自杀随从 (Diablo II)


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Suicide Minion

The newest monsters created by Baal to serve in his army of destruction, they are stealthy, quick-footed, and unusually tough for their size. Bony knobs protrude from their thick hides, giving them added protection against melee weapons.

Additional Information

Suicide Minions are similar to Warcraft's Goblin Sappers. They attempt to charge you and blow up in your face doing significant damage, including a cold-chilling-damage explosion. Characters with low amounts of Life are often killed in one hit of a Suicide Minion. It's somewhat easy to fool these Suicide Minions by running around in circles until they blow up (like a Jet running from a heat seeking missile). Amazons can use Decoys, other classes with Minions can lead Suicide Minions into their Minions.

Suicide Minions deal no damage to Hirelings or Minions so you can exploit this to your advantage.

You don't get experience if they blow up.

Monster Stats

Suicide Minion
生命 抗性 伤害
普通 冠军/暗金
Fanatic Enslaved
Fanatic Enslaved (Diablo II).gif
普通 53-70 0 25 0 0 0 0 100% Bloody Foothills (31) -
噩梦 255-510 0 25 0 0 0 0 85% Bloody Foothills (58) -
地狱 1,121-2,242 130 66 15 0 25 15 75% Bloody Foothills (80) -
Berserker Slayer
Fanatic Enslaved (Diablo II).gif
普通 61-91 0 30 0 0 0 0 100% Arreat Plateau (33) -
噩梦 261-523 0 30 0 0 0 0 85% Frigid Highlands (59) -
地狱 1,144-2,288 33 105 15 0 25 15 75% Frigid Highlands (81) -
Consumed Ice Boar
Consumed Ice Boar (Diablo II).gif
普通 69-103 0 35 0 0 0 0 100% Pit of Acheron (36) -
噩梦 - 0 35 0 0 0 0 85% - -
地狱 - 140 33 15 0 25 15 75% - -
Consumed Fire Boar
Consumed Fire Boar (Diablo II).gif
普通 66-99 0 40 0 0 0 0 100% Infernal Pit (35)
Worldstone Keep Level 3 (35)
噩梦 268-619 0 40 0 0 0 0 85% Arreat Plateau (60)
Infernal Pit (62)
Worldstone Keep Level 3 (66)
地狱 1,144-2,472 33 110 15 0 25 15 75% Arreat Plateau (81)
Infernal Pit (83)
Worldstone Keep Level 3 (85)
Frenzied Hell Spawn*
Fanatic Enslaved (Diablo II).gif
噩梦 268-537 0 100 0 20 0 0 85% Arreat Plateau (60) -
地狱 1,144-2,288 33 115 15 20 33 15 75% Arreat Plateau (81) -
Frenzied Ice Spawn
Frenzied Ice Spawn (Diablo II).gif
普通 81-122 0 35 0 0 0 0 100% Worldstone Keep Level 2 (40) -
噩梦 303-606 0 35 0 0 0 0 85% Worldstone Keep Level 2 (65) Worldstone Keep Level 2
地狱 1,236-2,472 150 33 15 0 33 15 75% Worldstone Keep Level 2 (85) Worldstone Keep Level 2

*: Frenzied Hell Spawn are, like Hell Spawn, considered to be demons and not animals by the game.

暗黑破坏神2 怪物
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第二幕 跳跃者 • 圣甲虫恶魔 • 沙虫 • 沙虫之蛋 • 沙虫幼虫 • 秃鹰恶魔 • 群虫 • 剑齿猫 • 投石怪 • 木乃伊 • 巨型木乃伊 • 沙地骑士 • 蝙蝠恶魔 • 利爪腹蛇 • 狒狒恶魔 • 大笨兽 • 闪电螺旋 • 木乃伊石棺 • 火焰之塔 ---- ----
第三幕 小矮人巫师 • 巨大蚊子 • 刺木魔 • 青蛙恶魔 • 鬼火 • 白骨矮人 • 触角怪兽 • 撒卡兰姆狂战士 • 撒卡兰姆牧师 • 议会成员 ---- ----
第四幕 尖指法师 • 巨大恶魔 • 反刍者 • 遗忘骑士 • 邪恶之母 • 邪恶之子 ---- ----
第五幕 巴尔的仆从 • 自杀随从 • 巨锤死神 • 投石器 • 督军 • 恶魔妖精 • 攻城兽 • 堕落王 • 再生妖 • 女妖 • 冥河之怒 • 寒冰惊怖者 • 血之王 • 臭气污秽者 • 痛苦蠕虫 • 毁灭的仆从 • 腐烂的附肢 ---- ----
其他页面 暗黑2普通怪物 • 暗黑2冠军怪物 • 暗黑2金怪 • 暗黑2超级金怪
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暗黑破坏神 III
暗黑破坏神 II