Alpha1 | Alpha2 | Alpha3 | Alpha4 | PRDemo | Beta | Hellfire
任务 | 角色 | 怪物 | 词缀 | 装备 | 法术 | 祭坛 | 其他 | 栏目首页

(Beta and Retail)

PR and Beta | Beta and Retail

这些表中列出了 Beta 版中的词缀. 而 Pr-Demo 版数据, 如与 Beta 版数据有出入则会在括号中标明. 红色表示增加, 蓝色表示减少.


  • A: 头盔, 衣服
  • S: 盾牌
  • W: 近战武器除了法杖
  • T: 法杖
  • B: 弓
  • J: 项链, 戒指
Strength (all v.)
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
Frailty -10 - -6 ASW-BJ 3
Weakness -5 - -1 ASW-BJ 1
Strength 1 - 5 ASW-BJ 1
Might 6 - 10 ASW-BJ 5
Power 11 - 15 ASW-BJ 11
the Giant (Giants) 16 - 25 (16 - 20) ASW-BJ (A-W-BJ) 17
the Titan (Titans) 26 - 50 (21 - 30) ASW-BJ (--W--J) 23
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
Draining (the Fool) -10 - -6 ASW-BJ (ASWTBJ) 3
Dyslexia -5 - -1 ASW-BJ (ASWTBJ) 1
Magic 1 - 5 ASW-BJ (ASWTBJ) 1
the Mind 6 - 10 ASW-BJ (ASWTBJ) 5
Brilliance 11 - 15 ASW-BJ (ASWTBJ) 11
Sorcery 16 - 25 (16 - 20) ASW-BJ (A-WTBJ) 17
Wizardry 26 - 50 (21 - 30) ASW-BJ (---T-J) 23
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
Paralysis -10 - -6 ASW-BJ 3
Atrophy -5 - -1 ASW-BJ 1
Dexterity 1 - 5 ASW-BJ 1
Proficiency (Skill) 6 - 10 ASW-BJ 5
Accuracy 11 - 15 ASW-BJ 11
Precision 16 - 25 (16 - 20) ASW-BJ (A-W-BJ) 17
Perfection 26 - 50 (21 - 30) ASW-BJ (----BJ) 23
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
Decrepitude -10 - -6 ASW-BJ 3
Decrepitude (Illness) -10 - -6 ASW-BJ 3
Disease -5 - -1 ASW-BJ 1
Vitality 1 - 5 ASW-BJ 1
Zest 6 - 10 ASW-BJ 5
Vim 11 - 15 ASW-BJ 11
Vigor 16 - 25 (16 - 20) ASW-BJ (A-W-BJ) 17
Life 26 - 50 (21 - 30) ASW-BJ (-----J) 23
All Attributes
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
Trouble -10 - -6 ASW-BJ 12
the Pit -5 - -1 ASW-BJ 5
the Sky 1 - 5 (1 - 3) ASW-BJ 5
the Moon 6 - 10 (4 - 7) ASW-BJ 11
the Stars 11 - 15 (8 - 11) ASW-BJ (A-W-BJ) 17
the Heavens 16 - 25 (12 - 15) ASW-BJ (--W-BJ) 25
the Zodiac 26 - 50 (16 - 20) ASW-BJ (-----J) 30
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
the Vulture -25 - -11 AS---J 4
the Jackal -10 - -1 AS---J 1
the Fox 10 - 15 AS---J 1
the Jaguar 16 - 25 (16 - 20) AS---J 3 (5)
the Eagle 26 - 40 (21 - 30) AS---J 7 (9)
the Wolf 40 - 60 (30 - 40) AS---J 13 (15)
the Tiger 41 - 50 AS---J 21
the Lion 61 - 80 (41 - 60) AS---J (A----J) 19 (27)
the Mammoth 81 - 100 (61 - 80) AS---J (A-----) 27 (35)
the Whale 81 - 100 A----- 60
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
the Spider (Hyena's) -25 - -11 -----J (---T-J) 4
the Frog (Frog's) -10 - -1 -----J (---T-J) 1
the Hyena (Spider's) 10 - 15 ---T-J 1
the Raven (Raven's) 16 - 25 (15 - 20) ---T-J 3 (5)
the Snake (Snake's) 26 - 40 (21 - 30) ---T-J 7 (9)
the Serpent (Serpent's) 40 - 60 (30 - 40) ---T-J 13 (15)
the Drake (Drake's) 61 - 80 (41 - 50) ---T-J 19 (21)
the Dragon (Dragon's) 81 - 100 (51 - 60) ---T-J 27
% to Hit
Prefix Range Occurence Qlvl
Tin -10 - -6 --WTBJ (--W-BJ) 3
Brass -5 - -1 --WTBJ (--W-BJ) 1
Bronze 1 - 5 --WTBJ (--W-BJ) 1
Iron 6 - 10 --WTBJ (--W-BJ) 3 (4)
Steel 11- 15 --WTBJ (--W-BJ) 5 (6)
Silver 16 - 20 --WTBJ (--W-BJ) 8 (9)
Gold 21 - 30 --WTBJ (--W-BJ) 11 (12)
Platinum 31 - 40 --WTBJ (--W-B-) 14 (16)
Mithril 41 - 60 --WTBJ (--W-B-) 17 (20)
