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'''大主教拉扎鲁斯(Archbishop Lazarus)''' 曾经是[[Leoric|李奥瑞克王]]统治[[坎都拉斯]]期间的顾问,and a high-ranking offcial in the [[Zakarum]] faith. It was he who released [[Diablo]] from his soulstone which allowed the [[Prime Evil]] to begin corrupting Leoric, this setting in motion the events of [[Diablo I]].
'''大主教拉扎鲁斯(Archbishop Lazarus)''' 曾经是[[Leoric|李奥瑞克王]]统治[[坎都拉斯]]期间的顾问,同时他也是[[Zakarum Orders|萨卡兰姆教派]]的高阶裁判. 就是他在[[暗黑破坏神]] 1代中从[[灵魂之石]]中释放了[[Diablo]]并使得他开始腐化[[Leoric|李奥瑞克王]],他是这一系列黑暗事件的始作俑者.
在来坎都拉斯之前,萨卡兰姆大主教之一的拉扎鲁斯曾经是萨卡兰姆教会中的一名高阶裁判,其地位仅次于[[萨卡兰姆高阶议会]]本身.他离开受到[[Mephisto|墨菲斯托]]的腐化所影响的撒卡兰姆领导下的[[库拉斯特]],受命于墨菲斯托去寻找和解放被灵魂之石禁锢的Diablo. 他向李奥瑞克王施加压力,迫使他选择[[崔斯特瑞姆]]作为他达到其黑暗目的的大本营,最终,他做到了他想做的一切.
在成功的释放了Diablo之后,他又回到李奥瑞克王身边以协助恐惧之王腐化国王的灵魂,虽然事实证明,第一年没有什么事情发生,但是在第五个年头,国王在黑暗的影响下越来越疯狂,他其他的顾问都对拉扎鲁斯的阴谋没有任何察觉. 只是觉得国王的行为越来越令人起疑. [[Lachdanan|拉克戴南(Lachdanan)]],是一位受人尊敬的国王的骑士队长,他对于国王的疯狂举动深感怀疑. 拉扎鲁斯一再的告诫骑士队长不用怀疑他们的国王. 但拉克戴南坚信在他们的国王身上一定发生了什么事情, 拉扎鲁斯开始抹黑拉克戴南,试图指责他背叛李奥瑞克王. 但这些莫须有的罪名均被法庭所拒绝, 没有人会相信这位正直的骑士队长会背叛他的国王.
Though he does not appear directly in [[Diablo III]] his legacy remains and his actions provide the foundation for much of the beginning of the game.
出于对拉克戴南和其他顾问们的怀疑的担心, 拉扎鲁斯对国王说[[威斯特玛|威斯特玛(Westmarch)]] 的军队准备攻击他们. 于是国王宣布了对威斯特玛的战争,即使这个疯狂的计划遭到了其他所有顾问的反对,国王依旧做出了决定,令拉克戴南领导他的军队从崔斯特瑞姆出发去远征曾经的盟友.
== History ==
拉扎鲁斯的计划成功了,但是Diablo的计划却没有那么顺利.当恐惧之王试图完全征服国王的内心时遇到了阻力, 最终Diablo意识到他可能永远无法完全占有国王的心灵,于是他把目标转向了国王的儿子,[[Albrecht|阿尔布莱彻(Prince Albrecht)]]王子.Diablo指使拉扎鲁斯绑架了王子并将他带入崔斯特瑞姆那黑暗的地下迷宫.
=== Before Khanduras ===
As one of the archbishops of Zakarum Lazarus was a high-ranking official in the church, likely just below the [[High Council]] itself. When he left [[Kurast]] the leadership of the Zakarum was already under the influence of [[Mephisto]], and Lazarus was likely tasked with finding Diablo's soulstone and release the Prime Evil. He pressured Leoric to choose [[Tristram]] as his seat of power for specifically that purpose, and he quickly ventured down into the labyrinth beneath the Cathedral to release Diablo quickly after arriving.  
=== Aiding Diablo ===
当拉扎鲁斯归来的时候, 李奥瑞克王已经被拉克戴南所杀.王国此时已经群龙无首. 他继续对剩下的人们施以对国王做过的同样的黑暗影响力, 并且他已经可以无所顾忌. 拉扎鲁斯把剩下的人以拯救王国唯一的继承人阿尔布莱彻王子为借口骗入教堂地下深处的迷宫,在这里[[The Butcher|屠夫]]和大量的恶魔爪牙布下陷阱对他们进行了血腥的屠杀.
After releasing Diablo Lazarus returned to the surface and did everything in his power to aid Diablo in possessing the king. Though this proved rather uneventful during the first years, but the fifth year the king was growing increasingly mad from under Diablo's influence. His other advisors, unaware of Lazarus demonic allegiance of the king's growing corruption, began to grow more and more suspicious of their king's actions. [[Lachdanan]] in particular, the captain of Leoric's knights and an honorable man, proved to be a problem. Lazarus repeatedly admonished Lachdanan for doubting his king, but his insistence proved to be problematic. In a desperate attempt to discredit Lachdanan, he tried to accuse him of treason again Leoric. The circumtances of the accusations are unknown, but the rest of the cout rejected the accusal outright, for no one believed Lachdanan would ever betray his king.
Fearing that Lachdanan and other inquiring advisors would eventually cast too much doubt on Leoric, he convinced the king that [[Westmarch]] was preparing to attack them. Leoric promptly declared war on Westmarch, and though his advisors urged him not to, it forced many troublesome individuals from Tristram and far away, including Lachdanan who led the army.
Though Lazarus's plan has succeeded, Diablo's did not. When Diablo tried to fully subjugate the king's mind he still encountered resistance in the king's mind. Realizing he could never fully subdue the king, Diablo abandoned Leoric's mind and ordered Lazarus to bring him prince [[Albrecht]], Leoric's son, to him instead. Lazarus abducted the boy and brought him down into the labyrinth.
By the time Lazarus returned, Leoric has already been slain by Lachdanan and the townfolk were both fightened and without leadership. He convinced them that he had been possessed by the same darkness that had taken Leoric, but that he had broken free of it. Reminding them that Albrecht was still down in the church, the rallied the townsfolk into a mob and led them down into the Cathedral where the {{1|The Butcher}} and his demons lay in ambush for them. As the townsfolk where slaughtered, Lazarus once more raced down to the very depths of the labyrinth.
He was finally slain when [[Aidan]] found him on his way to Diablo and slew him in order to get access to the deepest level of the monastery.

