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(以内容“category:暗黑3 任务category:任务 本任务是2008年嘉年华中的一个“递送物品”式任务。任务是否会在最终游戏的同样地点上出...”创建新页面)

在2011年5月19日 (四) 14:29所做的修订版本




  1. 井里小女孩的鬼魂
  2. 小女孩的母亲
  3. 在崔斯特瑞姆镇中心的一个特殊宝箱里流泪的鬼魂小女孩的洋娃娃

任务的故事线很简单。小女孩的灵魂被困在井里无法或是不愿意升天,因为她找不到她的洋娃娃了。玩家要去旧崔斯特瑞姆镇中心的特殊宝箱里拿到那个洋娃娃然后扔到井里。小女孩会因为拿回了自己的洋娃娃而十分高兴,然后升天。图片展示了小女孩灵魂从井中飘出的瞬间,她飞向了自由,也有可能是天堂,或是去投胎。我们无法通过任务描述中知道她究竟去了哪里。 但玩家不一定要去小女孩的母亲,但是如果玩家在把洋娃娃拿到井里去之前碰到了她,会发现她一边流泪一边低语道:“她迷失了,没有洋娃娃的话她永远没法升天。哦……可怜的孩子……她永远地迷失了。”如果玩家在找到洋娃娃之前就去点击小女孩所在的井,玩家的角色就会像暗黑2里面那样说:“现在还不行。”之类的话。玩家与NPC的对话中没有明确指示洋娃娃所在的地点,但是这张地图很小,那个箱子又很显眼,所以玩家可以轻松的完成任务。 完成任务之后玩家会获得一双魔法靴子作为奖励。靴子的属性是随机的但是鞋子的属性会是玩家角色所期望的。


Little Girl Lost is the first quest seen in the BlizzCon 2008 demo. A basic "FedEx" style mission. Background There's no telling if this quest will appear in this location, or anywhere else in the final game. It was a simple, easily-completed quest, but it's not wise to draw too many conclusions about how quests will be presented in the final game from this one, which might have been put in and kept very simple just for the Blizzcon demo. There was a similar quest in Diablo 1 Hellfire, where players have to go and find little Celia's teddy bear. This might place the Little_Girl_Lost quest with other quests put into the game for nostalgia just like the Injured Villager's dialogue, and Cain's reappearance. Quest Walkthrough There were three components to the quest. The little girl's ghost in the well. The girl's mother, AKA the crying ghost. The doll, found in a special chest in the centre of Tristram. The quest's story is simple enough. The little girl's ghost was lost in the well, unable or unwilling to ascend (to heaven?) since she couldn't find her doll. The player had to find the special chest, click it, pick up the doll that fell out, take it to the well, and drop it. The girl would then exclaim how happy she was to have her doll back, and would float up into the sky. The screenshot here shows the moment her ghost flies out of the well to freedom, or heaven, or reincarnation, or something. The metaphysics aren't made clear. The girl's mother does not need to be spoken to at all, but if the player found her before delivering the doll to the well, the mother (a human-sized ghost who wandered back and forth in the ruins of Tristram, sobbing desconsolately) could be overheard, muttering through her tears, words to the effect of, "She's lost. She'll never find her way out without the doll. Oh the poor girl. Lost forever." The well was clickable before the doll was found, and produced a verbal prompt similar to the ones in Diablo II: "I can't do that yet." or words to that effect. Nothing in the female ghost's dialogue specifically told the player to go find the doll in the chest and take it to the well, but since all 3 elements were conspicuous in the small area occupied by ruined Tristram, it didn't exactly require Sherlock Holmes to unravel the mystery. Reward This quest rewarded the player with magical boots. The properties on the boots were random, but within the range of mods that you'd expect to find at that level. The boots were automatically equipped, and when the reward was given, after the girl's ghost flew away, a pop up window announced the quest completion and displayed the reward, with the stats listed on the screen. This was a handy technique, since it saved the player the trouble of opening up their inventory to look over the item.

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