Damage Reduction (Diablo2)


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'''Damage Reduction''' is an important attribute for survival in [[Diablo II]]. There are a variety of different methods of obtaining damage reduction, and these methods can be simply grouped into several categories: '''Resist, Numerical Reduction, and Absorb'''. Numerical Reduction is applied first, then resist, and lastly absorb (blocking works by a separate mechanic).
[[Diablo II|暗黑破坏神2]]中, '''伤害减是一个非常重要的生存属性. 游戏中存在着很多不同的取得伤害减少的方法, 这些方法可以简单的归为几类:'''抵抗, 按数字减少, 吸收'''. 按数字减少的方式首先产生效果, 其次是抵抗, 最后才是吸收(格挡是不同的工作机制).
Example: A player has 'Reduce fire damage by 10', '50% fire resist' and '20% fire absorb'.
例如: 一个玩家有'减少10点火焰伤害', '50%的火抗' and '20%的火焰伤害吸收'.
* A monster deals 100 fire damage.
* 一个怪物造成了100点的火焰伤害.
* 10 damage is removed, 90 remains.
* 首先去除10点火焰伤害, 剩余90点火焰伤害.
* 50% of 90 is removed, 45 remains.
* 其次50%的90伤害去除, 剩余45点火焰伤害.
* 9 damage is absorbed, resulting in 36 damage. If the player survives this damage, 9 health is healed.
* 然后9点火焰伤害被吸收, 结果是产生36点火焰伤害. 如果玩家在这次攻击中幸存, 那么玩家将得到9点的生命值治疗.
* Result: 27 damage is received of the original 100.
* 最终结果: 开始的100点火焰伤害,实际造成的最终伤害效果是27点伤害.

在2011年11月9日 (三) 22:01所做的修订版本

暗黑破坏神2中, 伤害减是一个非常重要的生存属性. 游戏中存在着很多不同的取得伤害减少的方法, 这些方法可以简单的归为几类:抵抗, 按数字减少, 吸收. 按数字减少的方式首先产生效果, 其次是抵抗, 最后才是吸收(格挡是不同的工作机制).

例如: 一个玩家有'减少10点火焰伤害', '50%的火抗' and '20%的火焰伤害吸收'.



抗性的工作机理是按照百分比来减少所受到伤害. 因此, 如果一次攻击产生了100点的火伤害, 并且某人有50%的火抗, 那么他只能受到50%的火焰伤害. 抗性对任何角色来说都非常的重要. 游戏普通模式和噩梦模式中有很多比较致命的攻击, 例如墨菲斯托的骷髅闪电, 对于高抗的角色来说造成的伤害微乎其微. 然而在地狱难度中, 高抗更通常也就仅能让角色在遭遇到更多致命的敌人的时候不会立即死亡而已. 在玩家对决模式中, 抗性也常常是至关重要的.

在不同的抗性中, 四种元素抗性往往是优先需要关注的. 物免抗性较难获得, 最通常是高级别角色才能使用. 装备例如暴风盾, 一个具有35%物免抵抗的暗金盾牌, 通常就被认为是很多玩法中玩家的终极标准装备. 在游戏中只有唯一的一个物品能够提供基于比例的魔法抗性: 合成安全的盾牌可以提供5-10%的魔法抗性.

伤害类型 抵抗上限
正常 最高
物免 50% 50%
火免 75% 95%
冰免 75% 95%
电免 75% 95%
毒免 75% 95%
魔免 10% 10%

正常的元素抗性上限可以通过装备带有增加最大抗性(+Max Resists)的装备来提高. 如果一个角色有200的火抗, 那么仅有75%的火抗是有效的(可依靠装备最高提升至95%火抗), 并且如果一个怪物带有审判光环让角色的火抗减少75%, 该角色仍然有125%的火抗剩余. 在这种情况下, 角色依然精确的得到75%的火抗. 同样的道理, 如果一个玩家火抗为零并且受到同样的审判光环影响, 那么他的火抗为负75%, 这将使得玩家会受到额外的火焰伤害. 在任何情况下负抗性都是不好的, 应该不惜代价避免这种情况发生.







如果玩家受到以上任何一个技能的影响, 他/她的抗性会根据技能提示而相应的改变. 幸好有抗性上限的设置, 因此玩家永远无法对元素伤害完全免疫.



怪物的抗性机理和玩家是完全一样的. 然而, 与玩家有所不同的是, 怪物的抗性是没有上限的. 因此他们如果某种抗性足够高的话, 他们是能够对某种元素伤害免疫的. 当怪物的元素抗性达到或者超过100时, 怪物则对相应的元素伤害免疫. 除了女巫的冰冷掌握技能不能破冰免外, 怪物的免疫可以被任何降低抗性的技能打破. 不过, 当技能破免疫的时候, 技能仅能产生1/5的实际效果. 这意味着, 举例来说, 当一个有100%的物免属性的怪物受到伤害加深技能影响的时候, 这个怪物仍然有80%的物免属性剩余, 而不是0%的物免属性剩余. 这个原理同样适用于元素抗性.

由于这些技能在破除免疫时被削弱了效果, 因此存在可能一个怪物拥有某种无法破除的免疫. 这种情形发生在当一个怪物的抗性达到或者超过144%的冰抗, 火抗, 或者电抗, 120%的物免, 或者114%的毒免.

Numerical Damage Reduction

Like the name suggests, this reduces damage of a specific damage type by a fixed amount. All damage types can be reduced in this way. There is no cap to how much a player can get in numerical reduction, so in theory it should be possible to acquire so much that one cannot be damaged by a specific damage type. It is hardly practical do to so however, and would likely reduce the quality of gear so much that the killing speed of a character would be severely hurt.


Absorb reduces an amount of the damage received and then heals the player with the absorbed amount. Suffice to say this can be very powerful, if coupled with enough normal resist. Absorbs can be found in numerical- or percentage-based forms. There are four types of absorb: fire, cold, lightning, and magic. Magic absorb absorbs all kinds of elemental damage, as well as magic damage. The Druid skill Cyclone Armor provides the player with numerical absorbs for all three elemental damage types. All absorbs are capped at 40%. In practice, this is essentially the same as another 80% resist applied on top of regular resist for the player, basically enabling the player to reach 99% resist.

How it works:

If the player also has 95% fire resist:

However, the problem is that if the player does not have 60 hp when this attack lands, he will die, as the healing is only applied after the reduction in hp has been made. Still, it can be very useful at times.


While not of the same kind as the above methods, blocking is another great way to reduce your incoming physical damage. When you successfully block an attack, you completely avoid all damage. If the block fails, you take damage as usual and resistances etc. are applied as usual. In order to block, your character must have a shield equipped (except in the case of an Assassin who has Weapon Block). You can increase your chance to block by adding points to Dexterity or by getting certain affixes on your gear. Chance to Block is capped at 75%, and many Class Builds recommend maximizing block for survivability.

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暗黑破坏神 III
暗黑破坏神 II