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'''拉克戴南'''(Lachdanan)在[[Diablo3|暗黑破坏神3]]中并不直接出现,取而代之的是他会以灵魂的形态出现在[[Cathedral|大教堂]]的第四层中,可以在大教堂的第三层找到通往该层的入口来继续故事情节的发展. 这些幻想讲述了他如何杀掉[[King Leoric|李奥克王]], 已及在这个过程中, 他被疯掉的国王诅咒的故事.   
'''拉克戴南'''(Lachdanan)在暗黑破坏神3中并未直接出现,取而代之的是他会以幻像的形态出现在大教堂的第四层中,可以在大教堂的第三层找到该故事的开端. 这些幻像讲述了他如何杀掉[[King Leoric|李奥瑞克王]], 以及在这个过程中, 他被疯掉的国王诅咒的故事.   
== Lachdanan's Scrolls ==  
== 拉克戴南的卷轴 ==  
On the third level of the [[Cathedral]] there are five scolls scattered about written by Lachdanan that tell of his story.
在大教堂的第三层分散着五份卷轴, 这是由拉克戴南自己撰写的关于他的故事.
[[Lachdanan's Scroll, Part 1|Part 1]]: ''"My name is Lachdanan, and I am cursed. Once the captain of King Leoric's army, I lived only to honor my land and my king. No man has a greater love for his king than I had for mine--even as I drove my blade through his dark and corrupted heart."'' 
*第一部分:"我的名字叫拉克戴南, 我被诅咒了. 作为曾经的李奥瑞克王部队的队长, 我活着只为捍卫我的故乡和我的国王的荣耀. 没有人比我更爱我的国王, 即便是我把剑刺入他黑暗和腐化的心."  
[[Lachdanan's Scroll, Part 2|Part 2]]: ''"It was Lazarus--of that I am certain. He alone had the king's ear and whispered dark and evil magics in it, instilling the notion of an imminent attack by Westmarch. Afraid to speak against the archbishop, the councilors nodded their heads in empty agreement and sent us off to die."'' 
*第二部分:"一定是拉扎鲁斯--我非常确定这点. 他独自向国王谗言并把黑暗和邪恶的魔法悄悄输给了国王, 让国王慢慢觉得维斯特玛的攻击已经迫在眉睫. 没有人敢反对大主教, 议员们同意了这个空洞的协议并让我们去送死."
[[Lachdanan's Scroll, Part 3|Part 3]]: :''"When we returned from our horrific defeat in Westmarch, my beloved king lost all pretense of sanity. He seethed with rage, spitting curses upon us as traitors. With great sorrow, I ran him through."''  
*第三部分:"当我们从维斯特玛的惨败中返回时, 我深爱的国王已经失去了心智. 他勃然大怒, 尖刻的咒骂我们是叛徒. 怀着巨大的悲痛, 我杀了国王."
*第四部分:"我将永远为我最后捍卫国王尊严的举措而活在巨大的悲痛中. 当我们把国王安放在他的墓室中长眠时, 他变成了一个令人惊骇的骷髅恶魔. [[Gorash|格拉斯]](Gorash)和我其他的骑士立刻被打败了, 但是我仍然在战斗."   
[[Lachdanan's Scroll, Part 4|Part 4]]: ''"I will forever live in anguish for my last attempt to honor my king. As we lay him to rest in his burial chamber, he manifested as a hideous skeletal demon. [[Gorash]] and my other knights were overcome at once, but I fought on."'' 
*第五部分:"现在我有点彷徨, 在被我曾经爱戴的国王诅咒之后, 邪恶已经侵入我的骨髓, 一旦我无法控制折磨我的邪恶的话, 我不能冒险将我深爱的崔特斯凯姆置入险地. 我必须走向迷宫的深处一个人自生自灭."
[[Lachdanan's Scroll, Part 5|Part 5]]: ''"And now I wander, cursed by my once beloved king. Evil gnaws at my bones and I cannot risk putting my beloved Tristram in danger should I fail to contain that which tears at me. I must venture down into the labyrinth to die alone."''
'''拉克戴南'''是[[坎都拉斯]](Khanduras)王朝后半期李奥瑞克王骑士部队的队长. 他是一个正直的人, 忠于职守. 当[[Diablo|暗黑破坏神]]试图通过控制李奥瑞克王的意识来占据他的时候, 大主教拉扎鲁斯害怕这个骑士可能将为成为一个麻烦. 从各方面来看, 拉克戴南都是一个公正和受人尊敬的人, 因此如果他准备去怀疑李奥瑞克王哪有点不对劲的话, 他有很大的机会让法院相信他. 出于对此的担心, 这个大主教指控这个忠诚的骑士叛国罪, 不过无论他怎么努力, 这些指控都被认为是无稽之谈而被搁置一边.