在2011年11月2日 (三) 04:09所做的修订版本

大主教拉扎鲁斯(Archbishop Lazarus) 曾经是李奥瑞克王统治坎都拉斯期间的顾问,同时他也是萨卡兰姆教派的高阶裁判. 就是他在暗黑破坏神 1代中从灵魂之石中释放了Diablo并使得他开始腐化李奥瑞克王,他是这一系列黑暗事件的始作俑者. 虽然他在暗黑3中没有直接出现,但是游戏开始时的一些剧情就是以他先前留下的故事线作为铺垫而展开的.


在来坎都拉斯之前,萨卡兰姆大主教之一的拉扎鲁斯曾经是萨卡兰姆教会中的一名高阶裁判,其地位仅次于萨卡兰姆高阶议会本身.他离开受到墨菲斯托的腐化所影响的撒卡兰姆领导下的库拉斯特,受命于墨菲斯托去寻找和解放被灵魂之石禁锢的Diablo. 他向李奥瑞克王施加压力,迫使他选择崔斯特瑞姆作为他达到其黑暗目的的大本营,最终,他做到了他想做的一切. 在成功的释放了Diablo之后,他又回到李奥瑞克王身边以协助恐惧之王腐化国王的灵魂,虽然事实证明,第一年没有什么事情发生,但是在第五个年头,国王在黑暗的影响下越来越疯狂,他其他的顾问都对拉扎鲁斯的阴谋没有任何察觉. 只是觉得国王的行为越来越令人起疑. 拉克戴南(Lachdanan),是一位受人尊敬的国王的骑士队长,他对于国王的疯狂举动深感怀疑. 拉扎鲁斯一再的告诫骑士队长不用怀疑他们的国王. 但拉克戴南坚信在他们的国王身上一定发生了什么事情, 拉扎鲁斯开始抹黑拉克戴南,试图指责他背叛李奥瑞克王. 但这些莫须有的罪名均被法庭所拒绝, 没有人会相信这位正直的骑士队长会背叛他的国王.

出于对拉克戴南和其他顾问们的怀疑的担心, 拉扎鲁斯对国王说威斯特玛(Westmarch) 的军队准备攻击他们. 于是国王宣布了对威斯特玛的战争,即使这个疯狂的计划遭到了其他所有顾问的反对,国王依旧做出了决定,令拉克戴南领导他的军队从崔斯特瑞姆出发去远征曾经的盟友.

拉扎鲁斯的计划成功了,但是Diablo的计划却没有那么顺利.当恐惧之王试图完全征服国王的内心时遇到了阻力, 最终Diablo意识到他可能永远无法完全占有国王的心灵,于是他把目标转向了国王的儿子,阿尔布莱彻(Prince Albrecht)王子.Diablo指使拉扎鲁斯绑架了王子并将他带入崔斯特瑞姆那黑暗的地下迷宫.

当拉扎鲁斯归来的时候, 李奥瑞克王已经被拉克戴南所杀.王国此时已经群龙无首. 他继续对剩下的人们施以对国王做过的同样的黑暗影响力, 并且他已经可以无所顾忌. 拉扎鲁斯把剩下的人以拯救王国唯一的继承人阿尔布莱彻王子为借口骗入教堂地下深处的迷宫,在这里屠夫和大量的恶魔爪牙布下陷阱对他们进行了血腥的屠杀.


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暗黑破坏神 III
暗黑破坏神 II