the hero from Diablo I, is her father.

Q: Will the heroes from Diablo II have an appearance? A: To some degree. Some are hinted at. The Necro's apprentice is in Act II.

Q: What was the effect of the Worldstone's destruction? A: Azmodan's invasion is a direct effect. Also, it is possible it was not actually destroyed since it was only in Sanctuary as a shift in its dimensional existence.

Q: Will Trag'Oul be in Diablo III? A: No, after putting the Necromancers' on their path, he has disappeared.

Q: What about the lesser evils not having soulstones? A: "I wouldn't leave them"

Q: Why is Arreat Creater the place of the invasion? A: Logically, it is where the Worldstone disappeared so it is likely the place where reality is weakest currently.

Q: Will items connect with lore? A: Yes, a lot of Legendary items are tied to lore of previous and new lore.

Q: Will Ormus appear in Diablo III? A: He was and then removed but I would like for him to come back.

Q: Will we see any areas from Diablo II? A: Other than Tristram, no.

Q: Why does Diablo need a human body but not always? A: He primarily needs a body because he is weakened in Sanctuary. It is also because being a human host helps anchor him into the dimension of Sanctuary.

BlizzCon 2011 Diablo III Open Q&A

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暗黑破坏神 III
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