随着暗黑破坏神紧紧的控制了这个国王, 拉克戴南开始关注国王的反常举动. 作为除掉在崔特斯凯姆这个窥探眼睛的最后举措, 拉扎鲁斯说服了李奥瑞克王说西部邻国维斯特玛在计划攻击他们. 拉克戴南试图和他的国王讲理不要发动战争, 但是李奥瑞克王此时此刻已经失去了心智, 拉克戴南处于对国王的忠心, 出发参加了战争. 这个策略让拉克戴南和大多数不配合的法官远离了国王. 对抗在军事上更为强大的敌人的战争导致了坎都拉斯军队的大量伤亡, 拉克戴南不得不下令撤退. 在他不在国王身边的时候, 暗黑破坏神进一步控制了李奥瑞克王到只剩很少的他过去一部分. 眼见他心爱的国王处于如此可怕的境地, 但并不知晓这是暗黑破坏神的所作所为, 拉克戴南杀了李奥瑞克王. 尽管他试图用一个合适的葬礼来尊重他的国王, 但是李奥瑞克王却复活成为了[[骷髅王]]并攻击和诅咒了他此前的仆从. 很多他的骑士, 像格拉斯(Gorash), 成为诅咒的受害者从而变成了暗黑破坏神的奴仆. 拉克戴南独自设法从墓室大厅逃离, 但是仍然被李奥瑞克王施加在他所有前骑士身上的诅咒所影响, 他不敢返回崔特斯凯姆. 相反,他继续向大教堂地下迷宫深处走去以了此一生.
'''Lachdanan''' was captain of [[King Leoric]]'s knight during the latter's reign as King of [[Khanduras]]. He was a righteous man who served his king dutifully. When [[Diablo]] tried to get a hold over Leoric's mind in order to possess him, the Arch Bishop [[Lazarus]] feared that the knight would become a problem. Lachdanan was viewed by all as a just and honorable man, and if he were to suspect something was amiss with Leoric there was a good chance the remainder of the court would believe him. Fearing this, the Arch Bishop accused the loyal knight of treason, and much to his display the accusation was pushed aside as outlandish. 
== 暗黑破坏神1 ==
As Diablo's hold tightened over the king, Lachdanan began to take notice of his king's errant behavior. As a last resort to remove prying eyes from Tristram, Lazarus convinced Leoric that [[Westmarch]], the neighbouring country to the west, was planning to attack them. Lachdanan tried to reason with his king not to declare war, but Leoric was already at this point lost to madness and Lachdanan, honor-bound to serve, dutifully marched to war. The ploy sent both Lachdanan and most of the troublesome court far away from the king. The resulting war decimated the army of Khanduras against their militarily superior enemy, and Lachdanan was forced to retret. During his time away Diablo had extended his grip on Leoric and there was little left of his past self. Witnessing the terrible state of his beloved king, but unaware of Diablo, he killed Leoric.  Though he tried to honor his king with a proper burial, Leoric rose as the [[Skeleton King]] and both attacked and cursed his former servants. Many of his knights, like [[Gorash]], fell victim to the curse and became servants of Diablo. Lachdanan alone managed to flee the burial chamber, but gripped by the same curse Leoric cast upon all of his former knights, he dared not return to Tristam. Instead he ventured deeper into the labyrinth under the Cathedral to die there. 
在暗黑破坏神1的事件中, [[Aidan|艾丹]](Aidan)在大教堂下面碰到了拉克戴南. 遇到的详情可能再也无法复原, 不过这个骑士逃离崔特斯凯姆但不愿被诅咒致死. 他请求艾丹去找一个金色的炼金药, 他听说这个能够治愈他的诅咒. 艾丹最终找到了, 于是帮助拯救了拉克戴南.
== Diablo I ==
Lachdanan (Diablo I Quest) During the events of [[Diablo I]], [[Aidan]] encountered Lachdanan below the Cathedral. The details of this encounter may not be entirely canon anymore, but the knight had run from Tristram but did not want to die cursed. He asked of Aidan to find a Golden Elixir, which he had heard could rid him of the curse. Aidan eventually found it, and thus helped save Lachdanan.

