暗黑破坏神 (Diablo II)


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怪物名称:暗黑破坏神 Diablo (Act Boss)
来自: 混沌避难所 The Chaos Sanctuary

模板:Infobox Diablo Diablo is the Lord of Terror and final boss in Act IV in classic Diablo II. He is found in the Chaos Sanctuary, where he can only be reached after the player has opened five seals. Three of these seals release a Super Unique and his minions. The player must defeat these minions, and when the last of these monsters fall, all other monsters in the Sanctuary instantly die and Diablo appears atop the central pentagram. If the expansion pack isn't installed, the game ends after 90 seconds following Diablo's death. In Lord of Destruction this does not happen.

Diablo is voiced by Bill Roper, who also did the voice for Hadriel in Diablo II and Ogden in Diablo I.


Diablo is one of the more dangerous monsters in the game. Though the power balance between bosses and regular monsters greatly shifts in Hell difficulty, he is probably the hardest monster for a player to overcome on Normal difficulty, barring Duriel against certain builds.

Like his two brothers, Mephisto and Baal, Diablo comes with an arsenal of various attacks that he unleashes upon the player:

Excluding twinked characters who can simply run up and start swining, Diablo requires the player to be very mobile. He often uses his Red Lightning Hose attack, and when he does, the player's health will quickly start to deteriorate. At this point it is imporant to immediately stop attacking and start running to avoid it. His other attacks, mainly Firestorm and Fire Nova, deal quite a bit of damage as well, but the former is static and only requires a small sidestep to avoid, and the latter cannot be avoided in any case. Diablo's casting animation for Fire Nova is also quite long compared to his other skills, which allows for plenty of warning to drink a potion and to run away if the situation calls for it.

Monster Stats (Diablo II)

生命 抗性 伤害

Diablo (Diablo II).gif

普通 13818 33 33 33 0 0 50 100% Chaos Sanctuary (40) 多尔

Diablo Nightmare (Diablo II).gif

噩梦 90749 50 50 50 0 0 50 50% Chaos Sanctuary (62) 伊司特

Diablo Hell (Diablo II).gif

地狱 113812 50 50 50 0 45 50 0% Chaos Sanctuary (94) 萨德
Uber Diablo
Diablo (Diablo II).gif

地狱 642700 95 95 95 50 50 95 15% Spawns Randomly (110) -
Pandemonium Diablo
Diablo Hell (Diablo II).gif

地狱 650000-660000 115 110 75 75 50 75 15% Chaos Tristram (110) -
第一幕 尸体发火 • 毕须博须 • 血鸟 • 碎骨者 • 冰冷乌鸦 • 拉卡尼休 • 树头木拳 • 格瑞斯华尔德 • 女伯爵 • 洞穴重生的邪恶之犬 • 刺魔 • 骨灰 • 铁匠 • 母牛之王 • 安达利尔
第二幕 罗达门特 • 爬行容貌 • 疯狂血腥女巫 • 爆开的甲虫 • 钻地的冰虫 • 黑暗长老 • 牙皮 • 火之眼 • 召唤者 • 古代无魂之卡 • 都瑞尔
第三幕 燃烧者--韦布 • 古巫医--印都 • 暴风之树 • 战场处子--沙利娜 • 裂缝之翼--冰鹰 • 邪恶之手--伊斯梅尔 • 火焰之指--吉列布 • 冰拳--托克 • 火花之拳--布瑞母 • 龙首--马弗 • 空虚使者--韦恩 • 墨菲斯托
第四幕 依卒尔 • 海法斯特盔甲制作者 • 雄伟的混沌大臣 • 灵魂传播者 • 西希之王 • 暗黑破坏神
第五幕 达克法恩 • 督军山克 • 矫正者--怪异 • 狂暴者--眼魔 • 利牙杀手 • 剥壳凹槽 • 冰冻怪魔 • 骨锯破坏者 • 粉碎者 • 暴躁外皮 • 尼拉塞克 • 科力克 • 马道克 • 塔力克 • 破坏者卡兰索 • 诅咒的阿科姆 • 血腥的巴特科 • 不洁的凡塔 • 古难记录者 • 巴尔
其他页面 暗黑2普通怪物 • 暗黑2冠军怪物 • 暗黑2金怪 • 暗黑2超级金怪
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暗黑破坏神 III
暗黑破坏神 II