Metioric (Meteoric) 61 - 100 (61 - 80) --WTBJ (--W-B-) 20 (23)
Weird 81 - 100 --W-B- 35
Strange 101 - 150 --W-B- 60
% Damage
Prefix Range Occurence Qlvl
Useless -100 --WTB- (--W-B-) 5
Bent -75 - -50 --WTB- (--W-B-) 3
Weak -45 - -25 --WTB- (--W-B-) 1
Jagged 25 - 45 (20 - 35) --WTB- (--W-B-) 1 (4)
Deadly 50 - 70 (36 - 50) --WTB- (--W-B-) 3 (6)
Heavy 75 - 95 (51 - 65) --WTB- (--W-B-) 5 (9)
Vicious 100 - 145 (66 - 80) --WT-- (--W-B-) 9 (12)
Brutal 150 - 195 (81 - 95) --WT-- (--W-B-) 13 (16)
Massive 200 - 245 (96 - 110) --WT-- (--W-B-) 17 (20)
Savage 250 - 300 (111 - 125) --WT-- (--W-B-) 21 (23)
Ruthless 126 - 150 --W-B- 35
Merciless 151 - 175 --W-B- 60
% Damage, % to Hit
Prefix Range Damage Range toHit Occurence Qlvl
Clumsy -75 - -50 -10 - -6 --WTB- 5
Dull -45 - -25 -5 - -1 --WTB- 1
Sharp 25 - 45 (20 - 35) 1 - 5 --WTB- 1
Fine 50 - 70 (36 - 50) 6 - 10 --WTB- 5 (6)
Warrior's 75 - 95 (51 - 65) 11 - 15 --WTB- 9 (10)
Soldier's 100 - 145 (66 - 80) 16 - 25 (16 - 20) --WT-- 13 (15)
Lord's 150 - 195 (81 - 95) 26 - 40 (21 - 30) --WT-- 17 (19)
Knight's 200 - 245 (96 - 110) 41 - 60 (31 - 40) --WT-- 21 (23)
Master's 250 - 300 (111 - 125) 61 - 100 (41 - 50) --WT-- 25 (28)
Champion's 126 - 150 51 - 75 --WT-- 40
King's 151 - 175 76 - 100 --WT-- 28
% Armor Class
Prefix Range Occurence Qlvl
Vulnerable -100 - -51 AS---- 3
Rusted -50 - -25 AS---- 1
Fine 25 - 50 (20 - 30) AS---- 1
Strong 51 - 75 (31 - 40) AS---- 3
Excellent (Grand) 76 - 100 (41 - 55) AS---- 5 (6)
Valiant 101 - 125 (56 - 70) AS---- 9 (10)
Glorious 126 - 150 (71 - 90) AS---- 13 (14)
Blessed 151 - 200 (91 - 110) AS---- 18 (19)
Saintly 201 - 225 (111 - 130) AS---- 23 (24)
Miraculous (Awesome) 226 - 250 (131 - 150) AS---- 28
Holy 151 - 170 AS---- 35
Godly 171 - 200 AS---- 60
Resist Fire
Prefix Range Occurence Qlvl
Red 10 - 20 ASWTBJ 2 (4)
Crimson 21 - 30 ASWTBJ 8 (10)
Burgundy (Crimson) 31 - 40 ASWTBJ 14 (16)
Garnet 41 - 60 (41 - 50) ASWTBJ 20
Ruby 61 - 75 (51 - 60) ASWTBJ 26
Resist Lightning
Prefix Range Occurence Qlvl
Blue 10 - 20 ASWTBJ 2 (4)
Azure 21 - 30 ASWTBJ 8 (10)
Lapis 31 - 40 ASWTBJ 14 (16)
Cobalt 41 - 60 (41 - 50) ASWTBJ 20
Sapphire 61 - 75 (51 - 60) ASWTBJ 26
Resist general Magic
Prefix Range Occurence Qlvl
White 10 - 20 ASWTBJ 2 (4)
Pearl 21 - 30 ASWTBJ 8 (10)
Ivory 31 - 40 ASWTBJ 14 (16)
Crystal 41 - 60 (41 - 50) ASWTBJ 20
Diamond 61 - 75 (51 - 60) ASWTBJ 26
Resist All
Prefix Range Occurence Qlvl
Topaz 10 - 20 (10 - 15) ASWTBJ 5 (8)
Amber 21 - 30 (16 - 20) ASWTBJ 10 (12)
Jade 31 - 40 (21 - 30) ASWTBJ 17 (18)
Obsidian 41 - 60 (31 - 40) ASWTBJ 24
Emerald 61 - 75 (41 - 50) ASWTBJ (-SWTB-) 31
% Durability
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
Fragility -100 ASW--- 3
Brittleness -75 - -26 ASW--- 1
Studirness 26 - 75 ASW--- 1
Craftsmanship 51 - 100 ASW--- 6
Structure 101 - 200 ASW--- 12
Eternity (the Ages) Indestructible ASW--- 25
Many 100 ----B- 3
Plenty 200 ----B- 7
% Light Radius
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
the Dark -40 A-W--J 6
the Night -20 A-W--J 3
Light 20 A-W--J 4
Radiance 40 A-W--J 8
Damage Done
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
Quality 1 - 2 --W-BJ (--W-B-) 2