在2012年4月23日 (一) 07:58的最新修订版本




拉克戴南(Lachdanan)在暗黑破坏神3中并未直接出现,取而代之的是他会以幻像的形态出现在大教堂的第四层中,可以在大教堂的第三层找到该故事的开端. 这些幻像讲述了他如何杀掉李奥瑞克王, 以及在这个过程中, 他被疯掉的国王诅咒的故事.


在大教堂的第三层分散着五份卷轴, 这是由拉克戴南自己撰写的关于他的故事.


拉克戴南坎都拉斯(Khanduras)王朝后半期李奥瑞克王骑士部队的队长. 他是一个正直的人, 忠于职守. 当暗黑破坏神试图通过控制李奥瑞克王的意识来占据他的时候, 大主教拉扎鲁斯害怕这个骑士可能将为成为一个麻烦. 从各方面来看, 拉克戴南都是一个公正和受人尊敬的人, 因此如果他准备去怀疑李奥瑞克王哪有点不对劲的话, 他有很大的机会让法院相信他. 出于对此的担心, 这个大主教指控这个忠诚的骑士叛国罪, 不过无论他怎么努力, 这些指控都被认为是无稽之谈而被搁置一边.

随着暗黑破坏神紧紧的控制了这个国王, 拉克戴南开始关注国王的反常举动. 作为除掉在崔特斯凯姆这个窥探眼睛的最后举措, 拉扎鲁斯说服了李奥瑞克王说西部邻国维斯特玛在计划攻击他们. 拉克戴南试图和他的国王讲理不要发动战争, 但是李奥瑞克王此时此刻已经失去了心智, 拉克戴南处于对国王的忠心, 出发参加了战争. 这个策略让拉克戴南和大多数不配合的法官远离了国王. 对抗在军事上更为强大的敌人的战争导致了坎都拉斯军队的大量伤亡, 拉克戴南不得不下令撤退. 在他不在国王身边的时候, 暗黑破坏神进一步控制了李奥瑞克王到只剩很少的他过去一部分. 眼见他心爱的国王处于如此可怕的境地, 但并不知晓这是暗黑破坏神的所作所为, 拉克戴南杀了李奥瑞克王. 尽管他试图用一个合适的葬礼来尊重他的国王, 但是李奥瑞克王却复活成为了骷髅王并攻击和诅咒了他此前的仆从. 很多他的骑士, 像格拉斯(Gorash), 成为诅咒的受害者从而变成了暗黑破坏神的奴仆. 拉克戴南独自设法从墓室大厅逃离, 但是仍然被李奥瑞克王施加在他所有前骑士身上的诅咒所影响, 他不敢返回崔特斯凯姆. 相反,他继续向大教堂地下迷宫深处走去以了此一生.


拉克戴南(暗黑破坏神1任务) 在暗黑破坏神1的事件中, 艾丹(Aidan)在大教堂下面碰到了拉克戴南. 遇到的详情可能再也无法复原, 不过这个骑士逃离崔特斯凯姆但不愿被诅咒致死. 他请求艾丹去找一个金色的炼金药, 他听说这个能够治愈他的诅咒. 艾丹最终找到了, 于是帮助拯救了拉克戴南.

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暗黑破坏神 III
暗黑破坏神 II