Charged Items (Diablo2)


在2011年10月15日 (六) 14:50由Lucarl (讨论 | 贡献)所做的修订版本
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A Charged Item is an item that allows a player to use various spells that may not normally be available to a character class, but should not be confused with oskill items. These items are called "Charged" because they allow the player only a limited number of uses of the spell (charges). Once the charges run out on the item, the player will be unable to cast the charged spell again until the item is recharged. This can be accomplished simply by visiting a repair vendor in town and having the item repaired as normal. It should be noted, however, that recharging an item is far more expensive than regular item repairs. Charged Items can spawn with varying spell levels and number of charges.

Skill Level N = R + (T*N)

R = The level required to use the Skill for its own class (For example: Inner Sight=1, Lightning Strike=30)
T = (99 - R) / M (rounded down)
M = The intended maximum Skill Level for the Charged Spell (Refer to the Affix List for this number)
  • Example
Amulet of Teleportation
R = 18
M = 3
T = (99 - 18) / 3 = 27
Skill Level 1 = 18 + (27*1) = Item Level 45
Skill Level 2 = 18 + (27*2) = Item Level 72
Skill Level 3 = 18 + (27*3) = Item Level 99

Charges = B + (B*S) / 8 (rounded down)

S = The Skill Level of the Charged Spell
B = The Base number of charges on the item (Refer to the Affix List for this number)
  • Example
Amulet of Teleportation
B = 20
Skill Level 1 = 20 + (20*1) / 8 = 5 Charges
Skill Level 2 = 20 + (20*2) / 8 = 7 Charges
Skill Level 3 = 20 + (20*3) / 8 = 10 Charges


暗黑2物品基础知识 • 装备词缀 • 装备品质 • 超强的装备 • 无形的装备 • 可打孔的装备 • 可镶嵌物品 • 宝石 • 珠宝 • 护身符 • 魔法装备 • 稀有装备 • 暗金装备 • 合成装备 • 套装 • 充能装备 • 符文之语装备 • 职业专用装备 • 职业专有属性 • 任务道具 • 注入 • 赌博 • 寻宝(MF) • 断点效果 • 伤害减少效果 • 宝箱
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