Maiming 3 - 5 --W-BJ (--W-B-) 6 (7)
Slaying 6 - 9 (6 - 8) --W--- 12 (15)
Gore 10 - 15 (9 - 12) --W--- 20 (25)
Carnage 13 - 16 --W--- 35
Slaughter 17 - 20 --W--- 60
Damage taken
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
Pain 4 - 2 AS---J 4
Tears 1 AS---J 2
Health -1 AS---J 2
Protection -2 - -3 (-2) AS---- 6
Absorption -4 - -6 (-3) AS---- 12
Deflection -7 - -9 (-4) A----- 20
Osmosis 5 - 6 A----- 50
All spell Levels
Prefix Range Occurence Qlvl
Angel's 1 ---T-J (---T--) 15
Arch-Angel's 2 ---T-J (---T--) 25
Extra Charges
Prefix Range Occurence Qlvl
Plentiful 2 ---T-- 4
Bountiful 3 ---T-- 9
Elemental Arrows
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
Flame 1 - 3 ----B- 1
Fire 1 - 6 (1 - 3) ----B- 5 (11)
Shock 1 - 6 ----B- 13
Lightning 1 - 10 ----B- 11 (21)
Burning 1 - 16 ----B- 35
Thunder 1 - 20 ----B- 60
Elemental Hit
Prefix Range Occurence Qlvl
Flaming 1 - 10 --W--- (--WT--) 7
Lightning 2 - 20 ---T-- (--WT--) 18
Attacker takes damage
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
Thorns 1 - 3 AS---J (AS----) 1
Spikes (PR & Beta only) 1 - 10 AS---J 14
% Mana leech (Beta & Retail only)
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
the Bat 5 (3) --W--- 8
the Vampire 10 (5) --W--- 14 (19)
% Life leech (Beta & Retail only)
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
the Leech 5 (3) --W--- 8
Blood 10 (5) --W--- 14 (19)
Damage target's armor
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
Piercing 2 - 6 --WTB- (--W-B-) 1
Puncturing 4 - 12 --WTB- (--W-B-) 9
Bashing 8 - 24 --WT-- (--W---) 17
Attack speed (Beta & Retail only)
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
Readiness 1 --WTB- 1
Swiftness 2 --WTB- 10
Speed 3 --WT-- 19
Haste 4 --WT-- 27
Hit Recovery (Beta & Retail only)
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
Balance 1 A-----J 1
Stability 2 A-----J 10
Harmony 3 A-----J 20
Blocking Speed (Beta & Retail only)
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl
Blocking 1 -S---- 5
Suffix Range Occurence Qlvl Effect
Corruption - ASW--- 5 User loses all mana.
Pox (PR & Beta only) - ---T-J 6 You can't heal
the Crusader (PR & Beta only) - --W--- 13 Exponential damage*
the Feather (Thieves) - AS---J 11 Half trap damage
the Bear - --WTB- 5 Knock enemies back
Vileness (PR & Beta only) - --WTB- 6 Enemy stops healing
* Beta text: "+200 damage vs. demons only."
Nameless effects with description (Beta & Retail only)
Effect description (Beta) Effect description (Retail)
See with infravision. See with infravision.
No strength requirement. No strength requirement.
Life stealing. Life stealing.
Constantly lose hit points. Constantly lose hit points.
Two handed item is one handed. One handed sword.
Faster attack swing. Faster attack swing.
Altered durability. Altered durability.
Unusual item damage. Unusual item damage.
Fires random speed arrows. Fires random speed arrows.
Hit monster doesn't heal. Hit monster doesn't heal.
All resistance equals 0. All resistance equals 0.
+200 damage vs. demons only +200% damage vs. demons.
You can't heal (NW). You can't heal.
- 10% of mana added to armor.
- Armor class added to life.