塔力克 (Diablo II)


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(以内容“怪物属性:塔力克 Talic <br/> 特别属性: Whirlwind (旋风)<br/> 属性效果:使用旋风攻击<br/> 来自: 亚瑞特山脉巅峰 The Arreat Summit <b...”创建新页面)
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'''Talic''', known as "Talic the Defender" is a non-player character (NPC) from the [[Diablo II]] expansion [[Lord of Destruction]]. He is one of three Bosses along with {{2|Madawc}} and {{2|Korlic}} guarding the [[Worldstone]] on the summit of [[Mount Arreat]].
'''Talic''', known as "Talic the Defender" is a non-player character (NPC) from the [[Diablo II]] expansion [[Lord of Destruction]]. He is one of three Bosses along with {{2|Madawc}} and {{2|Korlic}} guarding the [[Worldstone]] on the summit of [[Mount Arreat]].
Talic is from the Western Shores of the Barbarian Kingdom. At a young age, Talic had already mastered several of the barbarian skills. He was only 19 when he was called to serve the Ancients. Before his calling, he had only heard legends of Mt. Arreat. The Kae Huron mountain range, where lies Arreat, isn't even visible from warm waters he grew up around.
塔力克来自野蛮人王国的西海岸。在相当年轻的时候,塔力克就已经精通了数项野蛮人的技能。当他被远古英灵所召唤的时候,只有19岁。在他被召唤之前,只是听说过“阿瑞特圣山”的传说。阿瑞特圣山耸立于“凯·哈伦”山脉的范围内,从他那位于温暖的海水边的故乡,甚至还不能看到这座山脉。一天早上,敲门声在他的房门上响起,城镇的长老和一个老妇人来到了他的住处.当他们进门的时候,塔力克的妻子和他们的孩子正坐在桌子旁边. 长老引见了那位老妇人:她就是野蛮人部落的首都——“沙斯阙仞”城的先知,名叫“卡拉”。她前来赋予塔力克以守护阿瑞特圣山神圣大门的最终使命。而作为接受这一使命的回报,他将在圣山之顶得以永生不死。虽然被选中去执行这样一个任务是一种无上的光荣,但是他将再也不能回家,也再也见不到他的亲人。塔力克从他的座椅上慢慢地站了起来,整整高过眼前的先知一个头,他大声告诉她:“我不去!” 塔力克拒绝了这个任务,他告诉先知去选其他人。卡拉看着塔力克,告诉他这个选择不是她做出的,是远古的英灵们告诉她去寻找一个住在西边,名叫“塔力克”的年轻勇士,这是他们想要的,也是他们选中的。塔力克久久地凝视着先知,最终,他慢慢地点了头,表示同意。他转身面对他的妻子和孩子,吻别了他们,然后踏上了前往阿瑞特圣山的旅程。
One morning there was a knock at his door. It was the town elder and an old woman. They entered as his wife and young child sat at the table. The woman was introduced as Kala the Seer for Sescheron the capital city of the Barbarian Tribes. She came to bestow upon Talic the ultimate task of protecting the sacred gates to Mt. Arreat. His reward for accepting such service would be eternity atop the mountain. While it was an honor beyond comprehension to be chosen for such a role, he would never be able to return home, nor see any of his family again.
Talic rose from his chair, standing a head taller than the Seer, and told her fiercely "I won't go." He had refused. He told the Seer to choose another. Kala looked at him and said the choice was not hers to make. The Ancients had spoken to her of a young warrior in the West named Talic. That was who they wanted, that was who they chose. Talic stared long at the Seer. Then finally, he nodded slowly in agreement, turned to his wife and child, kissed them goodbye, and journeyed to Mt. Arreat.
==Diablo II==
==Diablo II==

在2011年10月14日 (五) 06:58所做的修订版本

怪物属性:塔力克 Talic
特别属性: Whirlwind (旋风)
来自: 亚瑞特山脉巅峰 The Arreat Summit

Talic, known as "Talic the Defender" is a non-player character (NPC) from the Diablo II expansion Lord of Destruction. He is one of three Bosses along with Madawc and Korlic guarding the Worldstone on the summit of Mount Arreat.



塔力克来自野蛮人王国的西海岸。在相当年轻的时候,塔力克就已经精通了数项野蛮人的技能。当他被远古英灵所召唤的时候,只有19岁。在他被召唤之前,只是听说过“阿瑞特圣山”的传说。阿瑞特圣山耸立于“凯·哈伦”山脉的范围内,从他那位于温暖的海水边的故乡,甚至还不能看到这座山脉。一天早上,敲门声在他的房门上响起,城镇的长老和一个老妇人来到了他的住处.当他们进门的时候,塔力克的妻子和他们的孩子正坐在桌子旁边. 长老引见了那位老妇人:她就是野蛮人部落的首都——“沙斯阙仞”城的先知,名叫“卡拉”。她前来赋予塔力克以守护阿瑞特圣山神圣大门的最终使命。而作为接受这一使命的回报,他将在圣山之顶得以永生不死。虽然被选中去执行这样一个任务是一种无上的光荣,但是他将再也不能回家,也再也见不到他的亲人。塔力克从他的座椅上慢慢地站了起来,整整高过眼前的先知一个头,他大声告诉她:“我不去!” 塔力克拒绝了这个任务,他告诉先知去选其他人。卡拉看着塔力克,告诉他这个选择不是她做出的,是远古的英灵们告诉她去寻找一个住在西边,名叫“塔力克”的年轻勇士,这是他们想要的,也是他们选中的。塔力克久久地凝视着先知,最终,他慢慢地点了头,表示同意。他转身面对他的妻子和孩子,吻别了他们,然后踏上了前往阿瑞特圣山的旅程。

Diablo II

Talic is first met during the Rite of Passage quest in Act V of Diablo II, as one of the guardians of the Worldstone. Along with Madawc the Guardian and Korlic the Protector, Talic emerges from a statue-form when the player interacts with altar at the center of Mt. Arreat summit.

"We are the spirits of the Nephalem, the Ancient Ones. We have been chose to guard sacred Mount Arreat, wherein the Worldstone rests. Few are worthy to stand in its presence; fewer still can comprehend its true purpose. Before you enter, you must defeat us."

Additional Information

Special Abilities:

Monster Stats

生命 抗性 伤害

Talic (Diablo II).gif

普通 3,800 - 4,560 0 70 0 0 70 70 100% Arreat Summit (40)
噩梦 29,106 - 38,808 0 70 0 0 70 70 100% Arreat Summit (71)
地狱 102,592 - 128,240 50 110 50 0 40 50 100% Arreat Summit (90)
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暗黑破坏神 II