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(以内容“分类:任务分类:暗黑破坏神 I:任务S ==kill Diablo== 暗黑1中最后的任务是杀死迪亚波罗。这个任务,在玩家杀死拉扎鲁斯之...”创建新页面)
第11行: 第11行:
This quest is one of the four Diablo quests to appear in Multiplayer mode. Like in Single Player, it is triggered by Deckard Cain after Archbishop Lazarus is killed, but  this time, level 16 is much larger. The four rooms are still in the same place, however, and Diablo still has his Blood Knights and Advocates as personal defenders. The Multiplayer game will shut down  as soon as Diablo is destroyed, treating the player to the ending cutscene.
Deckard Cain: "Your story is quite grim, my friend. Lazarus will surely burn in  Hell for his horrific deed. The boy that you describe is NOT our Prince, but I believe that Albrecht may yet be in  danger. The symbol of power that you speak of must be a portal in the very heart of the Labyrinth. Know this, my friend - the Evil that you move against is the Dark Lord of Terror. He is known to mortal men as Diablo. It was he who was  imprisoned within the labyrinth many centuries ago and I fear that he seeks to once again sow chaos in the Realm of Mankind. You must venture through the  portal and destroy Diablo before it is too late!"

在2012年3月19日 (一) 10:05所做的修订版本

kill Diablo

暗黑1中最后的任务是杀死迪亚波罗。这个任务,在玩家杀死拉扎鲁斯之后与凯恩对话可以触发。在地牢的第十五层,玩家会发现一个带有五芒星标志的通向第十六层,也就是通向迪亚波罗老巢的通道。那儿布满了AdvocatesBlood Knights,包括传说级骑士Sir Gorash

房间通向四个方向,最开始只有一个方向可以通行。拉动房间里的骷髅杠杆可以打开第二个通道,拉动第二个房间里的可以打开第三个房间的通道。在第三个房间中,有两个骷髅拉杆,你必须把他们都拉动后才能打开第四个房间和最后的房间。在这个房间中,一大群AdvocatesBlood Knights会守护着地板上的五芒星。在房间的中央,怪物们为迪亚波罗牺牲他们自己。惊奇的是,迪亚波罗不是传说级怪物,他能运用基督启示,不能被石化。






Deckard Cain: "Your story is quite grim, my friend. Lazarus will surely burn in Hell for his horrific deed. The boy that you describe is NOT our Prince, but I believe that Albrecht may yet be in danger. The symbol of power that you speak of must be a portal in the very heart of the Labyrinth. Know this, my friend - the Evil that you move against is the Dark Lord of Terror. He is known to mortal men as Diablo. It was he who was imprisoned within the labyrinth many centuries ago and I fear that he seeks to once again sow chaos in the Realm of Mankind. You must venture through the portal and destroy Diablo before it is too late!"

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暗黑破坏神 III
暗黑破坏神 II